Beg, Steal or Borrow – An Inquisitive Mind
by Arrival Alexandria Marshall & Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace

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Title   An Inquisitive Mind
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Arrival Alexandria Marshall & Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace
Posted   Sun Aug 16, 2009 @ 3:24am
Location   Guest Quarters
Timeline   SD-9 1:30
Alex continued to read PADD after PADD of historical and scientific information. The Federation was very interesting to her. It had its strengths, and it had its weaknesses. But Alex was curious why the Oddyseus malfunctioned. "Computer, can you establish a radio signal?" The computer responded. "Affirmative."

Jarred walked over to see how Alex was doing, he pushed the announciator.

Alex spoke, "Enter."

"Hi, how are things?" Jarred started

She spoke, "I've been boning up on three hundred years of history. Earth has been through a lot. And I've read the most recent history. Hell, I would've signed on for a tour of duty with the Corps against those Jeem Haddar? Or whatever they were called."

"That was an Ugly war, I want to put it behind me." He paused "what else have you been up to?"

Alex picked up a PADD and handed it to the Officer. "I managed to find the Federation Citizenship Application on your database. Might as well move on with my life."

"well thats good, have you got any other plans?" Jarred wondered if he as going to reenlist

Alex spoke, "Now that I got that out of the way. I can start looking for a new ship. I intend to do what I was trained to do."

"There's a restriction on what you can get, the most popular one is the Raven class, there more readily available." Jarred started "You will need to qualify as a pilot for this era though."

Alex smiled, "Not a problem. If I can fly a Marine F-54 then I can fly one of your ships. I've been going over the flight training manual. I just cannot put these PADD's down, and I feel like a kid in a candy shop."

"well don't get too carried away, books can't replace practical experiance." Jarred said

The computer responded "Radio Signal established."

"Radio signal?"

Alex spoke. "I'm trying to establish a remote access to Penelope's databanks. If I use my codes, it may allow us remote access to Odysseus' computers without the risk of going aboard." Alex sat down at a console. "Penelope, establish external datalink." She waited until the datalink established. "Excellent. We're in."

"Ok, what are you looking for exactly?"

Alex went through the files. "Computer, display VR Record. Mission Year one-zero-five." An image appeared on the screen with a distant object just visible. "Magnify." The image became clearer and more distingushable. A old style Romulan Bird of Prey. "Penelope, play VR Log."

"hey that looks like an early era Romualn bird of prey, I'd say about 200 plus years old."

The Bird of Prey approached the sleeper ship and fired some sort of grapple at the sleeper ship and began to pull it off course. "They pulled the ship off-course! On a random vector, and then they used a EM pulse to damage Penelope's Core. They sabotaged the mission and I spent three hundred years in cold-sleep."

"Ironically we didn't have any real contact with the Romulans until about 120 years ago, we faught a war with them prior to that, and had a boader skirmish with them on a few occasions, but it wasn't until almost 45 years ago we had any regular contact with them. Now we've teetered on the brink of war with them on a few occasions in the last few years." Jarred said filling in a few blanks.

"Yeah I read about them. Including the notes of their treachery." Alex responded. "It's probably water under the bridge for your Federation huh?"

"Well alot has changed too, following the war with the dominion relations did improve, but now with all the internal strife within all three governments I wouldn't be so shocked to see a civil war break out somewhere." Jarred said "the last year or two have been tension filled, even my superiors on Earth have been on edge."

"Wow, I leave the old wars of my time for new ones." Alex interjected.

"I've seen two, plus an incursion from the borg, along with alot of other things that I can't talk about. After the attack on the station a few days ago, plus my own little battle during a surrveilance mission, it kind of put the bug in me to look for a command of my own someday."

Alex's eyebrow raised, "Borg? Yet another race I've never heard of."

"there a race of cybernetic beings, they are more interested in assimilation of whole civilizations than just military conquest." Jarred commented

"And a nasty one by the sounds of it." Alex interjected. "No wonder this Federation has types like Dorian Gabriel."

"Mr. Gabriel is more of a product of the fact we've been at war off and on for nearly twenty years, alot of the political machinery within the Federation has seemingly geared itself to that fact."

Alex spoke, "Dorian Gabriel is dangerous to your Federation. And I hope the people of the Federation see that before it's too late. All that is required for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing, and for evil men to prevail."

"The problem is Hacks like Dorian have friends in high places. There's been at least one instance that should've gotten him busted and instead he was left untouched." Jarred mused.

Alex sighed, "I'll give your Federation ten years at the most. Then it will be racked by civil war."

"We came close once already, I wouldn't rule it out now though." Jarred making a referance too the Lakota incident from 10 years ago.


Lt. (JG) Jarred Wallace