Deception: The lesser part of Valour – New beginnings (Backpost)
by Lieutenant T'Pal & Klingon Ambassador Toran of the House of Moqrhat

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Title   New beginnings (Backpost)
Mission   Deception: The lesser part of Valour
Author(s)   Lieutenant T'Pal & Klingon Ambassador Toran of the House of Moqrhat
Posted   Sun Jan 25, 2009 @ 9:18pm
Location   Docking bay 23
Timeline   1600 SD 6
[Transport Regan]

Da`nal watched as the Station began to fill the window of the observation deck. Breathing slowly he turned from the window as he headed to the ships nursery to collect his children. The past weeks had been one hectic event to another. From Anita's funeral on Earth and her parent's, no her father's attitude at his arrival and their heatedexchange to his transfer request and new orders.

Anita's loss had hit him harder and struck deeper than any wound he had ever received. When she had died he nearly ripped the biobed from its mountings. If it hadn't been for Gillian, his own security staff would probably have had to subdue the ships Chief of Security.

Taking a deep breath as he walked he glanced out the windows lining the exterior corridor of the transport. They were preparing to enter the main docking bay but he paid little attention as the massive doors opened and the ship proceeded inside the cavernous docking facility. Turning into the interior of the ship he stopped by his quarters and
activated the transponders for his belonging so the could be transported when they finally arrived. Taking the PADD with his orders and family credential he, again, was on his way to the nursery.

When he finally arrived his children were on the floor playing. Both were on the back reaching and batting at the various shapes hanging above them, and the young woman watching then nodded to him with a smile. As he moved closer he saw his daughter grab hold with both hands and try to pull the object to her. He watched her with pride as refused
to let go however her little hand where not strong enough and the toy shot back at the tension was released and Ariella began to cry. Da`nal smiled as he knelt placing a hand on her head reassuring her. "Soon my daughter, your strength will come in time." Looking over his son had rolled himself over an was trying to scoot towards him. The tension he had been feeling was gone now as these two new lives vied for his attention.

The nursery working that had been watching then came over with the hover stroller and diaper bags for the children. "We are sure going to miss those two around here."

Da`nal looked up as he secured his son. "Thanks Carrie, I hope they weren't too much trouble."

"Oh no trouble at all. Now, they've both been changed and fed but the way these two eat there are two bottles ready to go..." Adding with a smile, "...for each."

After he had both secured in their seats he said his good byes to the nursery staff and headed to the docking ramp.

[Docking bay 23]

Ayren stood waiting to receive the Klingon family. Usually she would not welcome new staff to the station, but Da'nal was the son of the head of a Klingon House, making him an exception and giving him diplomatic status. She was dressed in a exquisitely cut medium length lilac dress empasizing her slender figure, but revealing enough of her shoulders, to show that they were toned. On her feet she had silver grey heels. Her long black hair were tied loosely in the nape of her elegant neck.

The Diplomat took in the murmer of thoughts and feelings her Betazoid senses brought to her, without focussing on anyone in particular. She knew she attracted attention, but was seldomapproached, even if she had a warm and endearing personality. She had gotten used to the isolation her position brought with it. She smiled thinking of the good time she
and Tasha had the night before. She had not relaxed like that for a long time. The sudden rush of people alerted her to the fact that the transport had arrived and she gathered herself inwardly to receive the Klingon.

Akhil again looked at the diplomat and her choice of dress. She had changed since she had last seen her only a few hours ago. Without looking over to her she spoke as people began to make their way onto the station. "Is that typical dress for receiving a warrior?"

Ayren turned her head and dipped it slightly in acknowlegment of her presence. "No, this is the way I dress," she said with a polite smile. "I went to excersize and dressed in fresh clothes after my shower. Did you get everything settled?"

"Not completely. The proper furniture for the children's room has yet to be swapped out with what was there. I contacted the Quartermaster office again and copied the message to your aid....Mekel. That should spur things along. But until Da`nal's things are beamed aboard getting settled will have to wait. I was wondering though if I might get a tour
of the station tomorrow while Da`nal is taking care of his duties?"

"Of course," Ayren said. "I am sure that would be possible," she said thinking hard who she should ask. "There is our VIP body guard avalible, but I am not sure how well he knows the station and I could accompany
you too if me shcedule allows," she suggested.

"I would prefer that actually. Thank you." She was about ask another question when she noticed a two infants followed by a familiar form. "There he is." She said nodding in his direction.

Ayren had time to take in the tall Klingon warrior, immediately noticable among the crowd. Her view to his children was bloched because the crown, but she could deduct that they were close to him. 'Commanding and imposing, an edge of danger' she thought. The fact that he was very attractive didn't escape her eyes. She smiled inwardluy thinking of her
talk with Tasha the day before.

Da`nal looked up as he neared the end of the ramp. Not expecting anyone to be waiting for him , maneuvered his little brood off to the side and began to look over his PADD to double check his direction to the
Quartermasters office to get his things transferred and to find outmwhere his quarters were at. Hearing the approaching footsteps from a pair of heels he looked up to see an attractive woman and next to her to
his surprise was Akhil. Akhil had been his younger sisters ghojmog. "Akhil what are you doing here....wait father sent you?"

Bowing her head slightly "Yes he did. Given the situation he though you might need a nurse for the children."

Shaking his head with a small grin. "I had planned to leave them with the station child care facilities but leave it to my father. Your assistance would be most appreciated." Looking at the woman accompanying Akhil, he extended his hand. "Lt. Commander Da`nal."

"Commander" she said in Klingon, dipping her head, meeting surprising grey eyes staring back at her. "I am Ayren Kelan, the Chief Diplomatic Officer." Her hand took his. She couldn't help noticing the twins. The were more like 1 year olds than a few months old, due to the faster growth rates of Klingon children. A tender smile tugged at her lips.
Remembering her manners her black eyes met his again. "Welcome to the station."

A diplomatic reception....well that was more unexpected than seeing Akhil again. Returning the bow. "I am honored. Though such pleasantries are unnecessary. Please call me Da`nal." Noticing her interest in the children. It didn't matter the race, a baby always drew attention. "Allow me to introduce my son Garath and my daughter Ariella." Da'nal caught the momentary surprise from Akhil.

Ayren promptly dropped to her hauches to be level with the children. "Hallo Garath and Ariella,' she said as she looked each toddler in the eyes, smiling warmly. There was no cooing coming from her, stretching her fingers out to touch each little hand in turn. Looking up at the father the commented. "You have beautiful children." returning her attention to them she said with an inviting grin. "Wanna go see where you're going to live" She spoke 'baby' Klingon with ease. Ayren wasn't
trying to impress anyone, she genuinely loved shildren and simply treated them with the same respect she did anyone else.

Raising an eyebrow in mild surprise; not at her speaking to the kids but the fluency of her Klingonese. "Lead the way Miss. Kelan. I must compliment you, your Klingon is excellent. Where did you study?"

She smiled at the compliment and startd walking towards the turbo lifts. "Thank you, but I lived on Qo'noS for a few years. My father was the Betazed Ambassador there and later the Federation Ambassador in the Klingon Empire," she explained. "And please call me Ayren," she said.

Now his curiosity was peeked as they waited on the lift. The name was vaguely familiar but he was not quite able to place it. "Your father was the Ambassador? When were you on Qo'noS?"

"It was from 2369 till 2373 and then again from end 75 to 77," she replied. She was slightly taken aback by his seeming curiosity. "Yes, he was, Edriar Kelan," she said not without a hint pride. "Do you know of him?"

" When I was younger I cared little for the diplomatic functions. Plus my Grandfather was the Head of the House then. However I would be certain that my father would be familiar with him. Perhaps even have met him on occasion." Judging her to be of similar age to himself he continued the conversation as the entered the lift. "Did you attend a klingon academy or were you schooled on the Federation compound?"

Akhil stood silently listening to the exchange. She was pleased the he was acting as he was. That his time among the humans hadn't altered him too much. Klingons viewed death differently than other races, though only time will tell.

Ayren couldn't help sensing that Akhil was pleased with something... with the interaction? She wasn't sure, but was quite happy herself. Da`nal seemed more polite than most Klingons, although she didn't mind one way or the other. Returning her attention inwardly to him, she answered him. "My father believed that I should be exposed to Klingon culture, so I went to the IKW Military academy in Hlugh' square, relatively close to the Betazed Embassy." Although it wasn't so funny at the time, a little smile spread across her face when se remembered her first day there. "Where did you go?"

Da`nal was not only impressed but surprised. With that bit of information everything fell into place. ~That's why the name was familiar.~ "My sister and I attended the same academy, as did my brother. Your father must have had some serious influence. It's not easy for Klingons to get in let alone a non-Klingon to gain addmission."

"I have never actually thought about that," she said thoughtfully. "I just knew that I had to work double as hard to pass in the combat classes and that I stood out like sore thumb everywhere else. Fortunetely I had a few good friends there, one in particular, M'argHl." Her face softened at the mention of the old bat'leth teacher. He really liked in her for some reason and though he never favoured her in the classes, she had spent hours with him. He taught her how to win in battle, regardless of physical size and strength. Though she never stood a chance against her class mates in real fighting, she was able to hold her enough to pass. Today, she still used what the experienced master had taught her, only in a different kind of battle field. And she won, often. "Did you know him?" she asked. She knew he was not the only
teacher in blade fighting, often overlooked and underestimated by the students, although she knew that not one of the teachers could beat *him*.

"I remember him do my ribs, my back, my legs, my arms, and especially my chin."

Ayren laughed at his description of the training M'argH provided. They had reached his quarters and Ayren indicated the door. "Your quarters, Da'nal," she said and stepped back, letting him know that she wasn't planning to intrude on the personal family time. "Don't hesitate to contact me, should you need anything." she offered smiling. "Oh yes, as I mentioned to Akhil, there is an excellent Klingon restaurant here, should you not feel like replicated food."

Da`nal turned back to the door where she stood, pausing a split second as he saw her backlit by the corridor. The combinationof the light and the thin fabric of her dress was most revealing. But he quickly focused on her face. "Excellent. I don't have to report in for another 2 days so I can familiarize myself with stations facilities."

The glance he cast did not go unnoticed, and a small smile tugged at Ayren's lips in response. "That's good, " she said, thinking about her own introduction here. She was immediately thrown into a diplomatic horror story. "I am certain you will find the station very interesting," she said walking back to the door. "As said, don't hesitate to let me know if you need anything," she repeated her offer after a nod to both Akhil and Da'nal, Ayren turned to leave.

After the door had closed Akhil, not looking towards Da`nal, commented. "A very impressive young woman." Turning to the children she began freeing them from the stroller.

Da`nal didn't bother replying to her comment as he activated the terminal to arrange for his personal effects to be transfered to his quarters

Ayren Kelan
Chief Diplomatic Officer DS5

Lt Commander Da'nal of the House of Varal
Chief Strategic Operations Officer DS5

Akhil of the House of Varal
(NPC by Chris)