Incommunicado – To The Summit
by Commander Rakka & Lieutenant JG Petro

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Title   To The Summit
Mission   Incommunicado
Author(s)   Commander Rakka & Lieutenant JG Petro
Posted   Wed Sep 05, 2012 @ 7:29pm
Location   Holosuite
Timeline   SD58, 1400h
The holodeck doors opened onto a grassy meadow, partly shadowed by a looming, rocky cliff that stretched far above the Nausicaan and the J'naii. At the base of the cliff was a rack holding several types of rappelling equipment. Rakka didn't always use the ropes and harnesses when she used this program--there was something in her that enjoyed the exhilaration of tumbling toward the holographic earth, a tickle in her stomach, knowing but never entirely believing that the safety protocols would save her body from being shattered.

"Are you afraid of heights?" she asked.

Petro looked up at the rocky surface they were facing. It seemed to go on forever. She looked at Rakka then back at the rock, wondering just how far up it went. Without taking her eyes off the vanishing point she replied. "Not as long as you're with me." Petro brought her gaze down again, looking for anywhere that she could use to grasp and climb. It wasn't until she was looking closer to the ground that she was able to make out some grip locations.

Rakka looked down on the little J'naii with great pride at her willingness to take on a new challenge. "Did you want a harness, or shall we climb freely?"

Petro smiled. "Since this is my first time, I think I'll opt for the Harness." She lowered her face a little, "If that's not too cowardly."

"Not at all," Rakka assured her, picking out a small harness and attaching a sturdy carabiner. "It's perfectly... normal. Now just... put your, uh... legs through these loops...."

Petro followed the directions as Rakka gave them. The way that the straps tangled and twisted she wasn't sure she would ever get unwound. "Is that supposed to go there?" refering to a strap that was tucked between her thigh and running between her legs and attacked at neither location.

"Uhhh, it's, uhh.... almost right," Rakka stammered, kneeling down in front of her. "If I may just, um... if it's all right, I'll just... adjust this....."

With hands that tried very hard to be steady, and not to touch anything other than straps, Rakka gently shifted the harness, ensuring the straps around and between Petro's legs were in place, and tightened all the buckles.

"Does that, uh... feel okay? Secure... not too tight?" she asked, her voice cracking a little.

"It feels, okay I guess." Petro replied. I'm not sure how it should feel but it's not uncomfortable or loose."

"Okay," Rakka said breathily, rubbing her hands together and standing again. For a moment there was a gleam in her eye that perhaps only Petro would recognize as amusement. "Ummm... I want to try... just one thing. Relax completely...."

In one smooth movement Rakka hooked three fingers through the carabiner on the front of Petro's harness and lifted until the J'naii dangled a few feet off the ground, held perfectly at her center of gravity.

The only reaction from Petro was a smile as she looked at Rakka, face to face, then down at the ground around her.

Rakka settled her back on the ground and pointed to the row of rubbery shoes on the rack. "Those are great for climbing. Want to find a pair that fit you?" She took the largest pair for herself.

Petro walked over to the rack and began looking through the shoes. She wasn't sure what size she should wear so she would pick up a pair and place it against the bottom of her foot. When she found a pair that seemed to match, she tried them on. "Should they be loose?" she asked, pretty sure they shouldn't be as she removed them and looked for a smaller pair.

"Oh no, they should fit like a glove," Rakka replied. Out of curiosity she placed one of her shoes next to Petro's feet and gasped. "Oh--you are so tiny! Computer--please add a pair of Type 1 Rock Climbing Shoes fitted to Lieutenant Petro's measurements."

The computer acknowledged, and an additional pair of shoes appeared. Rakka picked them up and examined them.

"Do your feet really fit in these?" she marvelled. "I can barely get my fingers in there!"

Petro took the shoes and slipped them on her feet. "Like a glove." she said with a smile.

"Perfect... just perfect." Rakka turned back to the equipment and picked two small pouches, clipping one to each of their harnesses. "Chalk powder," she explained. "Use it on your hands if they get sweaty and you'll have a better grip."

Next she approached the two rope ends hanging from the cliff, tieing one to Petro's carabiner in an efficient figure-eight knot, and looped the other through a belaying device attached to her own harness.

"I'm going to belay for you," Rakka said, "which means I'll be below you taking up the slack in the rope as you climb. If you should lose grip, or need a rest, I'll lock the rope and you can dangle safely until you're ready to continue. Once you get to the first ledge where you can stand I'll come up and join you. We'll make it to the top that way--sound good?"

Petro looked up the rockface again. "I suppose," she replied, the uncertainty coming out clearly. "So I just grab onto whatever I can, right?"

"Whatever you can," Rakka agreed. "You should be able to find plenty of hand- and footholds. The program is designed that way."

The little J'Nai nodded. "Alright," she said and moved to find the first hand and foot holds. After a moment or two of studying the rock face, she began to climb. It felt strange, the texture of the rock against her skin and the smell of dust in her nostrils. It took her a little effort to pull herself up to the next hand hold and then the one after that. She pulled her tiny body up, barely resting any weight on her feet because she could barely get any kind of real foot hold. It was awkward trying to get her feet in a position to where she could balance.

"You're doing fine," Rakka called up. "Try to put your feet where your hands were."

Petro followed her friends instructions. "Does it hurt your arms?" she asked thinking that Rakka's arms are a lot stronger than hers. "My arms are burning." She still had trouble balancing on her feet, the sides of her feet not wanting to allow her to put weight on them.

"Well... I guess you're... just not used to it," the Nausicaan replied. "I'll hold the rope if you want to take a rest. Or... did you want to quit? I suppose... rock climbing is not for everyone...."

"Quit?" Petro asked, as though the word was a foreign concept. "I'll figure it out." She started again, a renewed stamina driving her forward. If rock climbing was something Rakka enjoyed then she was going to learn how to do it. As the climbed, pulling herself up hold by hold, her foot accidentally found a foot-hold with her toe.

She tested the balance and the pressure and was able to relax her arms considerably. She decided to test it and brought her other foot up and was able to push her body with her legs. "That's easier," she said, more to herself than to Rakka. The new found method allowed her to climb faster with less fatigue. She reached the first ledge and was able to sit comfortably on the edge.

"Well done!" Rakka called. "I'm coming up now!"

The Nausicaan scrambled up to the ledge to meet her with the ease of an ape in a jungle, and then sat beside Petro, cinching up the rope as she arrived.

"I guess I'm not much of an instructor," she said apologetically, "unless it's about combat. But anyway... you're doing very well."

"Thanks, I'm just trying do what you enjoy." She looked out at the horizon. "Beautiful."

Rakka nodded and took Petro's hand. "It gets better... the higher you go. But if you like... we can just stay here a while."

Petro gathered her breath. "I'd love to see the summit."

Pleased with her friend's bravery, Rakka squeezed her hand gently. "Whenever you're ready, then. It will be worth it."

The feminine J'Naii rose to her feet and faced the rock. "Here we go." She found her first foot hold and aimed for the next hand hold. This time the climbing went easier and she was able to use her legs to propel herself upward. Though Not as adept at climbing as Rakka she still covered a considerable distance in a short amount of time. She looked down to her friend. "How am I doing?" she yelled. the higher they climbed the more wind she could feel.

"Wonderfully!" Rakka called back. "I think you are a natural climber!"

It meant alot to hear her say that and inspired her to continue climbing. The burning in her arms were hardly noticeable and the feel of the rock on her feet actually felt good. She chalked her hands again and made for the next ledge only to find that between her and it - nothing.

"I think I've stalled." She called down to Rakka. "There aren't any grips up here."

Rakka scanned the cliff. "You can climb down a little and try a different route up... or, if you like, I can come help you!"

Climbing up was one thing. Scooting along sideways was quite another. "Perhaps the latter would be better."

"Okay, hold tight!"

Rakka began to ascend, letting go of the cliff with one hand every few steps to cinch up the rope in case Petro lost her grip. Finally swinging up to Petro's level, she scanned the cliff above and spotted a handhold a little out of her friend's reach. Hefting herself up she gripped the rock with one hand and stretched out the other to Petro.

Petro looked at the hand, uncertain of what she should do. She placed her small meta-tarsels into Rakka's considerably larger ones and held her breath.

Rakka hefted her up like a doll. "Grab my back," she instructed.

Petro did as she was tole, holding on tight and feeling a small amount of helplessness not having the rock to scratch her fingertips.

Now piggybacking her small friend, Rakka let go of the ropes and focused on climbing safely to the next ledge.

The J'Naii closed her eyes when the Nausicaan released the ropes and her breath froze in her lungs as the climb began. She felt a little like flying, holding on to her friend, as they ascended. She forced herself to open her eyes but when she did she could not figure out how Rakka was climbing. She didn't see footholds or handholds. To her it was a blurred sheer rock wall.

The Nausicaan reached the summit and crawled up sideways to allow Petro an easy dismount. "Was that okay?"

"It was," Petro searched for the right word. She didn't want Rakka to know that it scared her because at the same time it felt oddly stimulating. "breathtaking." She finally said. She looked out toward the horizon and smiled. "It's like nothing I've seen before." Then she looked down and instantly grabbed Rakka's arm. It was illogical to be afraid for two reasons. One, she was on a holodeck and two, space was a lot higher up than any rock formation. Then again, in space you float. "How do we get back down?" she asked, still gripping her friends arm.

"Well... you just sort of... slide back down on the rope. Or... we can end the program."

The thought of climbing back down was not something that Petro wanted to focus on. "I'm not sure how to do that." She replied, trying to find a way out of doing it without Rakka thinking that she was a coward. She could barely breathe even as she said the words but tried to smile none the less.

Rakka didn't miss the trepidation in her friend's eyes, and though the Nausicaan was largely lacking in social graces and not the sharpest knife in the drawer, she knew she had to avoid embarrassing her little friend. Petro had already been very brave in attempting this sport; pushing her further might do more harm than good.

"I don't usually bother," Rakka replied. "I just like to... sit here... and enjoy the view. It's nice to have... company... for this. Good company."

Petro smiled and rested her hand on top of Rakka's. She looked out at the vista, taking it all in. "Good company," she whispered.


Cdr. Rakka
Security Consultant/Trainer


LT JG Petro
Communications Officer