Beg, Steal or Borrow – The Marine Connection - Part 2
by Colonel James Darson

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Title   The Marine Connection - Part 2
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Colonel James Darson
Posted   Thu Apr 02, 2009 @ 1:04am
Location   Deck 72 - Marine Complex - MTAC
Timeline   SD8 - 1345
Darson stared silently at the screen for a moment and then said, “Lieutenant?”

“Yes sir?”

“Bring all MTAC systems online. We’re going to full combat readiness, and I’m going to need all the help I can get. I want everything up and running now.”


Even though her face remained expressionless, a slight undercurrent of…something…could be heard in her voice, “Sir, for the record I would like to have an objection noted. I believe that it is too early to commence a full linkup of all systems…we haven’t tested the connections properly, and there are still some software problems to be hammered out.”

Darson replied dryly, “Duly noted Lieutenant. Now, set it up. And fast…3 minutes.” He handed her a PADD he had been carrying around for several days, “This contains Captain Tahir’s authorization for us to connect to all major networks. Implement this as well.”

Days ago, when he had first proposed the project, Tahir had given him the authorization necessary to have full and unfettered access to most of the Station’s data systems in order to act in its purpose as an intelligence gathering post and clearing house. However she had made it very clear that although they would have access to the main systems, they would have extremely stringent security protocols in place to ensure that he could not exert any control over them, merely monitor.

He would have fought her on the issue, but let it slide. It was important to have Tahir on his side. Very, very important. As it stood, while it was theoretically possible for the station’s systems to be controlled from here, it would require the concurrent authorization of the CO, and either the XO or CSO. And Darson couldn’t see that happening anytime soon.

But he didn’t mind, because in the meantime, just being able to watch was what was most needed.

The Lieutenant nodded in acquiescence, “Yes Major,” Chau’saura was a true Marine…a very, very sharp woman. She took the PADD and strode across the room to the technicians, where she began issuing orders like a destroyer captain taking her ship into battle.

As the seconds ticked away, Darson walked slowly to his throne, and stared up at the large cavernous display. The field was a deep black, with a bright representation of the star system and station displayed upon it.

“Our own castle…in our kingdom,” Darson thought calmly.

In rapid succession, every station network, communications relay, sensor and combat system currently under Federation control came up with an ON-LINE icon.

At the end of the list was the simple interrogative: Y/N

The big room quieted down by degrees as the last of the installations came online. Seemingly out of place in this day and age, especially on such a sophisticated computer, the simple question was the system telling the mortal controllers that all uplinks were ready to be initiated, and that all they had to do was push the button and it’d take it from there

Chau’saura was at the main command station near the front of the room. She turned so that she was facing Darson. With her face shadowed in the half light she gestured to the panel and said in an even tone, “Sir shall I?”

Darson nodded and waved his hand in a gracious fashion. The tall Vulcan reached out, almost languidly as if she was savoring the moment, and touched a single control on the LCARS panel. Almost immediately and explosion of activity began. The screen changed, bringing up another window that said, LINKS ESTABLISHING

The system began to shift and change, slowly at first, but rapidly accelerating as behind the scenes, tens of thousands of links were engaged, computer cores were brought online, protocols negotiated, and cooling systems worked overtime.

“We’re in!” one of the techs in the pit announced, “We’re past the firewalls. Local defense nets, sensors, communications, intelligence, operations, phasers, torpedoes-“the list was moving too fast for the technician to keep up with it verbally.

“MTAC is now fully operational,” another one of the techs reported. “Processing speed at 150…now 250 teraflops a second…data coming in at 150 kiloquads per second through the ODN, bio-neural gel packs and isolinear processors working…Power use is increasing exponentially!”

The Marine next to the one who had just spoken said, “Thermal energy building up…exceeding expected tolerance levels, recalibrating cooling manifolds to compensate…Thermal readings back within tolerance.

The Lieutenant retreated back towards Darson and said, “It appears to be working sir. If there haven’t been any problems so far, there shouldn’t be any problems at all-“

However, just as she said that, the lights went out, and like a flip had been switched, every panel and display in the room turned blank.

Darson kept still in the darkness and looked around through the night vision filter of his goggles, watching the techs flounder around. He cast his gaze up towards the screen and absentmindedly rubbed the armrest of the chair, “Come on baby,” he thought, “Make daddy proud.”

Not ten seconds later, everything came back to life, “Minor power fluctuation,” one of the techs said nervously. Somebody in the pit laughed at the comment.

30 seconds later, it was quieting down and suddenly it was finished, “Report!” Darson called out.

Lt. Chau’saura consulted a PADD, “One temporary generator failure, cooling systems are performing well, 99% of all critical links have been made…91% of all secondary links. Statistically speaking, this was a great success. Congratulations sir.”

Darson shook his head as he moved in front of the seat, “Nonsense…its Lt. Rostov and his engineers that deserve the credit. No then Lieutenant, let’s get to work, shall we?”

As she looked at him, he could have sworn there was a ghost of a smile adorning her face, but upon further examination, he found that it had vanished. Disregarding it, he gestured for her to return to the technicians. As she descended the stairs, he said in a loud and imperious voice, “All right Marines, listen up! We’ve got Romulans sitting out there about to light us up like a fireworks display. They are heretics, and will not stop fighting until they have gotten what they want. They’ve got spies in our ranks, and have almost certainly sabotaged this station to cripple it. It’s our turn to show them that we of the Federation can muster the same resolve. So we will find those spies and crush them! We will make them regret attacking this slumbering beast called Deep Space 5! This is our kingdom, and we will give everything we have to protect it! Our big green style will not be defeated! Oorah!”

As the room responded in kind with a deafening “OORAH!” and returned to work, Darson lowered himself into the comfy chair once more, and spared a second to stroke the armrest in an almost loving fashion.

“Good girl He thought with a hidden grin.


Major James Darson
Marine Commanding Officer