
Life aboard DS5 returns to normal and in a rare period of respite no new threat emerges.

This is a time to relax, to get to know your fellow crewmates, to lose yourself in a holosuite. Time to take that well earned leave or just prop up your favourite bar once the day's work is done.

After all, they do say that a little bit of what you fancy does you good ...

Mission Specifics
Start Date   Monday, May 3rd, 2010 @ 01:21pm
End Date   Saturday, November 13th, 2010 @ 03:00pm
Total Posts   320 [ View Posts ]
Recent Posts  
Date Title Author(s)
02.25.11 @ 5:43pm Devil's Lullaby Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian
02.05.11 @ 8:25am Liaisons Commander Karen Villiers & Lieutenant JG Taleria von Alesk
02.03.11 @ 6:05pm More goodbyes (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian
02.03.11 @ 3:17pm Chessmatch (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian
01.23.11 @ 12:12am Saying goodbye (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian