Unity – First, prepare, then execute
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Colonel James Darson

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Title   First, prepare, then execute
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Colonel James Darson
Posted   Tue Aug 31, 2010 @ 2:34am
Location   Marine Command Center
Timeline   SD 15 - 16:00 (Coinciding with Finishing what was started)

~Completely pointless. . . ~ Dorian thought to himself as he entered the lift descended lower into the Marine Detachment's headquarters.

"We should be out there taking back the station from the terrorists, not sitting her in your little clubhouse looking at dumb cameras." Gabriel said to his Marine escort.

The Marine didn’t respond. His orders were to safely escort the Commander to Captain Flynn, and that was what he was going to do. The fact that one of his Marines had jury-rigged the lift to work instead of having to make them travel the entire distance via Jeffries tubes or the lift shaft made things much easier.

As they all entered the Marine HQ, they saw that all the entrances had been heavily fortified. Marines rushed around in a form of controlled chaos, all against the backdrop of flashing lights and blaring alarms. In the midst of it all, Captain Flynn could be seen giving orders directly from the CCC. However, when she saw the squad and Dorian approach, she delegated her duties and rushed out to greet them.

“Thank your Sergeant. Commander, thank god you’re here. We’ve got to hurry. You’re aware of the situation right?”

"I'm aware that a band of lunatics have taken over the station and instead of dealing with them, we are sitting here in your clubhouse wasting time!" Gabriel said as he continued to walk.

“On the contrary sir, this is the best possible place to be right now. Follow me. Everybody else fall in. Make a hole!” Not possessing Darson’s mystical ability to part the flow of personnel with just his presence, Flynn had to make due by shouting. The crowd parted and Flynn led the group to the heavily guarded and heavily armored doors to the Marine Restricted Section.

As they went through and passed through the checkpoints, the detectors going off though no one was listening, Flynn explained, “Alright Commander. What I’m about to tell you is information that has been highly classified. Up until this point, the only other Starfleet Officer to know about this was Captain Tahir, who authorized it. Several months ago during the construction of the MTAC, taking into account the needs of the station, Colonel Darson put forth a proposal in his plans to include in this room a way to take control of the station in the event that other command centers or even the command structure as a whole was compromised.”

“What resulted was that in the bowels of that room lies a panel, one that is hard linked to the Main Computer core right through the trunk line. It allows for the MTAC, once certain conditions are met, to exercise full control over the station. The Marine Emergency Command Override.”

Gabriel turned and looked into the Marine's eyes with a murderous stare. "You mean that you have had the ability to steal control of this station and control everything from this little base of yours!?" he said incredulously. He couldn’t believe that the Marines of this station were given that much control.

“Well,” she said slightly indignantly as she turned a corner and headed for the room at the end of the hall, “We can’t just use it all willy-nilly. Captain Tahir felt along those same lines and put restrictions in place on when this could be used. We need the simultaneous authorization of the CO, the CSO, and the MCO. And luckily enough…we have all three right here.”

"What do you mean?" Gabriel asked as he followed her and observed his surroundings to find out just how the Marines were able to hi-jack control. "The Commanding Officer is currently on OPS and we haven't had any communication with them since the hi-jacking." he responded.

“What I mean,” Flynn continued, “Is that by the authority vested in me by virtue of my position, and acting on actionable intelligence, I have determined that both Commander Davies and Commander Villers are in no position to exert command in this situation. In such respect, they have been removed temporarily from the chain of command until we confirm that they are capable to be reinstated. And you know who’s next in line? You are. Right now you are the Commanding Officer of this station, as well as the Chief Security Officer.”

Gabriel continued to stare at the woman as he began to think about his available options. "Fine, I don't think we have any other choice." He said as he continued to follow her.

They rushed through the rest of the corridors and ended up at the MTAC. The doors opened on their approach, and as Flynn rushed through she ignored the hive of frantic activity at the front of the room and instead headed to the Cage located at the back, Gabriel in tow. She barged into the room and immediate went for the back wall, where a heavily armored hatch was located. Among other things, it had labels that said BEWARE; STAND CLEAR, AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL ONLY, and ALARMS WILL SOUND.

She turned back slightly breathless to Gabriel, “Once I access this, it will set alarms in Main Ops and Security. There’s nothing we can do about that. But there’s no way that the terrorists will be able to interrupt us once we’ve started. Are you ready to do this commander?”

Gabriel nodded. "Do it." he commanded.

Flynn nodded, confident now that she had the dark-skinned man on her side. She turned to the intelligence officer who was in charge of the Cage for this shift and addressed him, “Master Sergeant. I need the codes of the day for the ECO. This is an emergency situation. Post haste please,” The Marine saluted, and turned to his terminal. He tapped the panel for a few moments, and then handed a PADD to the Captain. She focused on it, nodded, then turned to the panel next to the hatch and began to enter the password. As she did, she spoke to Gabriel.

“The codes for the initial override sequence change every 6 hours. It’s a 32 digit random alpha-numeric password. The only ones who have access to it are the Colonel, me, the ILO, and the Watch Officer for the cage and this room. You only get one try at entering it, after which if you get it wrong, alarms will sound, the cage will lock down and the code will change.” she entered the final digits and spared a brief glance at Gabriel before hitting the ‘Enter’ button.

As soon as she did, all hell broke loose. From what initially happened, you would think that she had gotten the password wrong. Sirens and Klaxons began to blare, red lights flashed at the corners and steam vented from the sides. But suddenly with a clang and a hiss, the hatch opened in a diamond pattern, revealing the inside. It was computer terminal on one side, already booting up, joined on the other side by three physical high security interlocks and a large recessed red button that was glowing gently. A computer alert sounded, “ALERT – MARINE EMERGENCY COMMAND OVERRIDE INITIATED.”

As soon as the computer uttered that the screen displayed ‘ 5:00:00 ’ and began counting down. Flynn hurriedly began to explain to Gabriel, “Okay…we’re all set now. We have five minutes to start the sequence. After that we have two minutes to deactivate each security level. It goes in this order: MCO, CSO, CO. After the last interlock has been disengaged, we gain access to this button, which is the override. Pressing that will transfer full control of the station to us. You ready?”

Gabriel nodded, "Fine, do it." he said.

Flynn gave a sigh of exasperation, but looking at the timer on which about twenty seconds had already elapsed, she said quickly as she set to work, “If we don’t do any part of this within the time limits, it will assume that we didn’t have the authority to do so in the first place. In that case, it will lock us out of the controls for an hour. And we can’t let that happen.”

Before Flynn could take the necessary steps, the room's main viewer crackled to life.

=^= "This is Elliot Hartsfield, the controller of the station and I am demanding that you cease and decease your actions or suffer the consequences." =^= He said into the viewer.

It only took several moments for the look of shock to fade away from the face of Lieutenant Commander Dorian Gabriel as he looked onto the view screen and so the face of his former superior officer. His mouth was dry as he tried feverishly to think of a logical explanation for all of this.

But the only words that could come out of his mouth were simply. . .

"You. . . ."


Lieutenant Commander
Dorian Gabriel
Chief of Security

Marine Captain Miranda Flynn
Acting Marine CO
NPC'd by Colonel Darson