Cascade – "Blessed Events, Some of Which Occur at Gunpoint"
by (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian

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Title   "Blessed Events, Some of Which Occur at Gunpoint"
Mission   Cascade
Author(s)   (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian
Posted   Tue Feb 19, 2013 @ 1:29am
Location   Rianni's Ready Room
Timeline   before Ivor Prime Briefing
When Rianni had been awoken from her short nap to receive a call from Romulan space she had been expecting to see her aunt, but was surprised, no, make that dismayed, to see D'Rek D'Liin, "Okay, what do you want and make it quick." She sneered, "I'm on a mission of some great importance and don't have any time for your political BS."

"Now, darling, is that any way to talk to your betrothed?" D'Liin cackled.

"What are you going on about, jackass?" Rianni asked with a dismissive roll of her eyes before voicing her previously silent theory, "You've been in my Aunt's personal stock of Ale again haven't you?"

"Oh, no, no." He shook his head, "Though I did enjoy a glass of Ale with one of your aunts, one Llair t'Khellian. In fact, it was over this drink that she agreed that you and I are to be married as soon as I return to DS5."

"Well, hate to break it to you, darling, but at no time did I agree to this wedding." Rianni laughed, "So it's not happening, Dhelan out."

"Before you hang up on me you should let me remind you of the protocol of being a member of a great house." D'Liin interjected, stopping her hand just micrometers from the power switch, "You see, Llair is the head of your house, and as such she doesn't have to consult you in decisions in regard to the betterment of the house, such as when she tasked me with turning a half breed guttersnipe like yourself into a proper Romulan lady."

"I won't stand for this." Rianni snarled.

"Then you'll be cast from your house, my dear." D'Liin added with a smirk, "Now we wouldn't want that to happen would we?"

"I don't give a damn." Rianni laughed, "Let Llair cast me out. I grew up without this house, I really don't need them now."

"Okay, maybe you don't, since you do come from Greek aristocracy after all." D'Liin began, setting his trap, "But what of your father? Your brother, J'Tar? Your sister, Ashara? What will they do when stripped of their status and positions?"

"You're bluffing." Rianni shook her head, she didn't buy his story at all.

"Am I?" D'Liin shrugged, "Well, you can check your communiques from Ch'rihan if you'd like, you'll find the announcement of our wedding at the top of Llair's list of talking points."

In angered disbelief Rianni snatched her PADD from the counter and checked the latest communications from the main house on Ch'rihan and saw, as the smug bastard on her screen had said she would, an announcement of her impending marriage to D'Rek D'Liin along with an order for at least one representative of every branch of the house to be present on Deep Space Five for the ceremony. Tossing the PADD aside angrily she turned back to D'Liin, "I don't give a frack what you and Llair say, I'm not going to marry you! Not now, not ever. So get it out of your brain."

"Yes, you will." D'Liin smiled broadly, "Because you can't chance your entire bloodline being cut from the tree of the house like the deadwood they are. Oh, and if you're thinking about calling Isha, you should know she's formed her own house, in the name of your late mentor, Raedhoel, and left all of you behind. She can't help you now, little halfling, you belong to me."

"I'll cut your tongue out and see if it lies on it's own." Rianni vowed, showing only anger even though his words had cut her deeply, even deeper if they were true.

"Oh, don't tell me." He sighed, "You mean, you actually thought dear old Auntie Isha loved you? Eisn, I've engaged myself to a fool. No matter, you'll learn many things soon enough, especially your place. Oh, and for the love of God do something about your appearance before our wedding, you look like you've been sleeping in a Reman's nest, D'Liin out."

Rianni watched him vanish from the screen, not knowing what to do next or where to turn, if it was true, and Isha had really abandoned her, then she was totally at his mercy, ~The Borg would've done me a favor if they'd killed me....~