Beg, Steal or Borrow – Dinners, dates, dances - how devious (Part 3)
by Commander Richard Dunham & Commander Chelsea Dunham

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Title   Dinners, dates, dances - how devious (Part 3)
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Commander Richard Dunham & Commander Chelsea Dunham
Posted   Sun Jun 28, 2009 @ 9:39am
Location   Benito's to a Turbolift
Timeline   SD8 20:30 hours
With that Isha straightened and pressed Chelsea back into her chair, "Tell Benito that it is on my account, and enjoy yourselves," she said before turning away and slipping quietly out of the restaurant.

"I honestly think," said Dunham with a smile as Isha walked off, "that women could Kick my ass."


"I think she could kick *most* people's asses!" Chelsea agreed, grinning. "beautifully, too!" she added very fondly.

"I imagine she is probably a very graceful women." Said Dunham as the food arrived. The waiter placed the food on the table. After he left Dunham raised his glass for a toast. "A toast. To new beginnings."

Chelsea raised her glass and allowed it to chinck gently against his, then sipped at it, agreeing with him. "Yes, New Beginnings!" she replied, adding: "... and New Friends" She rewarded him with a glorious smile that spread all across her lips and warmed her eyes.

Suddenly, the colour drained from her cheeks and she turned pale, shaking so much that her drink developed it's own little dance in her hand. She was staring at something behind Richard, outside the cafe windows.

"Whats wrong?" Duham said with concern in his voice. He took the glass from out of her hand before she dropped it. Dunham wasn't even sure if Chelsea had heard the question. With the expression on her face, something had really got to her.

"Oh....... " she could hardly speak. "I...... I'm sorry. I.... " Chelsea tried to recover. "Thanks" she nodded towards the glass Richard had rescued. Gulping down the lump in her throat, Chelsea couldn't decide whether 'fight' or 'flight' was the most appropriate reaction so she remained frozen to the spot for a minute.

Realising slowly how rude this must seem to Dunham but too overcome with emotion to deal with it properly, Chelsea bit her lip and then began to splutter some sort of garbled explanation.

"I .... you know I told you about my ... " she didn't know what to call Ryan now, she wasn't sure of anything anymore. "about Ryan.... the CMO?"

Dunham gave small "urrm" then a quizical look.

"I.. just saw him..... them.... over there at the railing... where it looks over the promenade decks below. They're looking up at the Atrium, like we did..... when we were first dating.... he was pointing up... he showed me like that.. the stars and the nebula and ..... now he's with her and she's got his jacket on.... and her hand on the back of his neck. He loves......... " she couldn't go on.

"I'm sorry" she choked back a mix of hurt, anger and confusion. "I have to go. I really AM so sorry" she wanted to run away. She felt humiliated that this had happened in front of Richard.

"Perhaps I made a mistake?" the question was rhetoric and didn't require an answer, it was just her attempt to find a reason to be wrong.

"I need to catch them up and find out......" she grasped at straws.

Standing up to go, still so confused that she clumsily tipped her chair backwards she had to catch it before it landed on the man sitting behind. More embarrassed than ever by the scene she felt she was causing, Chelsea fled, muttering apologies.

Dunham was still a little shocked at the turn of events. What had started off as a perfect evening was turning into a series of dramatic events. He was left a little dumbfounded at the table before he realised what was going on....And that was that this fantastic girl was getting away. He got up from his chair and went after Chelsea. Almost having to push his way through the crowed on the promenade. He caught up with her as she entered a turbo lift. Chelsea had her back turned to him. He placed his hand on her arm and turned her around. He looked into her eyes struggling to find the right words to use. His mind had gone blank with the power of emotions running through his system. The short pause seemed like a lifetime. Then he kissed her.


OFF: A joint post between

Lt Richard Dunham
Squadron Leader


Lt. Cmdr. Chelsea Adams