Intermission – Body Dump
by Citizen Min Zhao & Commander Rakka

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Title   Body Dump
Mission   Intermission
Author(s)   Citizen Min Zhao & Commander Rakka
Posted   Sat Jul 13, 2013 @ 12:57am
Timeline   SD73, 0400h

[DS5 - Cargo holds]

To most observers the man stumbling down the corridor would appear to be drunk and suffering the ill effects of tangling with an equally drunk Klingon. Appearances can be decieving however and this man was not drunk but suffering the effects of a rapidly spreading poison. Specially modified nanites designed to kill a target then self destruct leaving little evidence behind aside from a mystery and a specific calling card.

The man stumbled a few more meters down the hall before collapsing, a trickle of blood escaping from his mouth and nose. He lay there gasping as the nanities literally tore his body apart from the inside. With one last gasp he slipped into blessed unconsciousness.

[ Several hours later]

By now security had been alerted that Alarian Thomas was missing. Security footage showed to unidentified people entering his quarters and beaming out with his prostrate form.

The security guard working this area was on his last patrol of the shift when he noticed a man slumped in a corner of the hallway. Approaching the man, he noticed first the bruises all over the mans face and the distinct smell of alcohol on his breath. ~Poor Sod.~ he thought as he approached.

Knelling down to gently shake the man from his slumber, the guard noticed he wasn't moving and his skin under the jacket felt colder then should be. Rolling the man over to check his pulse, the guard noted that the face matched the description of a missing person of interest aboard the station. A quick check of the man's pulse confirmed what his hand felt, the man was dead.

=^=Lt Ramsey to Security. Deck 1100 Section Charlie. I found our missing person. I need a coroner and an investigative team asap.=^=

Rakka happened to be on duty at this hour to respond to the call. The news of Capt. Thomas's disappearance had been sitting heavily on her shoulders all night. This development, however, brought her dangerously close to snapping. Her thoughts had been so cloudy lately; she couldn't seem to wrap her mind around anything. Coroner... that meant death. She shut her eyes for a moment and saw red, red, red.

=^= "Acknowledged," =^= she finally rasped into the comm, and steeled herself against the roiling emotion in the pit of her stomach. Numbly she set about gathering a team.

[A little while later]

Lt Ramsey stood nearby the body as Commander Rakka came around the corner.


The Nausicaan looked down at Ramsey with a dazed expression for a moment before turning to the body and kneeling next to it. She looked into the pale, bruised face of this man she'd been dealing with not 24 hours ago.

Two thoughts came to mind: (1) She'd screwed something up.... badly. (2) Hungry.

~Hungry... meat... hungry... meat.....~

Rakka continued to stare. Body... dead body. A dead body was nothing but meat. Though the corpse was fairly clean, the heady scent of blood was thick in her nostrils.

~Blood... meat... hungry....~

She flinched and nearly snarled as a hand touched her shoulder. One of the members of the forensics team that had entered with her had been calling her name, and she hadn't even noticed.

"Commander... are you all right?"

Rakka bared her fangs at him, and he took a step back, slightly alarmed. There were people gathered around her, and suddenly she felt dizzy and choked. They were all blood and meat... every last one of them. Standing up suddenly she pushed her way past them.


She paused and glanced back. "D-d-deal with this," she stuttered. "I... can't. Call T-Trellis if you need."

"Yes Ma'am."

The forensics tech waited for Rakka before he got on the horn =^=Lt Trellis. Could you meet us down on Deck 1100 Section Charlie? We have a body dump from the looks of things.=^=
