Interlude – Pride Goes Before
by Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin

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Title   Pride Goes Before
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin
Posted   Sun Jun 13, 2010 @ 4:54pm
Location   Yolanthe & Klia's qurters
Timeline   SD20 0400

Yolanthe leant the bat'leth against a chair, and emptied her pockets on the sideboard of the quarters she shared with Klia as quietly as she could. The chronometer said that station time was gone four am, and she suspected Klia would have gone to bed by now. She was wrong. The Orion put her head out of her bedroom door almost as soon as the Bokkai had put the first handful of change down.

"Where have you been? Did he find you? What did he try? Did you have to hurt him? Tell me you let him down gently!"

Yolanthe blinked as questions buffeted her. "You know. I understand the individual words, but none of that actually made sense." She sat down on the couch and kicked off her shoes, digging blue toes into the deep piled rug.

"The Cardassian ambassador. Did he find you?"

"We crossed paths in the arboretum. I didn't get the impression he was looking for me. He'd come down from some quiet time I thought. He was still there when I went to Q'uits."

"Huh?" Klia's train of thought derailed sharply. "He was definitely looking for you in the Box. Looking to annex your underwear for the Cardassian Union in my opinion."

"I think you must have been mistaken." Yolanthe shook her head.

The Orion snorted. "I don't think so. I know when a man is looking for some action; you've obviously been out of the game so long you've forgotten what it looks like."

The Bokkai ran the evening's episode back in her mind, and held her first conclusion. "I've been propositioned plenty of times, and that wasn't what happened at all. We exchanged a few pleasantries, and then he settled down and I went to watch the cage fights."

Klia pursed her lips. He'd out and out bribed her to find out where Yolanthe was. And then went to look at trees? There was something wrong with that picture. "I think we need to watch that one. He's up to something."

Yolanthe shrugged. "I can handle him. I have him by the Kanar." She grinned wickedly at the Orion, "Besides, let him be up to something if it makes him feel better. It makes him more interesting."

Klia gasped, shocked. "You like him." She looked at Yolanthe's skin, which was changing hue as they spoke. "Don't bother denying it. it is literally written all over you!"

"Okay, I like him. I can look him in the eye without getting a sore neck, and he's cute when he's angry."

Klia was stunned, she tried to reply but only a gasping wheeze of shock came out. She tried again "But, but... For crying out loud how can you be so naive?"

"Why are you bothered?" Yolanthe looked down at her hands, now more rose coloured than blue. "It doesn't change anything. I'm not interested in that right now. I'm just going to enjoy the view." Klia opened her mouth to protest, but the Bokkai cut her off. "You know how this story goes. They ask me out, I say no, they sulk for a bit, and then you sell the more persistent ones one of your 'custom' holoflicks, and they leave me in peace."

Klia sighed. "I don't think this one's going to take no for an answer, and since Cardassians are all twisted evil sods who turn into rampaging tyrants when they don't get what they want, I just know it’s going to bite you in the bum."

"Don't be ridiculous. Ambassador Getal might be a little-"

"Arrogant." Klia interrupted

"Spirited," Yolanthe replied. "But I don't think he's the kind of man to get all clichéd about wanting what he's not going to get. Even if he is cute when he's angry."

Klia sank down on the sofa next to her best friend and rested her head against Yolanthe's arm. "Just be careful. Promise?"

The taller woman put an arm around her and gave her a hug. "I promise."

If she'd taken Klia a little more seriously at that moment, she would have been prepared for Getal's next move.


Yolanthe Ibalin & Klia
Owners of the Box of Delights,