Judgement – The poarch light is on, he's still not home
by Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace

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Title   The poarch light is on, he's still not home
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace
Posted   Tue Dec 21, 2010 @ 8:24pm
Location   Intelligence office
Timeline   SD 35 1700

The station had slowly moved through the day, while many of the senior staff were preoccupied with the Dorian trial or other events going on three junior officers and a NCO sat around a meeting table, looking somewhere between helpless and lost. They had spent ten hours digging through mountains of files, and decades of information to try and nail down where the Cheif intel officer had disappeared to.

As they filtered through the endless reports, files and endless mission reports that were in the station database, and they kept comming to the same conclusion that the information they needed to find was either deleted or restricted to command.

Cheif Ayers stood at the replicator and grabed his fifth cup of coffee while he scanned yet another report trying to figure out what was going on. "Kids I don't know about you but it be happy hour and I am done with this, what ever happened too the Lieutenant is burried in mystery and secured files."

Martina looked at the Cheif, "I think this time your right, theres no data on where he is, and who called him away, nothing." she paused as she reached into he cabinet drawer behind her "I don't think he's comming back this time."

"This time?" John said with a quizical look.

"The first time I met the kid he pulled two engineers out of a fire during a Jemhidar attack, even after two explosions he some how managed to pull those two kids out, he got the medal of bravery for that." Craig paused as he poured from the bottle in Martinas hand "A day later he and three marines held off a jemhidar squad when the ship got boarded as the ship was being over run." taking a long pull on the cup he continued "The fire fight was less than a meter from sick bay which was flooded with casualties he some how managed to save the day, when they found him after the boarding parties were repelled he'd been stabbed six times by bayonettes and was still standing there with a phaser rifle in his hands."

"Come on cheif six stab wounds? seriously?" Rhiana said as she took her turn with the bottle.

"Two in the left arm, one in the right thigh and three in the torso." Craig said quoting memory

John was pouring a drink, "where do the klingons come into play?"

Craig laughed "The captain of the Kar'Gah and Jarred were in the same starbase lounge when Admiral Richardson walked in and demanded that he board a troop transport for an assult on some peice of territory they had fought over less than a few hours earlier, a slightly drunk Jarred walked over and slugged him breaking the Admirals jaw!" Craig said laughing "The Captain of the Kar'Gah came over and helped Jarred out when the security goons showed up."

"Serious, how long was the Lieutenant in the brig for?"

"Seventeen minutes, the station got attacked and Jarred and most of the other prisoners had to help with the station defense." Craig took a long pull on his drink "Jarred and a group of Klingons were the last to leave when to station was over run, after that the rest is history."

"So when do we tell Ms Mckenzie that hes' missing?" Rhiana said

Craig stopped "Hes not officially missing until tomorrow morning at oh-nine hundred or we find out who or what dragged him away from the station."

"Could it have something to do with that meeting he had this morning?" Martina asked next.

"What?!" Craig half fell out of his chair "We need to hack into his computer now!"

The four intel officers went into there station cheifs' office "Ok, since we don't know his passwords and some may be voice print sensitive lets do some data mining."

John sat at the computer, he put a tricorder next to him and attached small sensor too the side of the terminal, as they scrolled seemingly endless lines of text they found what they were after, "Round up the senior staff, then break out the side arms we have a problem." Craig said looking over Johns' shoulder.

As if it was an old habbit Marti unlocked the weapons locker and started to pass everyone a phaser and belt then she looked at the cheif, "The captain and Mr Darson could be in there quarters, we should go there first."

"Use site to site transporter programs for Darson since his movements may have triggered this who fiasco, and the Captain is to be escourted." Cheif Ayers said "if security gets innvolved this could get worse, or we could have a potential raid on the station." the chiefs words echoed as they got ready.


DS5 Intelligence staff