Judgement – Designing by Committee
by Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Commander Chelsea Dunham

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Title   Designing by Committee
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Commander Chelsea Dunham
Posted   Mon Feb 28, 2011 @ 12:41am
Location   CMO's Quarters
Timeline   SD37 08.00

Chelsea missed the first dress fitting. She had a good excuse, - she was being promoted. It was Azuma who had to reschedule the second. She'd had a summons from the Romulan ambassador. And that set the pattern for the next few attempts as the two women tried to get together.

In the end, Azuma descended on Chelsea and Rick's apartment, flanked by her assistants. As she marched in, her black betazoid eye surveyed the scene and caught sight of Rick, lying on the sofa, reading a padd

"Ahh, you must be the groom." She beamed

"Yes Ma'am" said Rick with a smile and polite nod

"I thought so. Congratulations. Now this is bride business, so I'm going to have to ask you to leave."

Chelsea stood there with her mouth open, stunned for a moment. ~How RUDE! Who does she think..... ~

"Rick, you don't have to go.... i'm sorry.... we can take this elsewhere..... " she began, horrified to have the CAG ejected from his own quarters without any notice let alone a please or thank you.

Azuma beamed at Chelsea. "No need to shout dear. And unless I'm mistaken a great many terrans believe that for the groom to see the dress before the day is terribly bad luck. So off you trot my boy. Serine, i'm going to need light in that corner." Chelsea's outrage failed to make a dent in the Betazoid's mood. "Now come here, my girl. We have a lot of work to do."

Chelsea's hackles rose further at being ordered around like a naughty schoolgirl. She looked at Rick and held out her hands in a helpless manner.

"No, no, its fine" said Rick holding his hands up in mock surrender to the two women and smiling. "I'm going down the garage." 'going down the garage' had become a euphemism between the two of them for when Rick wanted to go and work on the Shuttle craft 'Chelsea'. He exited quickly, stage left, through the main entrance to their living abode. To be honest with himself it was a bit of a relief.

"You've got him well trained," Azuma approved. "Fine young man." She clapped her hands together. "But now, your dress." She opened a dress carrier that contained the mock up of Chelsea's wedding gown, and whisked out the drab cotton with all the flourish she would have given the real thing. "Lets get that uniform off."

Chelsea sighed, defeated and took off her clothes. Standing there in her underwear she just held out her arms like an obedient doll.

"There we go," Azuma pulled the dress into place. Even made of a plain calico in an unbleached grey it was an impressive sight. The length, the flair, the neckline. Just perfect. Everything Chelsea wanted.

Chelsea looked in the mirror and took in a breath. It *was* the most wonderful dress and the shape and elegance flattered her beautifully.

It was at this moment that the chime rang. Chelsea was about to flee into the bedroom when a familiar voice announced herself. =^= Chelseeeeeee, it's kimmy! =^=

=^= Come in honey =^= Chelsea relaxed and replied, never imagining for a moment that Kim would not be alone.

"OH... I .... er... hi.... we're um.... I'm having a fitting." Chelsea said, stating the obvious, clearly embarassed.

"OOOH! Can we see?" Kim enthused. Summer nodded in agreement, also keen to take a look.

Chelsea did a slow twirl. For a moment Azuma preened as the first impressions came to her, very favourable. And then her face fell, as the second thoughts came into play, barely hidden from her telepathic senses.

Summer liked the effect of the dress but had been expecting her daughter to be wearing her uniform Whites. The whole idea of a civilian dress didn't sit right with the career-minded, proud mother of a Commander who wanted all the relatives to see how well her daughter had done for herself in her *own* career too.

"I think it's lovely dear. You are wearing it for the reception only though, right? You'll both be in your dress uniforms for the ceremony, I take it?" Summer asked her daughter.

"No mum, at least.... we haven't talked about what Rick will wear but I was going with this for the whole thing....." Chelsea replied, suddenly wondering what Rick would prefer. She hadn't thought of the idea of the Whites.

"Okay, we'll have to defer that part of the decision until I get hold of Rick..... but for AT LEAST the reception and PROBABLY the whole thing, what do you think?" Chelsea compromised.

"I think the dress is better than the uniform," Kim offered, the unspoken but hanging in the air.

Azuma kept her face straight. She could see the ideas forming in the teenagers mind, "Why don't you tell us your ideas, sweetie." Then at least the giant no that was needed wouldn't have to come from her.

"I think its a bit old." Kim hesitated, then ploughed on. "I mean you see dresses like that in the pictures Grandad has of his academy days."

"It's traditional honey. A classic design, elegant and simple but cut to flatter" Chelsea explained with a slightly worried frown as she twisted in front of the mirror, trying to see what the problem was.

Summer stood, one arm across her chest as if she were about to fold her arms but the other with the elbow resting there and the hand up at her chin, pensively.

"Well," Kim looked from Azuma to Summer to Chelsea. "Its a bit dowdy. You could look better if you got rid of the silly length at the back, and maybe have a lower neck."

"A lower neckline might look too cheap" Summer suggested.

"Unless it was a deeper slit neck rather than a deep scoop." Chelsea was thinking out a loud.

Azuma picked up her scissors, and made a slit in the front of the bodice. ~Its your dress, my dear, but I think your mother has a point.~ Even though the split was short, it had the opposite effect than Chelsea had thought, emphasing her cleaveage in a way that could only be described as slutty.

"Yeah!" kim grinned, "Thats better."

"Erm.... nooooooooo" Chelsea looked horrified. "I.... I think that's a little immodest.... " she tried to protest.

"But Chelsea!" Kim protested, "That look is all the rage. Kind of Klingon Lady chic. Anyone who isn't ancient will be wearing something like that!"

"Um.... " Chelsea stumbled.

"Absolutely not!" Summer came out with it. "It's so.... Klingon whore without the chic."

"Fine." Kim flounced down onto the sofa, arms crossed. "Do't do it then. At least do something about the skirt so my new aunt isn't a total dweeb."

"What's a dweeb?" Chelsea looked worried and turned again, peering at the skirt. "and what's wrong with the skirt... i think it's elegant..... isn't it?"

Summer folded her arms. "Well dear, we *could* look at different lengths... *after* we get the neckline right...... "

Azuma repinned the neckline, this time with a extra panel of cloth to raise the decolletage to the height that she knew the mother of the bride had in mind. The end result was modest to the point of prim.

~Oh no!~ Chelsea's heart sank and Kim's face was a picture, she looked like someone sucking a wasp.

~Don't let them bully you, dear,~ Azuma's voice came into Chelsea's head without warning. ~its your special day~

~Yes, I know, but I don't want to have a day that's all about me but that makes everyone else unhappy. It's a shared celebration not a spoilt brat's tantrum, after all.~ Chelsea found herself having a conversation inside her own head which was bizarre.

"I tell you what.... how about if i wear it without shoulders? A couple of tiny straps and a nice bodice, then I can put a wafty light bolero jacket over it for the formal shots and take that off to make it more eveningish for later?" Chelsea suggested wishing she'd never started this now. If only she'd gone to Azuma's boutique alone.... in fact, if only she'd persuaded Rick to elope!

~I did that with husband number 2. We ran off to Risa. Very romantic. But the first time you get married, people like a fuss.~ Observed the dress maker as she snipped and pinned to create the shape Chelsea had in mind on the fly. ~Sometimes even before you get married~ Azuma stood back from adjusting the bodice. "Something like that, Commander?"

"OH! that's lovely!" Chelsea breathed a sigh of relief.

Summer looked, her head tilted to one side. "Are you sure you want it with straps? I think strapless would look less child-like. You're not 20 any more, after all."

"Thanks mum!" Chelsea complained with a huff.

"Well, who can a girl rely on for honesty if not her mother?" Summer defended.

"Her niece," Kim piped up. "And the straps have to go."

Chelsea shrugged. "Okay, no straps, that at least is unanimous if nothing else will be. So how about the hemline?"

At that moment the chime went again and Margaret Dunham and her daughter, Erica walked in. "Good morning, I hope we're not too early for breakf.......... oooh! Are we doing a dress fitting? Erica, contact the menfolk and tell them not to join us afterall but to have breakfast on the promenade will you please dear? Oh Chelsea, darling.. I don't think you should have it cut *quite* so low, do you? You know what they say.... always leave a little to the imagination dear." she clicked her tongue and looked her daughter-in-lw-to-be up and down, frowning.

"By the Prophets..... you don't like it at all, do you?" Chelsea groaned.

This was like the old cliché of the ancient Forth Bridge, by the time the far side was freshly painted there was a section back at the beginning that had got old and needed the next round of maintenance to start up. It was never ending.


Commander Chelsea Adams


Captain Summer Adams
Kim Dunham
Captain Margaret Dunham
Commander Erica Dunham


Madam Azuma
Dressmaker Extraordinare