Incommunicado – A taste of the local culture (Part 4).
by Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal

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Title   A taste of the local culture (Part 4).
Mission   Incommunicado
Author(s)   Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal
Posted   Sat Jun 30, 2012 @ 1:38am
Location   The Box of Delights, Promenade Level 2.
Timeline   SD57, 2100 hours.

"Told you this place wasn't for the quiet. The Cardassians are downstairs, under your feet in fact, though the actual doors are a little way down."

"Thanks for the heads up." replied Relma "I'll do my best to stay out of their way." He immediately, almost sub-consciously, scanned the bar for Cardassians and hunched his shoulders over, adopting a more defensive posture. "I can't promise I won't react to provocation if we do meet." he muttered almost under his breath.


Almost as if cued, Getal burst in and was glared at by more than a few patrons. The rest of the customers just turned as if not to provoke the giant lizard. "Yolanthe." He spoke clearly and confidently when he got to the bar, but with such a tone that it was almost romantic, seductive even.

Hearing the arrogant tone he almost instinctively knew the speaker was a Cardassian. Turning his head, Relma shot the man a glance which it was surprising was not lethal - almost having daggers within it. The man's timing had been impeccable and Meryn hoped he had not heard his previous comment. He lifted the already empty glass to his lips and motioned as if to drain it - taking a single extra drop from it. Standing, he nodded to the proprietor and said "Thank you very much, Miss, for your welcome and hospitality."

"A pleasure, And I look forward to seeing you again." The colour changing bartender was turning a rich imperial purple.

Wheeling away from his seat and taking his first step towards the exit the Bajoran's path was blocked by the Cardassian's frame at the side of his stool. He cleared his throat to try and subtly draw the Cardassian's attention to the fact he was to his side and in need of getting past.

"Can I help you?" Getal's frame was huge, the same height as Yolanthe, just bulked out with muscle.

Meryn knew that this man was probably attached to the diplomatic mission, so he should probably be extremely polite, but he couldn't tone his natural aggression down quite that far. "I just need to get past." He glared at the man directly in the eyes - which were at almost exactly the same height.

Getal grabbed the man by the shoulder once eye contact had been established. Keeping the eye contact, he brought the Bajoran in closer. "I know you... "

Relma shrugged the man's hand straight off his shoulder with a swift movement of his torso and arm. "I'm flattered. You're still in my way..." he paused and with a real vitriol growled the nicety, in the circumstances, "Sir."

Getal still kept the lock on Relma's eyes. "You... You were from the Occupation.. " Tharek reminisced as he spoke about the man. "Your name... " He began but was cut off immediately.

"Yes, yes I was. If you know me from then I'll be Relma Meryn, Borath Resistance Cell. Now get out of my way before I snap your scaly neck." growled Relma back - his voice rising enough that the confrontation began to draw the attention of the other people around the bar - including the proprietor.

"Gentlemen!" There was a warning in the warm tone, the voice an indulgent mother would use with a naughty toddler, She came out from behind the bar, "We're all friends here. And I wouldn't want to put my best customer and my newest customer on a warning the same night." She slid up to the Cardassian's side. "I'm sure the Chief was just in a hurry to visit the temple before all the Vedeks went to bed. The new kanar is in, why don't you come and sample some?"

"Thank you, Miss." Replied the Bajoran - his voice's tone totally changing from the hostility with which he had addressed the Cardassian to a much sweeter and happier tone. He turned his head back to face the Cardassian and glared once more - waiting for him to get out of the way.

Getal moved to the side, Yolanthe still attached to his hip. "Relma Meryn... " Getal's face was genuinely surprised. He had heard of this man. He would hear more or this man too. But, for the moment, he returned to his colourful mistress. "Yes, Kanar. Please, my love."

"Thank you." Growled Relma as he moved past the man. The man's comment rankled. For one thing: why was he calling the woman 'my love' beyond the natural Cardassian arrogance, for another, and more importantly, how and why did this man know his name and face from the Occupation. He'd been a minor member of a relatively minor cell - and if the Obsidian Order had known their names at the time then surely the group would not have survived. So why did this arrogant butcher know his name. As he began to move off and reached a safe distance he muttered "F***ing Cardassians" to himself, before beginning his trip to the temple below.


Chief Warrant Officer First Class Relma Meryn
Chief Operations Officer


Yolanthe Ibalin
The Box of Delights


Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal
Cardassian Ambassador