We All Fall Down – Expectations set too high
by Ensign Kivan Ta'Gas (NPC) & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin

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Title   Expectations set too high
Mission   We All Fall Down
Author(s)   Ensign Kivan Ta'Gas (NPC) & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin
Posted   Tue Oct 07, 2014 @ 8:21pm
Location   The Box of Delights
Timeline   WAFD: Day 2 - 16:50 (following "Last Alien Standing")

Kivan Ta'Gas walked through the doors and looked around the establishment that he had heard so much about before finally coming onboard. Quite frankly he was underwhelmed. He expected to see a vibrant and active hub of entertainment, but many of participants he saw looked hardly interested. A few Ferengi here, drinkers there, it Kivan questioned whether he had come to the right place.

After watching the Andorian woman walk away, Yolanthe turned back into her bar, nearly bumping into the young man who had slipped in whilst she was contemplating the disease ridden promenade. "Hey, there. Welcome to the Box of Delights." He looked Cardassian, but then again, not quite Cardassian and wore a starfleet uniform so there was obviously more to this one that meant the eye. "Can I get you a drink?"

"Yeah, I'll take a glass of Kanar, chilled." He said casually as he made his way to the bar. He was still infuriated about what had happened between him and Getal. . .his so-called kin. Part of him wanted nothing more than to just take a phase coupler to his jugular or at the every least throw him over a railing.

"Ah, a man who knows his kanar." She reached for one of the older bottles where the syrupy texture of the younger bottles had turned to a stronger, more fluid liquid that would be highlighted by chilling. She gave him a generous measure over ice and put it in front of him. "There you go, sweetie." She looked at him. Was pretty sure he was new, at least new to the bar. She remembered most faces that came through her doors. "What's your name honey?"

Kivan looked up from his thought as the glass was placed before him. "Thank you," He said as he thought of how to appropriately respond. "My name is Kivan. . .Ensign Kivan Ta'Gas, Engineering" he finally got out.

"Well, Kivan. The first one's on the house, but be warned, this isn't some federation synthehol knockoff, it's the real deal from a distillery on Cardassia IV, so it will render you unfit for duty if you have more than one. Unless your shift's over. At which point let me say, welcome to my humble establishment and would you like to open a tab?"

Kivan took a sip of the drink. He waited several moments as the potent drink made its way down his throat. As he adapted to the taste he looked towards the woman speaking to him. Growing up on that rock gave me more than enough exposure to the strong variety of this." He said as he took another drink from the glass. Ever since the end of the War, Cardassia IV had become a major source of export for Kanar and other Cardassian products since Cardassia Prime was still rebuilding much of its infrastructure.

"Besides, after the day I've had, I need something to help me forget it." He said woefully.

"That bad? She rested her elbows on the bar and put the kanar bottle next to the ensign's glass. "Tell me all about it."

Kivan automatically reached for the bottle, but stopped and looked uncertainly at the barkeep.

"It's all part of the service sweet-pea. And I'm not exactly busy." She gestured with a finger to the unusually quiet Box. "So you've got all the time and kanar I have."

"Thank you," He said as he poured another glass. "You ever wanted to meet someone, someone that you had heard so much about? I mean, you feel like you ABSOLUTELY know the person. . .until you finally meet him?" He asked as he took a strong gulp from the glass.

She shook her head. "Not so much." And then she turned slightly grey, before shrugging and being her usual violet again

"Hmph. . .well I had the chance to meet one of my few living, if not the ONLY living relatives." He said as he took another sip. "The Famed Tharek Getal!" Kivan announced surly.

Yolanthe blinked. She'd never though of Tharek having family. "he let you down, huh?" She wasn't going to admit to having the Cardassian as a lover. The boy needed to talk, and that would probably shut him down.

"Let me down? Heh...based on everything I heard and what I now know. . .he's exactly who I thought he'd be." He said in between sips. "A self-serving, arrogant, sonovabitch!" He said, feeling less restrained and unbuttoning his uniform tunic.

She topped up his glass. "Tell me what happened."

"I went to introduce myself, since he is the last living relative I have left, and you know what he told me!?" Kivan asked.

"What did he tell you?"

"You haven't achieved anything for Cardassia. Why should I even recognize you?" Kivan said, trying his best to impersonate the older Cardassian. "As if. . .as if. . .as if I'm just a nobody or.or..or even a beggar who was scrounging for credits!" Kivan said incredulously.

Yolanthe pursed her lips, "But aren't you? from what you've just said, he's never met you, doesn't know you." moved the bottle to the side slightly and leant on the bar again. "And Cardassian's place family very highly, but not..." she had to think about the words, as it would likely offend the already upset young man. "You're not all Cardassian are you?"

"My mother was Bajoran," Kivan said defensively. "But that didn't stop my father did it?" He asked rhetorically. He winced lightly as the drink crossed over his lips and slowly went down his throat.

"You probably gave him a shock, to learn that one of his family was with a Bajoran."

"Really? A Cardassian shocked about being with a Bajoran? So I guess all those stories of 'comfort girls' were just folklore, huh?" Kivan said sarcastically. He wasn't surprised, Bajorans treated bi-racial orphans only slightly better than Cardassians. At least Bajorans acknowledged his existence.

"How does his shock justify giving me the cold-shoulder? Even if I was just a plain Cardassian off the street, why would he turn away his own kind? As if it is my fault that I was brought into this universe!" He tried to reason.

She gave him a sympathetic smile. " I know, sweetie, it sucks to be blamed for the actions of others." She pushed a strand of hair out of her eyes and thought for a moment. "Look. If you want a relationship with him, you have to play his game, show him what you've already done for Cardassia." She pushed upright, and picked up the bottle and pointed it towards him in an unspoken offer to top up. "And if you don't, does it matter? "

Kivan waited until the drink was replenished. He took a strong drink from the glass before looking at the darkened glass in his hand for several moments. Finally, he finished the drink and placed the glass firmly on the bar counter.

"AS the humans say, 'To Hell with him!'" Kivan said as he looked at the woman. "If he doesn't want anything to do with me, then he's just as dead as every other member of my family." he said intently.

"Except he's not," she pointed out

"What's that to mean?" He asked as he looked from the glass to her.

"It means, if you want, you get to change your mind."

Kivan looked at her for several moments, observing the slight change in color in her face before he looked back towards his empty glass. "I suppose. . ." he said half-heartily as he stood up and pushed away from the bar. "How much do I owe you for the drink?" he asked.

"On the house, sugar-plum. Your need I think, was greater than mine." She gave him a smile. "There's always next time."


Kivan Ta'Gas
Assistant Engineer

Yolanthe Ibalin
Owner, The Box of Delights