Unity – Deploying the Trojan Horse - Part 1
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Karen Villiers & Colonel James Darson & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant Commander Greo Tovon & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman & Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Sergeant Major Charles Doherty & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Lieutenant Vincent Tan

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Title   Deploying the Trojan Horse - Part 1
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Karen Villiers & Colonel James Darson & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant Commander Greo Tovon & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman & Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Sergeant Major Charles Doherty & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Lieutenant Vincent Tan
Posted   Mon Apr 05, 2010 @ 12:38am
Location   USS Trojan / USS Anubis / DS5
Timeline   SD17 - 13:10
"Aye Sir!" Ronald remarked as he swung his chair to face forwards and began to drop the cloak and feed power to the weapons array. "Weapons charging, cloak disengaged." He advised as he gave a nod to tactical and the captain.


= USS Anubis =
Lockhart was settled, running his fingers lazily over the PADD that his Yeoman had handed him and feeling relieved that the Admirals message had been safely delivered.

"Now we can get back to doing what we do without hindrance." He spoke aloud, but not so that his bridge crew could hear and sipped at the cold tea from the cup in his other hand when suddenly the tactical officer bellowed.

"Sir! Ship de-cloaking to our port, bearing 143, mark 38."

"Red alert!" Lockhart shouted as he instinctively folded in the arms of his chair and gave the half empty cup to a bridge member that was passing. "Shields and weapons. Helm, bring us about, one third impulse." He ordered, already working out his manoeuvres.

"Shields up, weapons charged. Torpedoes landed and ready." His tactical officer responded.

"One third impulse and coming about to bearing 143, mark 38." His helmsman advised.

"No response to hails and sir, there is no transponder signal." His comms officer reported.

"Keep hailing. If they do not respond in twenty seconds, I want warning shots fired and a single torpedo with minimum yield put across their bow." Lockhart ordered

= DS5 Ops =

Robert was running a diagnostic on that environmental controls, that were not responding within their usual parameters.

"They were fine earlier!" The moustachioed Flight officer retorted. "What have you done?" Bill teased.

"Nothing. One minute they're fine, the next, they're not. That's odd...." Rushtone paused, as the subroutines script rolled down the screen.

As Robert was about to say the script had been altered, the warning klaxons sounded.

Both Robert and Bill dashed to their own consoles.

"It's the Anubis, she's gone to red alert. There is an Ambassador class ship de-cloaking five thousand kilometers away. Weapons charged." Robert advised.

"Commander to Ops." Bill ordered as he tapped at his console, "Bringing the Guardian platforms and the AHDAs online." He advised as Davies appeared on the upper tier.

"Report?" He called out to the Operations crew.

"Sir, Ambassador class de-cloaking on bearing 143, mark 38. The Anubis is at red alert an on an intercept course. The Yellowstone and Declerk is also coming to bear. Guardian platforms will be online in twenty eight seconds and the AHDAs are ready to project." Bill advised.

Davies jumped down the stairs to the central rostrum. "Operations overview to the table." He ordered, "Signal red alert. All crew to battlestations and senior staff to their posts." Davies ordered as the alert began to sound. "And silence that alarm in OPs, we're all aware of the current situation. Stationwide!" He commanded.

"All hands, civilians and crew. An enemy vessel has just de-cloaked outside Deep Space Five. You are to report to your muster stations. All docking bays are to be sealed." He did not need to order a stationwide lockdown, that was already in progress. "Civilian members are to make their way to their quarters. Do not panic." He ordered, as the table lit, displaying the Guardian Platforms as ready. "Good job Mr Freeman!" He remarked to himself.

Jarred heard the call through the comm system, "Montana to DS5, operation homecoming is locked down, requesting instructions?"

Davies slapped the comms console. "Report to your station Lieutenant, but keep the engines warm." He stated, checking all the departments on the station. "Prepare phasers and torpedoes. We do not want to destroy the ship, and I want all hands on board brought ion alive." Davies stated, moving towards the tactical.
=^= "Lieutenant Tan to Ops." =^= He signaled, his attentions bouncing from console to console, as he could see that DS5 was not the target, the Anubis was.

Vincent nearly choked on his lunch for the second time that week. He was beginning to think that the base had something against shephard's pie. Looking down at his paunch, Vincent reflected that this might not be so bad after all. He pushed the dish away and placed a few notes on the pub table to cover the cost. =^= "I'm on my way, boss." =^=

"What now?" Karen asked arriving in Ops, listening as Lieutenant Bennet summarised the situation for her, "Taking potshots at DS5 seems to be a popular hobby around here, who do you think it is this time, Commander Davies?" she asked.

His eyes lifted to the viewscreen as his hands rested on the central table. "The biggest target out here." He remarked with a sullenness to his voice. My guess is that is our missing ship. What their intentions are, well, I think they are making a very pronounced statement at the moment." He said as Tan entered ops.
Lieutenant, full strategy contingency please." He requested as the man approached. "Commander, can you take control of the Guardian Platforms?" He asked Karen.

Villiers nodded and took the station. "Platforms are operational," she said, power readings were at full, weapons ready. She input her authorization and the weapons were live. "Standing by," she said, waiting as she adjusted to track the bearing of the approaching vessel which was still out of range.

Vincent rushed into his department and gave a hurried salute to Commanders Davies and Villiers. Given the circumstances laxity in formal protocol was a given. Directing an ensign away from his station with a firm hand, Vincent began catching up with the situation.

"I see one target, positively identified as an Ambassador class warship. Target hull integrity is at 100% and weapons are powering up," Vincent stated, in the hope that someone would correct him if he was reading things incorrectly. "There two - no! three - other large craft in the area. God, I hate merchant freighters! Piss poor timing, too!"

He practically screamed for someone to open a line with the freighter and tell it to get the hell of vicinity. As most of the others were busy, Vincent ended up doing it himself, phrasing the message in a very direct manner with colorful language added for emphasis.


"Son of a..." Bruce thought to him self. "Computer site to site Engineering." Bruce commanded the computer. It would have been to far to run and he didn't really want to be panting if the Commander called down to Engineering. He disappeared in a shimmer of light to be placed in his office. He walked out and walked over to the control panel. 'I hope this doesn't end up like our last little bit of fun.' He thought to himself remembering the War Game that had ended badly. He made sure that the defense systems were working correctly, once satisfied they were started to give commands to the Engineering crews so everyone would know where they needed to get to for damage control.


Gord held back the impulse to hit the Anubis with everything that they had. He knew that he wouldn't like the consequences of disobeying his orders. He decided to wait and find out what the captain wanted hit first.

Raymond felt alive for the first time since the mission had started. He was counting on the element of surprise to keep the Anubis' crew off guard. It would take several minutes for the vessel's tactical systems to reach full power. He was counting on that slight delay.

"Helm! Bring us about! Tactical, target their secondary systems. I don't care about their tactical capabilities right now, we need to make sure they won't be able to re-take the station after we get inside." Raymond stated as he stood in front of his chair and observed the situation.

The smile beamed on Gerrards face as he edged the thresholds of the unified power coils upwards. "Phasers are fully charged. Torpedoes loaded and ready. Recharge time on the phasers has been improved to .04 seconds sir. At your command."

"Ops! Hopefully our friend on the inside has prepared for our arrival and properly dealt with DS5's security systems. We don't have much longer to last against the Anubis, I want you to uplink to DS5's system and try to find the location of the core from the Romulan wreckage. Krah will need that once we're onboard the station and I doubt they'll be too wiling to share that information with us." Raymond ordered.

"Helm, keep us on our current course. Tactical, open fire on the Anubis, if we can punch through their shields just once that will make them back off slightly and re-evaluate their strategy." he added.

"Everybody else, prepare your teams for our transport over." He stated to the remainder of the crew on the bridge.

Greg stood up, as he looked at everyone heading to a turbolift, "If we don't find Wallace in the first five minutes we're screwed."

"We're ready," Krah said, brushing a hand through her hair; they would arrive at separate locations in the vicinity of their target and make their way to the rendezvous at the right time. As a group they might get caught but separately a sufficient number of the eight on her team were statistically likely to reach the lab. "Have fun making the ship's capture convincing," she said - quite an audacious distraction by anyone's standards.

Gerrard had a wicked grin on his face. "Transporters ready." He advised, reinforcing the port shields as they came about across the Anubis.

"Guardian platforms are coming to bear from DS5." He said as the grin widened. "There are 2 more ships approaching from bearing 344 an 356. Out of range at the moment, but we only an edge of around a minute." He advised.

{Aboard USS Montana}

"Warrant Officer Edwards, issue side arms to all the crew, Captain Flynn have the marines on board ready to repel boarding parties, Engineering put auxiliary systems to standby" Jarred paused as a petty officer handed him a PADD, "Tactical goto standby on phasers, and ready torpedoes."

{Marine HQ}
In the bowels of the Station, Flynn was already in the MTAC, and so mounted the stairs behind her and threw herself into the command chair. For some reason, the standard protocols for response to situations like this had mysteriously been changed so that the MCO was to report here instead. She immediately called for a report and began to assess the situation. As the Commander called down she hit the controls and responded,

=^= “Commander, I am deploying troops to designated areas...they’ll be there presently. In the meantime, we’ll continue to monitor the situation from here and maintain all information feeds.” =^=

She cut the channel and opened up another one to all Marines on the ship, =^= “Attention, Attention all Marine personnel on Deep Space 5. We are under attack by an unidentified vessel. Hands to designated actions stations, and prepare to repel boarders. This is not a drill, I repeat, this is not a drill.” =^= She set the alert to repeat via the computer and addressed her staff,

“Alright Marines, listen up. Give me a sit-rep. Show me the station, squad dispersal, sensitive areas, and senior staff. Include highlights of all security overlays and patrols.”

There was a wave of motion as the technicians set to work. The massive computer cores sprung to life and began crunching the data, and within not time the task was completed easily. The ultra-high resolution screen displayed a 3-d image of the station with its corresponding space. Almost overwhelming, it dominated the room. Flynn gazed at the screen, focusing on the dispersion the little green dots towards all the areas marked in red. She stared at Main Operations and the cluster of purple dots as a platoon of heavily armed Marines transported up there and began to set up a perimeter. She was making due with less than she would normally have, since Darson had taken basically a battalion with him on that mysterious training mission.

So she had diverted much of her resources to protection of here, the armory, Main Operations and Main Engineering. Anything else would just have to make due with a lesser guard for now. She moved her hand across the chair controls quickly, zooming in on the area of the battlefield.

“Report. Who’s out there?”

“Ma’am,” one of the techs responded, “We have two combatants. One is an Ambassador class vessel, unknown origin. The other is the Anubis. They are engaging each other as we speak.”

“And what of the other ships?”

“Freighters. They are moving to escape the combat zone.”

“Good…send them a warning anyway. Comms, copy all this to HIGHCOM on Earth, mark URGENT please. Send via a secure subspace frequency when you have a clear signal…somebody’s head is going to roll over how some group got a hold of an Ambassador class vessel.”

One of the technicians said suddenly, “Ma’am, we’re getting several anomalus readings from the security systems onboard…power spikes by the look of it.”

Flynn looked down at the Marine with confusion, but before she could address the issue, she saw two torpedoes flash out at the Anubis on screen.

“That looks like it could hurt.”

= USS Anubis =
Lockhart was not a happy Captain. His foot tapped at the deck floor.
"Full phasers, now!" He yelled to tactical as they turned about on the renegade craft.

"Incoming torpedoes. Brace for impact!" Came the reply from the tactical.

The ship shook and lights dimmed. A panel erupted to the rear of the bridge.

=^= "Bridge, we just lost manoeuvring thrusters. Shields are down to 29% and the reactor needs to be taken offline." =^= Engineering reported.

"What!" Lockhart screamed as he jumped from his chair. "Two torpedo hits and we are disabled!" His face reddened. "Helm, bring us about." He ordered.

"Sir, without manoeuvrings thrusters, it will take us a while." She advised without turning to the Captain."

Lockhart took a long, deep breath as his hands came to his hips.

"Comms, channel to DS5." He requested through gritted teeth.

"DS5, Anubis has been disabled. We have lost our manoeuvring thrusters and cannot continue" ~had we started~ he thought, "to render aid to you momentarily. The Yellowstone and Declerk are a minute or so out, so it's up to you." The Captain advised as he slumped into his central chair.

= DS5 Ops =

Davies shook his head. Had he not seen it with his own eyes, he would not have believed it possible to disable a ship so readily with just 2 torpedoes.

"Captain, thanks. It appears though they have fortitude on their side today. As soon as this is over, head into our repair bay. DS5 out." He tapped at the comm and forwarded vectors and reports to the remaining 2 vessels.

"Commander, platforms." Davies requested to Villiers.

= USS Trojan Horse =

"Looks like we just got a boon." Raymond stated as he saw the current stats of the Anubis. "We've got about a minute before the other vessels arrive." he said as he turned back to the view screen.

"Helm! Lay in a course for DS5. Tactical, soon as we are in range, open fire on the weakest point in their shields. We just need to punch a hole and transport Krah's team first." Raymond stated.

*COM* "Krah, we're going to send you over first to search for the Romulan Core. The remainder of us will proceed with the plan of being captured. Once we ALL are onboard, we will carry-out the rest of the plan." he said into the comm unit.



USS Trojan
Captain Raymond Wier - Gabriel
Commander - Melia Krah - Karen
Helmsman / Flight Greg Keeler - Jarred
Ops - Ronald Gerrard -Mark
Weapons specialist Ryouske Nakayagi - Darson
Tactical - Gord Jowanl - Freeman
Bridge Officer - Dunham
Quartermaster - Tan'Rek - Chelsea

Captain Lockhart - Mark

Commander David Davies

Commander Karen Villiers
Executive Officer

Lt. Bruce Freeman

Captain Flynn
By Colonel Darson