Database: Cardăsda

Greetings and courtesies

Kiba'avzayn.: "Good tidings." (Generic greeting acceptable for most situations)

Sosot mekot-ra edikouv-ra çadav edek.: "I welcome you to my table." (Formal welcome to a person of higher status.)

Lorhoc çadav-ra edek.: "I honor you." (Very formal greeting used for high officials.)

Pokor malin çad.: "You do a service." (Expression of thanks, to an equal.)

Brocol lerayt edek?: "Did I hear correctly?" (It is considered more polite in Cardassian society to ask for a repeat than to make assumptions about possibly misheard statements.)


tho: "no." Used to negate a positive statement.

ve': "yes." Used to affirm a positive statement.

Common words

çada: you (singular, respectful subordinate-to-superior address)

ghenorev: the "under-red"--a color perceived by Cardassian eyes just below "red" on the EM spectrum, coming from the upper part of the infrared band.

krilătbre-yezul: the spoon-shaped protrusion on the Cardassian forehead used to sense bioelectric fields. (Literally, "hunter-eye.")

lek: Cardassian unit of currency. Can be subdivided into thirtieths.

Mătz Irhiy’iylakou: Day of Sorrows. Oralian religious concept similar to Terran Armageddon.

o'çad: you (singular, superior-to-subordinate address)

ousighukum: "Execute!" (carry out an order, superior-to-subordinate)

sesoghoke: "Execute!" (polite version, equal-to-equal)

ouvrisupum: "Energize!" (superior-to-subordinate)

nou: a verb-aspect marker, conveys a sense of timelessness to the action in question. Also used to indicate an act of kindness.

ta’cardăst: un-Cardassian. Can carry an insulting connotation depending on context, but is also acceptable neutral terminology.

zay'oul: future.

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