Beg, Steal or Borrow – Threats, Guns and Bombs. What will they think of next?
by Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Lieutenant Aieron Peters

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Title   Threats, Guns and Bombs. What will they think of next?
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Lieutenant Aieron Peters
Posted   Tue Mar 24, 2009 @ 7:41am
Location   Civilian shelter
Timeline   13:59
Each step in the crowd was slow, along the promenade, waiting for the next jam packed turbo-lift to depart, then the next, and the next, and the next until it was Iawaain’s turn to enter. She squeezed in with her bundle cradled in the crook of her elbow. The people beside her squashed back a little to save crushing the child.

Iawaain nodded her thanks.

Then as they emerged on one of the lower levels it began again, step by step into the areas designated as civilian shelters. Knowing no-one Iawaain spoke to no-one. She just followed.

Aieron was swiftly weaving down the queue, trying to get to one of the maintenance panels. The computer had logged that a couple had been left open, so he was going to check them. On 4 different decks. Opposite ends of the station. Not an urgent task for any of the engineering staff, who were too busy working on the guardian platforms and he had wanted an excuse to stretch his legs anyway. One of the benefits of being a department head...

Head in the clouds, or rather on trying to weave past the queue swiftly, he tripped on a slightly uneven join in the deck plating, promptly falling heavily into Iawaain, scattering people, bags and personal belongings everywhere.

As she was shoved against the wall Iawaain clutched her blanketed bundle to her as the breath was knocked out of her. Still cradling it closely she turned to the idiot who had knocked into her.

"Argh, sorry!" Aieron cried

“Try watching where you’re going,” she snarled as she pushed by him. “dha'rudh,” she muttered clutching the bundle to her breast and comforting it as though it were a child, which of course she believed it was.

Aieron looked closely at the woman, as she began walking away from him down the corridor. She looked kind-of like she was carrying a child, but... there was something not quite right.

"Can you hold on ma'am? I'd like just to check that your child is OK"

"You've done enough already," she snapped over her shoulder as she eased her way forward.

Aieron was in a quandary. He really needed to check out that maintenance hatch, he had three others to check out after this one. But something just did not feel right. Should he really call the security guards over, and therefore need to fill out a form on a feeling?

Sod it. "I'm sorry ma'am, I must insist" Aieron said, motioning two guards over from the entrance to the Civilian shelter.

Iawaain turned on the man, propelling him back against the wall with a bang, the forgotten bundle crushed between them as her hand tightened around his throat, "Call them off and leave me to my own business," she hissed, "Unless you want to find out just how tight I can squeeze."

The two guards pulled out their phasers, and the corridor quickly emptied, civilians fleeing left right and centre.

"Even if I ordered them to stand down." Aieron struggled to draw breath, Iawaain was stronger than she looked, "Standard operating procedures order them not to..." He forced another breath in past her hand "Once they're gone you'd still kill me."

"Put your hands on your head!" shouted one of the security guards, each one braced and ready to fire.

Iawaain's fingers tightened as she smiled right into her victim's face, if she had room and time to turn she'd use him as a shield until she was far enough away, but she'd always known there'd be a time to die. It was over, but this one was coming with her.

"You people are as stupid as you look," she spat as she squeezed.

The left guard, called Luke, Aieron later came to know, fired his phaser, hitting Iawaain squarely in the back. Iawaain crumpled to the floor, leaving Aieron massaging his neck, and taking several large, if fairly laborious, breaths.

"Let's see what's in this bundle then," Aieron whispered, his throat sore, carefully turning Iawaain over and revealing the bundle.

Matt crouched and glanced at his colleague as carefully he pulled the bundle aside. A breath hissed out through his teeth as for a fraction of a second he mistook the child’s doll for the real thing. He eased back the blanket, corner by corner revealing a head, into which a cylinder about two inches in diameter and nine inches long had been stuck, “Anyone know what neurocine gas is?” he asked reading the label.

"Computer, define Nurocine gas"

"Nurocine gas: nerve agent. Instant death on inhaling 4 parts per million, initial symptoms of nausea, light-headedness, weakness and unconsciousness present at 2 parts per million. First developed by..."

"End, I think we get the idea. You" he pointed at Luke, "take her to the brig. You" Aieron pointed at the other guard" take that canister, carefully, to science lab 16, they've got some blast chambers down there that should contain the gas. And in the meantime, I really need to get that blasted maintenance hatch checked."

“You might want to avoid knocking over any other strange women on your way.”

"And if I hadn't, you'd shortly be dead, along with everyone else on this deck. The fact that I did is a supreme matter of luck. If you would rather die, I'm sure we can find an airlock that needs vent-testing."

"Luck it is, kid. Don't push yours," Matt said with a shake of his head, "But I'm glad you found her."


Lieutenant Aieron Peters
Chief Operations Officer

Ensign Luke Jackson - NPC - Played by Johnathon
Security Officer

Verelan Iawaain and Matthew 'Matt' Mattison NPCd by Louise