Judgement – Sounds too good....
by Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Lieutenant JG Lance Murdoch

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Title   Sounds too good....
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Lieutenant JG Lance Murdoch
Posted   Fri May 20, 2011 @ 5:49pm
Location   Lance's office
Timeline   SD 37, 1500
"Dr Murdoch?" The voice belonged to a young woman, blonde and blue eyed, dressed in a formal terran suit, with a narrow stylus poised over a palm sized padd. Next to her, in a powered chair that encased him from neck to foot. was a human male, papery thin skin mottled with kidney spots, with a few whisps of white hair clinging defiantly to his wrinkled scalp. Around his brow, like a crown of thorns, was an array of sensors picking up who knew what in the way of neural signals. It blinked forlornly as the old man looked around the room with rheumy, watery, eyes like badly poached eggs.

"Yes?" Responded the surgeon, looking up irritably from his desk. He frowned slightly at the sight before him. "What's this all about?" He said.

"Apologies for arriving unannounced. But I'd like you to meet my grandfather, Arthur Glaston, CEO of Ars Biologica. I don't know if you've heard of us?"

Lance took a second to take in the captivatingly beautiful young woman and the decrepit old man. Then he nodded slowly. "Of coarse I've heard you you. I think you would be hard pressed to find a medical practitioner in the quadrant who hadn't."

The old man rolled his chair forward slightly, as if in handshake, and a voice that was only slightly computerised issued forth. "Pleased to meet you, Dr Murdoch. Your reputation precedes you."

"As does yours." Replied Lance smoothly, standing to acknowledge his visitors. His mind flashed quickly to what he knew of Ars Biologica and its ageing CEO. A monolithic corporation with interests spanning several systems, the company had its fingers in everything from biological and genetic research to pharmaceuticals and the manufacture of various pieces of surgical equipment.

Lance also recalled several allegations of corner cutting and illegal experimentation levelled against Ars Biologica, everything from developing Bio-weapons to developing genetically augmented mercenaries. Nothing had ever been proved however, and the companies founder and CEO Arthur Glaston was quick to quell any rumours or allegations with a ruthlessness that had become legendary. Lance fixed his gaze on that legendary figure now confined to the life support chair by the failure of his own body. Glaston spoke again.

"My grand daughter, Gwen." The chair swiveled slightly in her direction. "My personal assistant, girl friday, and all round guardian angel and life saver."

Lance turned his attention to the young woman by Glaston's side and wondered for a second if those allegations of creating perfect genetic augments were true. Gwen was stunningly beautiful, her youth and vitality shone like a beacon against the decrepi,t disease ravaged body over her grandfather. Lance stepped forward quickly, and lightly kissed her hand, her skin was warm and smooth, her nails perfectly manicured, there was a faint hint of jasmine that Lance could smell on her skin.

"Delighted to meet you." The surgeon greeted. Reluctantly, he turned his attention back to Arthur. "What can I do for you?" He asked. Intrigued about their presence in his office.

Blushing slightly, Gwen moved to stand behind her grandfather, who gave Lance an understanding smile, and when his grand daughter couldn't see him, a knowing wink. "I'm an old man, Dr Murdoch," Arthur began, the computerised rendition of his voice sounding slightly bubbly. "As part of my business I've investigated a lot of diseases, found a lot of cures, and lived a lot of days. Unfortunately, nothing comes without risk. Instead of being able to retire as I planned, I contracted one of the diseases I was trying to cure. I thought, as a human, I'd be immune to something meant for Cardassians, but its not to be. Instead, I've had to watch as over the last decade my body has slowly given up on me. I've tried everything, and believe me, there is a lot to try, Dr Murdoch, but the end is indeed nigh. I'm only seventy two, Dr Murdoch. But I look, and feel, twice that, And what with the dominion war, I have no more family. Gwen is all I have left. I'm going to leave everything to her. But I need more time to do it., maybe even find a cure. That's where you come in."

Lance frowned, "I'm not sure how I can help you." He said. "My speciality is surgery not molecular biology or xeno-pathology. I don't understand how I could be of any use to you."

"My best team has developed a procedure which could extend my life long enough to bring everything in order. But it involves extensive and complex organ transplant. Full Central and Autonomic Nervous system replacement. And that's just the start. Now my people are good, Dr Murdoch, but such extensive and delicate surgery is not their forte. But it is yours. Do I need to explain more? Of course I will make it very much worth your while?"

Lance's mind was racing, "Your offer intrigues me", he said. Eye's firmly locked on Gwen. "You have certainly come to the right place, no surgeon in the Federation can match my skills." He boasted. He wrenched his gaze back to the old man. "But clearly you already knew that or you wouldn't be here. Now what sort of compensation do you have in mind?"

“I’m offering 100 bricks latinum as a retainer, plus a couple of other perks I can show you on my Yacht over dinner?” the watery eyes swivelled back towards Gwen as best they could. “You will join us of course. Gwen is very tolerant of this old man, but she needs livelier company now and again.”

“Papa!” Gwen went red from the tip of her chin to the top of her ears.

Arthur Glaston gave Lance a toothless grin. “And should you succeed, I’ll give you anything in my power to give. Your own weight in latinum. A harem of animal women. Ancient Artefacts. I even have extensive contacts with the selection boards for several esteemed Academies and University, when it comes to giving out chairs, and professorships. Starfleet Medical Academy, for example, is practically nothing but close personal friends.”

Lance could feel a grin spreading from ear to ear, everything he had ever dreamed of was right within his grasp. "Mr Glaston, I would be honoured to take you up on your kind offer, shall we say around eight tonight? That gives me a chance to finish up here and freshen up." He smiled at Gwen again. "That is if I'm not being to forward."

"Not at all. I was hoping you would. My yacht is the Asclepius. Docking bay 92." The power chair manoeuvred forward and back, as if in a bow, and then revolved through 180 degrees. "We'll see you at eight." Arthur Glaston glided away.

For a moment, Gwen hesitated, and gave Lance a smile so radiant he should have worn sunglasses. "Thank you Dr. Murdoch. For everything. It will be lovely to see you tonight." And then she turned, and followed her grandfather out of sickbay.

Lance watched them go, mind racing. This had been an interesting day and promised to be an even more interesting evening.


A JP Between

Doctor Lance Murdoch
Head Surgeon
Deep Space Five


Arthur & Gwen Glaston
Ars Biologica Health Reserch