Unity – Introductions
by Commander Richard Dunham & Ensign Piers Madigan

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Title   Introductions
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Commander Richard Dunham & Ensign Piers Madigan
Posted   Tue Jan 05, 2010 @ 11:06am
Location   Stellar Cartography
Timeline   SD16 18.30

Dunham frowned as he looked at his padd. He typed away at it as he worked through the corridors of Deep Space Five. He was heading to stellar cartography, to get up to date information local solar anomalies, for his next deep space patrol with the fighter squad. As he entered their seemed to be nobody about bar from one Starfleet officer he did not recognise, “Hello” he asked questioningly. But with a frank smile on his face.

Piers was frantically inputting updated coordinates, astrophysical constants and more efficient equations (mostly of his own invention). He thankfully knew how to isolate these so that they would be enabled only when he was on duty, or when viewing a map of his own creation. He nearly jumped out of his skin when he was inquired upon. He panted, clutching a hand to his chest, as he regarded the arrival.

"Y-you scared me, Lieutenant!"

"Sorry about that. Hello Ensign" said Dunham holding out his hand for a warm handshake. "Sorry I was a bit suprised not to find the usual guy here. I'm Richard Dunham its a pleasure to meet you. Are you new to this neck of the woods?"

Piers strode forward, meeting Dunham's hand with his own. "Yessir. I just arrived a few hours ago, straight from Earth, as it were. Ensign Piers Madigan, sir." His words were quick, his breath still coming in pants from being startled like that. He liked the look of Dunham.

"Chill out Madigan. This isn't an inspection or anything, relax" he said with a smile. "I'm with fighter command, I'm just looking to update my star charts with the latest Stellar information." he indicated the padd in his hand.

Piers chuckled nervously.

"Well, Lieutenant, I have a f-few, uh, configurations that you might find beneficial. Not that they're really, um, approved by Starfleet, but they're more efficient than those that you'd find built into the database. More, um, f-fine-tuned and precise than normal."

"Brilliant. What ever you think may be useful Piers." said Dunham with a smile.

"W-well," Piers responded, disarmed at being met with approval, "I have a few updated stellar activity charts that should accurately map the behavior of the 8 nearest stars for the next 3 months, so that you can plan your maneuvers in advance."

"That sounds like fine work Mr Madigan, it's something us fly boys could use. Tell me on another subject have you met your new boss yet, Tovon?"

"Oh, Commander Tovon? I like him!" Piers looked from side-to-side nervously, as if expecting Tovon to pop out of a computer panel.

"Well, for the time I spoke with him. He was very busy when I arrived."

Dunham nodded as the ensign spoke, "Going out on any missions with him?"

"I am going with him on one of the R-Runabouts tomorrow morning to investigate DS5's famous anomaly. It fascinates me! During my leave, I wrote a fairly well-received paper on the galactic effects that subspace damage can have."

Dunham rubbed the side of his stomach unconsciously remembering the wounds he had received at the hands of the temporal anomaly. “Yes fascinating,” said Dunham half heartedly. “But try flying through it.”

Piers chuckled, looking down humbly. "That is, if I could fly a ship. I nearly failed every emergency piloting exam I had to take. Hands shake a little at the controls. Program a ship to fly though, that's easier for me."

Dunham pointed over his shoulder with his thumb. "Come by Star fighter wing. I will give you a couple of lessons if you like."

Madigan looked up immediately, surprised. "Y-y'mean it? You mean, you'd really teach me?"

Dunham scratched the stubble on his chin. "Yeah Sure no problem, swing by anytime and we will sort you out."

"I mean, if you want I can punch in a few handy navigation programs I wrote back in the Academy and convert them to the local stellar configurations. It'd make it much easier for you to navigate. I know how clunky some of the software they install can be."

"That sounds good to me Mr Madigan," replied Dunham taking out a bit of chewing gum from his pockedt and offering it to the ensign.


Lt Richard Dunham
Squadron Leader


Ensign Piers Madigan
Stellar Cartographer