We All Fall Down – Lets try that again
by Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Commander Isha t'Vaurek

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Title   Lets try that again
Mission   We All Fall Down
Author(s)   Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Commander Isha t'Vaurek
Posted   Wed Dec 03, 2014 @ 6:47pm
Location   Promenade, Isha's office
Timeline   WAFD MD03 0930


Yolanthe materialised on the Promenade, just outside the Cardassian Embassy, and promptly threw up into a nearby pot plant "What just happened?" she muttered, wiping flecks of puke away from her mouth with her fingers.

She looked aroun, turning an inceasingly sharp shade of turquoise. everything seemed normal, apart from the fact that she was here, and not in T'vaurek's office. What the hell was going on?

She headed back to the turbolifts. It was a long trip back to OPS.


It took her a good ten minutes to reach the brains of the station and negotiate the security. Yolanthe hurried in, but was dissapointed to not see Tah in Isha's office.

"Commander, I'm so sorry, I've no idea," she bagan as she moved forward. But then there was a hiss, and then the whine of the transporter once again.

"Yola ..." Isha began but by then the woman had disappeared again. "What in the Element's name is happenning?"


After dry retching into the same plant pot. Yolanthe swore for a bit. Her stomach now ached from being sick and she was right back where she started. She headed to the turbolift for the third time that morning.


Once she go there, this time Yolanthe took things carefully. She asked for Quirm and waited for the Yeoman. Maybe she needed to be escorted?

When she saw the tall barkeeper Peridot's brow wrinkled as though an idea she didn't quite comprehend was slowly making its way through her cortex. She had seen the Andorian leave - in something of mood if her judgement was right but not the barkeeper.

"Miss Ibalin, I didn't see you leave," she blurted. "Did you forget something?"

"To be honest, I never really arrived. Everytime I try and go in I get beamed back to the promenade." Yolanthe gave an emphatic gesture for help. "Am I missing something? Is there a security protocol I should know about? Like an escort in?"

Peridot beamed for a moment."I'll check," she said as her hair puffed around her shoulders.

None I know of she thought as she went to her desk, smile still in place. The list flicked over the angled screen.

Hmmm, that's new - she thought ...

Peridot blinked as she read who had put it in place - the BARKEEPER was a threat to the Commanding Officer???

There was a way she could deal with it. Peridot took a deep breath, "I'll ask if the Commander is available," she said - in public.

"Thanks." Yolanthe turned back to survey OPS. Everyone seemed very busy, beavering away at smooth glass panels of various stations, watching readings, herding traffic, and whatever else they did up here.


If Isha had not been so terribly curious about just where the Bokkai had gone and what, by doing so she'd hoped to achieve she probably would not have bothered with the meeting. But curious she was.

The Romulan emerged from her ready room scanning the activity in Ops, all seemed well.

"The Observation Lounge," she said before leading Yolanthe the short distance to the room. "I thought perhaps you had developed a unique allergy to Romulans," she said.

"Not at all. I have no idea why that kept happening," Yolanthe was now a delicate peach shade. Reaching the threshold of the conference room she hesitated, and then crossed the threshold, holding her breath.

"How strange," Isha said. Her own eyes had difficulty seperating the woman from the Reptile. "As neither of us are about to disappear, maybe you can tell me what your Andorian colleage failed to communicate. If you'd like refreshments please use the replicator," Isha said as she took the nearest seat.

"Thanks." Yolanthe went to the replicator. "Regalian Kale smoothie with Terran Flax and alfarian hair hydropeptides equivalent twenty grams." The replicater produced a foul looking concoction in a long glass and a straw. The bokkai stirred it once, then chugged half of it in one go. "Sorry, breakfast." Then she sat down. "what did Her majestic iciness tell you?"

Isha chuckled softly, "An ice cube to my glacier," she said. "I am more curious as to why you chose not to participate in the discussion, that, and why you possess a personal transporter device."

Yolanthe's brows furrowed in confusion. "Er, I didn't and I don't. I haven't got a clue why that thing with the transporters happened. I really wish it happened. I'm not good with the whole transporter thing."

"You didn't? A glitch perhaps. I'll have a diagnotic run," Isha replied. "As to what the Secretary of the Promenade Merchant's Association said, not an awful lot. Medical are researching the current outbreak of flu. Your colleague seems to want me to shut down the promenade - hardly good for business and a move likely to drive the populace away fro Deep Space Five - a populace that could spread the disease further."

Isha was not going to discuss it with either Yolanthe or Tah but steps had already been taken towards putting DS5 in quarantine and for recent departures to be isolated. It wouldn't be a popular move, but until they knew what they were dealign with ...

"We want to know whats going on." Yolanthe explained. "We need to see that Starfleet have noticed, that they are taking steps. Its the not knowing thats always the worst. No one likes the mushroom treatment." She sipped on her smoothie and put the glass down again. "Maybe a public statement. Perhaps if you were to come to the promenade, speak to everyone, people would feel that you've noticed and you care."

From what Isha recalled of the civilian population of this place was that the most likely result of a public address would be a riot. "A statement perhaps," she said, but she had little intention of visiting the promenade.

"Seeing is believing." Yolanthe said. She licked her lips and went a palest hint of green. "Commander, Ambassador. If you think Starfeet are nervous about the new arrangement, then the civilian population is doubly so. We're on the edge of space, if Starfleet decides to pull out of here, or just hand it over to the Romulans, then we are all in trouble." She sat back in the chair. "No one who wants to go back comes here without a Starfleet Uniform. We're all out here on the raggedy edge for a reason; we've gathered rounds Starfleets ankles for the protection it affords, but if it goes, we can't. And people are worried that we're about to get thrown to the velkirapts.

She sat forward suddenly. "You were one of us once. Be one of us again, just for an hour. Make us all feel safe. Make us feel... visible. Please."

It was an emotive plea, but Isha was not sure that she had ever been one of them before, though ironically that might now be so, in-between worlds as she was. "I'll consider it," Isha said. She was not going to promise anything, least of all something that might appear to be grandstanding in an attempt to achieve a powerbase. Tahhk would have an opinion, Isha was sure.

She flickered the colour of dandelions for a moment before returning to her usual violet. "Thank you."


A post by

Yolanthe Ibalin
Propriator, The Box of Delights

Commander Isha t'Vaurek