Database: USS Benazir Bhutto:

In service as early as the 2280s, the Oberth-class was designed and used almost exclusively for the study of astronomical phenomena, including data gathering missions on stars and planets, well into the 2360s. By the latter half of the 2360s, these vessels would serve in a number of limited capacities, such as transports and supply ships.

The Oberth was present in several major Federation engagements including the Borg invasion of 2366-2367, where it participated at the Battle of Wolf 359, as well as the Battle of Sector 001 in 2373. The class would slowly be phased out of service during the 2370s, shortly after the introduction of the more advanced Nova-class science vessel.

The USS Benazir Bhutto is a Oberth-Class vessel refitted and converted to suit a more diplomatic role. Science laboratories where sacrificed to make room for larger diplomatic suites, function rooms, observation decks and executive accommodation for visiting dignitaries.

The Bhutto's primary mission is to provide transport for the various dignitaries aboard DS5 traveling between conferences or meetings away from the station. The ship also provides an observation platform for various parties to come together away from embassies, the stations civilian population or the prying eyes of journalists.

Expected Duration: 125 years
Time Between Resupply: 5 years
Time Between Refit: 6 years

Officers: 14
Enlisted Crew: 56
Maximum (Evacuation) Capacity: 20

Cruising Velocity: Warp 5
Maximum Velocity: Warp 7
Emergency Velocity: Warp 7.5 (for 18 hours)

Length: 150 metres
Width: 81.2 metres
Height: 54.1 metres
Decks: 13

Phasers Type VIII Array: 3
Shielding Systems Standard Shielding System
Torpedos Burst-Fire Torpedo Launcher Photon Torpedoes: 20 Quantum Torpedoes: 10
Probe: 40

The Oberth class also features a small shuttlebay, which carries a Type 6 Shuttle and a Type 9 Shuttle.

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