Time is Fleeting – contacting certain "Friends"
by Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal

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Title   contacting certain "Friends"
Mission   Time is Fleeting
Author(s)   Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal
Posted   Fri Sep 18, 2009 @ 6:48pm
Location   Getal's quarters
Timeline   Before "Wargame"
Tharek quickly read over his computer. He had recieved several messages on the Rakara wanting more and more resources. Tharek didn't care much though.

"Computer. Disable all sensor's in this room, lock the door and open a secure channel to Aki." Tharek spoke bluntly.

"Channel open." The computer replied in it's usual 'Human' tone.

Onto Tharek's screen came Aki Vixen. His "Lacky".

"You called?" Aki said, in a harsh, scandanavian accent.

"Yes. How go's the mission?" Tharek partly asked, mostly demanded. Tharek had things to do and certain Bajoran's to terrorise.

"She's going about her business. Not much different than normal. I'll let you know when somethings up." Aki replied.

Getal leaned closer to the screen. "You better." Tharek looked Aki in the eye. Even from lightyears away, Tharek could still look frightening.

Aki gulped his tongue dryly. "I'll have more information for you tomorrow. Vixen out." Then Aki's face dissapeared from the screen.

Tharek smirked at the corner of his mouth. He then lent back and looked around the office he now posessed. He glared at the various pottery and plants dotted around the room. This is mine Tharek thought to himself. This is actually mine!