Beg, Steal or Borrow – Garrisons
by (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian & Commander Isha t'Vaurek

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Title   Garrisons
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian & Commander Isha t'Vaurek
Posted   Mon Aug 03, 2009 @ 11:21am
Location   Romulan Consulate / Unknown Location in Romulan Space
Timeline   SD9, Very Late
R'vek Tr'Khellian had been keeping close tabs on the goings on at Deep Space Five, his child was there after all, and he planned on knowing of anything going on that might affect her or the Romulan Empire. He was in the midst of his daily conference with his sources inside the Federation; it always brought him a laugh to think of how many 'Vulcans' serving in Starfleet were actually working for him, some of them for twenty years or more. As he heard the end of Cdr. S'Tonn's report from Starfleet Headquarters he noted an alert on his screen of an incoming call from his source on DS5, "You'll excuse me, S'Tonn, I've something pressing here. I'll make contact with you tomorrow." He said, clicking of S'Tonn and bringing up his source inside security on DS5, "Well, good morning, Chief. What have you got for me?"

"As you requested, Admiral, I've been keeping a very close eye on Lt. Cdr. Gabriel since his promotion to Chief of Security. He has stayed away from your daughter, though he continues to harass Ambassador Isha." The Vulcan CPO replied, "I still advise assassination in regards to him."

"Yes, I understand, Chief." R'vek nodded, "And I still say we wait until he shows us his entire hand before we cash him in. If it comes to the point where he has to be killed immediately I'll take his blood with my own two hands." ~For what pain he's caused my wife, daughter, and cousin I'll not let anyone else have him.~ "What else do you have for me?"

"News even more disturbing than Gabriel's ascension into the upper ranks, my lord." The Chief replied, "The Klingons have placed a garrison here, the Cardassians are going to as well."

"Then it only makes sense that we do the same, lest we give away DS5 as a strategic location to the Klingons and the Cardassians." R'vek frowned, he would be on the comm with Sen. Donatra as soon as he spoke to Isha, there would be a Romulan Garrison on DS5 before nightfall tomorrow, "Keep me posted on this matter, I want numbers, strength reports, the entire run down of their capabilities."

"Yes, my lord." The Chief nodded, "I will have the information you require before sun up."

"See that you do." He ordered, "R'vek out." He clicked off the screen and the T'Liss replaced the Chief's face, while he contemplated his next move. There was really only one move to make, but he knew how much his cousin hated to feel like her toes were being stepped on, so he'd have to make this particualr pill easy for her to swallow, "Computer, open a channel to Ambassador Isha, private line."

"Opening channel." The computer chirped back, "Channel open."

But it was not Isha on the other end of the line. "What do you want?" Rh'vaurek said, with uncustomary abruptness. The Tal'Shiar was a web of independant alliances and factions which appeared a centralised whole only to the uneducated outsider, Raedheol did not particularly want a section that was not affiliated with his own sticking their nose in here.

"To put my foot in your bum if you continue to speak to me in that way." R'vek snapped back, he didn't have a problem with Rh'vaurek and to his knowledge there was no problem between them from Rh'vaurek's end, but he wasn't going to let anyone speak to him in that manner, "I've called to speak to my cousin about the Klingons and Cardassians encroaching upon us on DS5. I might also like to get an update from her on my daughter. Now, where is my cousin?"

Rh'vaurek shrugged, "You're welcome to try," he said with indifference, this had already been a very long day. "As to Ambassador t'Khellian, she'll be halfway to ch'Rihan by now - she and her brother in law started throwing accusations of treason at one another, and she has decided to settle the matter once and for all - it won't be pretty."

"Ahhh, Nniol." R'vek shook his head in disgust, "I've told Isha time and again she should've let me kill him years ago. I might well take this opportunity. Very well, Rh'vaurek, I'll take my information from you then. What is going on on DS5 from your viewpoint?"

"She refuses to be the root cause of his demise - if the tribunal decide to execute him, that's a different matter; it isn't on her hands, or on her conscience ..." ... but if they decide to execute her ... Rh'vaurek leaned back in his chair and reached for his glass. He swirled the pale blue liquid round looking into the vortex before he spoke, "Overnight we've become the cosmopolitan diplomatic centre of this sector. I was sent back to provide a suitably visible profile, this operation has been very quiet so far but now the time has come to make a noise. A quiet consulate is no longer enough, the statement is that we are clearly and unequivacolly a joint venture between the Tal'Shiar and the Kiith Mrevhoqq`ghi, which should help to keep our neighbours in check."

"For once they have sent competent men to their embassies, I met with both ambassadors this evening and they are people I can work with - how far that co-operation goes remains to be seen. Most surprising is the Cardassian interest in the sector - they're a long, long way from home, still, one does not gain every answer after a single meal, or at least one should be wary of those one has received."

"The Klingons worry me much less than the damned Cardassians." R'vek nodded, "If I've learned only one thing in my experience it's never trust a spoonhead. As for my cousin, I will call in my marker with Senator Donatra to protect her, she owes me and I'll collect. Nniol, well, I'll see him in Hell if I don't send him there myself. I know I don't even have to tell you to keep a close eye on the Cardies for me."

"I'd be interested to see how we can chare resources there, R'Vek. I've spent a number of years in Cardassian territory," he deliberately bypassed the man's other remarks, the sort of comment a self made man like himself could not afford to hold ...

R'vek stood for a second, pouring himself a glass of ale, "What of Rianni?" He asked, "Is she still serving the blasted humans?"

Rh'vaurek laughed, "So she's the daughter? It makes sense ... She's on the station, leads the Air Group, I have not met her in person."

"I'd think you'd have seen her frequently around the embassy. She's got quite a bond with Isha." R'vek replied, he was grateful for how Isha had cared for his daughter, "Perhaps you should approach her, make her start thinking about joining her people. We can use people of her talents, and you can check her record if you'd like, just to make sure it's not the ravings of a biased father."

Think what you like, Rh'vaurek thought, Isha shared only what she wanted to, but he said: "I'll look into it. You have actually saved me a little trouble, R'vek, I require a warship .... and a large number of troops, for show ... Isha could summon them from one of her Houses, but I am a self made man without her resources ... I think that you might like a little insight into this sector ...."

"I was thinking the exact same thing, my friend." R'vek smiled, "I can be there sooner than you can imagine. And, if need be, I can have two more warships there within two days of my arrival, carrying twenty thousand loyal Romulan troops a piece. Would that help dear Isha's cause?"

Rh'vaurek chuckled, "One will be quite enough, this place has just taken a hit from one of the isolationist factions - the D'ravsai this time, if you turn up looking like an invasion force there will be war. I've no intention of advancing the interests of a degenerate cult just to piss off the Federation for a few minutes. Come then," he said.

"I'll have the helmsman lay in a course for DS5, maximum warp." R'vek replied, "We should be there in the morning. Then we can discuss this D'ravsai situation and others in more detail."

"Linger a while, stay out of sensor range until I contact you ... my fellow ambassadors and I are planning to stage a scene, you've heard of Gabriel, yes?"

Heard of him?" R'vek laughed, "I fully intend to kill the bastard for what indignities he's rained upon my family."

"Hmmpff, well, he has been attempting to impose rules and we plan to collectively exploit them, starting with ships and personell. For as long as you are here, and as long as our diplomatic alliance lasts, you will be co-ordinating with both the Klingons and the Cardassians to make that man's life a misery, you will also be reporting to me. Refuse that condition and I will acquire my garrison elsewhere."

"Report to you?" R'vek threw his head back and laughed hard at Rh'vaurek, the idea was ridiculous, "I'll indulge you for now, Rh'vaurek. As for Gabriel, I'll cause him misery on other levels myself, but I'll support your ambassador friends in their efforts to make his professional life as hellish as possible."

"You will accept my terms, R'vek tr'Khellian, or else you can take your warbird and fly it into the nearest sun for all I care. If you will not, Isha's mother, your hru'hfirh will send me one, she has already delegated her authority to me in this matter."

R'vek was now growing angry with this fool, he'd let a temporary post go to his head and forgotten himself, "We will arrive in the morning, Acting Ambassador Rh'vaurek." R'vek replied, "As I've said, I will indulge you for now and respect your temporary authority, but, remember, when this is over, and Isha is back in place, you will be reminded of yours. Enjoy it while you can, R'vek out."

Rh'vaurek clasped his hands behind his head and laughed.

He would defer to Isha without hesitation but he was not going to tolerate her gilded relatives turning up and trying to throw their weight around. Deep Space Five was the centre of his operation, he had the ear of the Praetor, and, more importantly, the ear of his likely succesor.


Eleni entered just as R'vek clicked off of Rh'vaurek's exercise in arrogance, she'd seen the last bit of it, "That man and Gabriel should live together, away from the rest of scoiety." She laughed, "Someone's drunk with power."

"Power not truly his own, no less." R'vek laughed, "But, I wouldn't give it too much thought. I'll indulge his delusions of grandeur for now, but when the time is right Isha's stable boy will be reminded of his place in a most dramatic manner. We'll be at DS5 tomorrow, my love, and then Eleni will be back with her family, and hopefully with her people."

"The humans are also her people, darling." Eleni reminded him.

"Of course." R'vek nodded, ~And that was my biggest mistake.~


erie'Khrein Rh'vaurek Raedhoel
Acting Ambassador NCPd by Louise