Beg, Steal or Borrow – Getting Started
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Lieutenant Vincent Tan

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Title   Getting Started
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Lieutenant Vincent Tan
Posted   Mon Jul 27, 2009 @ 11:57pm
Location   DS5
Timeline   SD9 0945

Chris walked down the hall after checking in with the doctor and commander and was ready to get started on anything something to get his mind off that letter. He he tapped his combadge when he entered the turbo lift he paused before saying the deck to make sure the LT. had time to see him. Chris said "Warrant Officer Christopher Hudnall to Lieutenant Tan?"

"Tan here," Vincent grunted. He had had two coffees already but was still feeling a little worse for wear. He had after all pulled a twenty hour day, starting off on the USS Thor-A. He silently cursed Gabriel for robbing him of his sleep last night, especially with an exploding piece of Romulan rubbish. "What is it Hudnall?"

"Commander said that I should check in with you sir, I was wondering if you had time to fit me in?"

"Sure," Vincent said automatically. He gave it some more thought. "Why don't I meet you in Tactical and we'll take it from there?"

"Ok sir" Hudnall said as he tapped his combadge and started toward Tactical.

Vincent looked up from a console as he heard the doors behind whoosh open. He had seen Hudnall briefly the previous night but had not formally met him. "Over here, Mr. Hudnall," he said, using the proper honorific for a warrant officer that distinguished them from other enlisted personnel.

"Much better to meet under these circumstances, isn't it?" Vincent chuckled. "As you already know, I am Vincent Tan, the Chief of Strategic Operations. I've only been here for a few more hours than you have, but I'll do my best to answer any questions you may have."

Chris walked over and said "Thanks" with a smile "nice to meet you I'm Warrant officer Christopher Hudnall" Chris said he looked around the room before telling the Lieutenant his news "I shall not be aboard for long, I will be transferring to the USS Daedalus when it docks."

"Good for you, Mr. Hudnall," Vincent said, secretly wishing he too could leave. "I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavours and thank you for your assistance in the short time you have been on board DS5."

"Thanks again." Chris smiled, "Better get what information I can about tactical before I disappear!" He replied, watching the Lieutenant who appeared both tired and exasperated. "Are you alright, sir?" He asked with obvious concern in tone.

"I need sleep, that's all," Vincent reassured the younger man. "But so does everyone else on the station. Hopefully everything will be back to normal in a few days."

Chris grinned and said "I can understand that, especially after the journey I just had. Better make my way to the tactical stations." He said with a cheery wave whilst looking down at the directions on his PADD.

Chris Hudnall
Finished by Tasha.

Vincent Tan