Interlude – Intruder Alert - Part 1 - Seige
by Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Commander Chelsea Dunham

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Title   Intruder Alert - Part 1 - Seige
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Commander Chelsea Dunham
Posted   Thu Sep 02, 2010 @ 12:12pm
Location   Romulan Embassy
Timeline   SD33

Chelsea had thought further about the Romulan Embassy staff and the increased security that seemed to be shutting out more of Isha's station friends from her journalist days. She decided to go and do something. Even Rh'vaurek hadn't kept the friends apart, quite the contrary, so what had gone wrong since he left?

Marching resolutely into the foyer of the Romulan complex, the Terran, Federation Chief Medical Officer planted her feet and asked politely to see the Ambassador.

i-Orinwen looked the visitor up and down. "Do you have an appointment?" she asked. The doctor was on a list of guests specifically not to be admitted. It had been circulated a few days earlier from the offices of the Kiith Mrevhoqq`ghi and had such a high level seal of approval that Nahir was not going to be the one to go against the order.

"No, I couldn't get any of your people to give me one. I wish to speak to the Ambassador to ensure that she knows I have been calling her. I doubt that she would ignore all my calls if she *did* know, so i suspect someone...." she raised an eyebrow pointedly. "is failing to deliver them, or perhaps, at worst, possibly even blocking them deliberately?" She put her right hand on the desk, the middle finger bearing the family ring that Isha had given her. ~so? what are you going to do about this?~ she thought defiantly as the woman looked her up and down disdainfully, then looked at the ring and then back at Chelsea again.

"I can't admit anyone without an appointment," Nahir said. Where had she got that? she wondered, Was it real? The big problem was that even if she slipped an appointment in, the Ambassador's diary was being screened Nahir could not take the risk, everyone knew what had happened the last time someone was admitted to the Ambassador's presence that she objected to.

"Then I'll see her here" Chelsea replied simply. "Please get her on the comm and tell her i've come to see her. If I hear her say no, I'll leave. Does that work for you?"

"You don't understand," Nahir protested, "Even if I wanted to let you in I can't it will become known." Nahir could see her career slipping away from her. If she let the doctor in then it would be noted ... but she also wanted to get back in the Ambassador's 'good-books' ... and if the ring and its inscription were genuine then she would be even more furious with her if she sent the woman away...

"Wait here," Nahir said hoping that nobody else would turn up and that the security staff would not ask her too many questions. She slipped back and requested admission to the Ambassador's suite, somewhere she had never been before and likely never would again.

And when Nahir returned to the reception area it was in Isha's wake.

"Commander Adams," she said grasping Chelsea's hands, "Come in. What a coincidence that I happened to be making my way back to my apartment just as you called," she said pointedly.

Nahir breathed a sigh of relief. She had feared that the Ambassador would use this as an excuse to do her harm after what she had done.

Isha waved the security team away, "You might as well examine me as the doctor," she said dismissively. Of course they were only doing their job, but that made it no less of an annoyance.


"Its been ten days at least since I saw you," Isha said as the main door of her apartment closed behind them.

"I did *try* to see you earlier, but I'm sure your security blanket smothered my messages. That's why i was so rude as to barge in here today. I apologise, my dear Isha for the intrusion but it seemed the only way." Chelsea explained a little sheepishly.

"How are you feeling? Is the pregnancy going well? Have you spoken to Rh'vaurek? Is your mother still here?" she paused. "I'm sorry to fire 50 questions at you. One at a time? How are you?" she backtracked, taking the opportunity now that the door was closed on the eyes all around them out there, to offer a hug to her best friend. "I have missed you!" she admitted into Isha's hair as she gave and received a long awaited embrace.

"You're here now," Isha replied not sure why messages from Chelsea would not reach her. There was something i-Orinwen had said when she came in and asked if the Ambassador would see Adams, something in the phrasing of the request but she couldn't put her finger on it right now.

"May I offer you some refreshment?" she asked not sure that she wanted to let her friend go. "I was terribly selfish and I asked the kitchen to delay preparation of the staff lunch to make me feiiha I'm sure there'll be more than enough for two. Shall I pester them to hurry up?"

"No, don't rush them on my account, please." Chelsea grinned affectionately. "Unless you're in a hurry to get rid of me? Now I have you to myself I was going to indulge in some selfishness of my own and take up as much of your time as I can swing it for! I really *have* missed you, Isha! By the way, what is feiiha?"

"Little pastries, I asked for lyhori, dubyhl and tehlke, they're quite delicious when they're hot. Do sit down and I'll bring the drinks over," Isha was aware that she felt unaccountably nervous, perhaps it was a result of the stress she had been under and the feeling that for the first time she was with someone from whom she did not have to hide it.

Chelsea sat, looking about the room and being reminded of a lot of things all in a rush. She took in a deep breath and pushed the memories back. "Actually, it hasn't been quite so long really, Rick and I did come to your party for Rhianni which was an amazing affair! You must have been incredibly busy putting all that together!"

A moment later Isha brought the tray and placed it on the coffee table before sitting on the same sofa as Chelsea, itself a gesture of familiarity. "Was it terribly dull?" she asked, knowing how much of an ordeal Rianni had found hte gathering. "All things considered, Chelsea, I am doing very well," she said. "There has been so much business to take care of recently that I have hardly had time to breathe. Almost everyone has departed now," she added, it had been nice to be among family for a short while at least.

"I can imagine but you *are* taking care of yourself aren't you?" Chelsea rolled her eyes and answered herself without needing to hear Isha's response. "No, of course not. Which is one of the reasons I'm here."

"My own medics saw to my knee," she said, there was not much else she could say about that night, "I told them I fell. I'm in one piece," Isha added with a half smile. It was true if one discounted the emotional fractures.

"I know you have medics of your own but it's like these are my niece and nephew, although I probably shouldn't presume relationship, it's probably a crime punishable by worse than death in Rihansu culture." she gave a sheepish smile.

"You may presume whatever you wish, you've earned that right," Isha said as she kicked off her shoes and tucked her legs beneath her. Isha had barely come to terms with the idea of having twins let alone considering what their sex would be,, "One of each ... how terribly efficient of me," she smirked. "You didn't say."

"Really? Didn't i already tell you their sex? Ah, well, it's too soon to be sure. I could be wrong..... " she backtracked.

"I'm sure we will only be certain when they arrive. There has been no discomfort," Isha added, sure that the doctor would want to know, "at least none other than what my mind makes me remember. I'm keeping them quite safe, and t'Merek will barely allow me to walk through to my office without an escort. Tea?" Isha reached for the pot.

"Yes please." Chelsea replied. "How was it having to have your mother here? No wonder you're tired!" she smiled.

"Tense in parts," Isha replied as she poured. "We're much too similar to have an easy relationship, but it was nice to spend some time among one's peers. It is always necessary to keep one's distance with the embassy staff. Of course my mother and I invariably get involved in a debate about precedence." Isha handed the first cup to Chelsea before pouring her own, "and invariably I acquiesce because it is so much easier. We had quite a turnout so I was able to catch up with some family a little closer to my own age too. Really, if someone had chosen that day to plant a bomb in the bar the succession of the House of Khellian would have been thrown into turmoil.," Isha said dryly.


A JP Between:

Isha t'Khellian
Just being Isha


Lt Cmdr Chelsea Adams