Unity – Guarded Secrets - Part 1
by Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Lieutenant Commander Greo Tovon & Alderman Dorian Gabriel

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Title   Guarded Secrets - Part 1
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Lieutenant Commander Greo Tovon & Alderman Dorian Gabriel
Posted   Thu Apr 08, 2010 @ 7:11pm
Location   Science Lab 2
Timeline   SD17 13:20

Even without the elaborate charade he and Isha were playing Rh'vaurek would have gone to the science lab.

That the Federation had managed to salvage the core from the wreckage without his knowledge was the first blow, the second, which landed on the same spot was that it was here on the station being analyzed and his people had not picked it up. But there was an opportunity too - direct access to station facilities that he would not normally be admitted to, and damage limitation. When the final report was written it would appear that the incident was by design but for that to work he had to establish what data had been extracted.

Surly, Rh'vaurek thought as he was shown to science lab 2, That is what the Cardassian will be expecting - surly, and none too eager to help. Rh'vaurek could play that easily enough, the bigger question was if the Cardassian had made it this far without dropping dead.

[Science Lab 2]

A shaft of shimmering blue light deposited Greo at the computer console in Science Lab 2. Laid out in the analysis chamber, sealed from the rest of the room, were the remnants of the romulan computer core. He could see the various devices within the chamber were already at work scanning and probing away. Lieutenant Telgar stood at a control panel, watching them work. He turned suddenly at Greo's arrival.

"Commander, I didn't expect you to..." The Tellarite stopped as he looked over the wounds on Greo's body. "Sir, should you be up and about?"

"Thanks for the concern Telgar, but I think there are more important things going on than my welfare." He nodded toward the analysis chamber. "Has there been much progress?"

"The scan cycle is nearly done." Telgar transferred his data over to Greo's computer. "It should be done any minute now."

"Excellent." Greo began opening up the files relating to the data he had retrieved from the core. Gabriel would want to look them over. "Ok. Now I need you to head off and see to your duties. I'm expecting some company so please remind the security guards to be nice to my guest."

Telgar looked slightly confused, but smiled and left the lab. Greo turned back to the scan readouts. A picture of the explosive yield and configuration was beginning to unfold. He moved to a cabinet and withdrew a phaser, attaching it to his belt he took a deep breath. A Romulan agent and Gabriel in one room, he thought to himself, not sure which will be worse!

Outside of the lab, Gabriel met Lieutenant I'Pho just as his lift came to a stop on the designated deck for the Science Lab. I'Pho understood the severity of the situation when he received the communication from Main Security, therefore he made sure his entire team was properly armed to deal with any "situations" that may arise.

"What are we going to find within the Lab, Commander?" I'Pho asked as he assigned two men to the watched the lift junction for the deck.

"A Cardassian, a Romulan, and sensitive intelligence information." Gabriel replied in a short manner. He knew I'Pho and had served with him during the war. Gabriel knew that he was a good officer and would follow orders as they were given and not ask too many unnecessary questions.

"You come into the lab with me, but keep the remainder of your team at the door." Gabriel said as he began to enter the science lab.

"Ah Gabriel," Greo turned to the security chief as he strode in with another officer, "I'm glad to see you could make it after all. Let me show you the readouts." Greo ushered him over to the computer panel as they awaited the romulan.


And it had been the right choice, Rh'vaurek thought. The scrawny half-breed was just the sort to go running to security when he found he had to deal with someone more threatening than Isha.

Rh'vaurek nodded to the scientist who had brought him this far, "I'm expected," he told one of Gabriel's goons, "at Lieutenant Commander Tovon's invitation, and I don't have all day."

The Ensign looked at the Romulan for several moments as he contacted Lieutenant I'Pho to receive clearance. "You're cleared to enter the Science Lab, but you'll need to leave any and all weapons out here." Ensign Stohr stated.

"I'm not armed," he said simply, which was true whether or not the man chose to believe him.

Ensign Flornt scanned the romulan, as instructed by Commander Tovon. With no weapons showing on the man's possession he tapped the entry code into the door, making sure the romulan did not see.

"Please go in."

Rh'vaurek entered the lab breathing in the strange astringent smell that always seemed to permeate such places ... Tovon ... a stranger ... then his gaze fell on Gabriel.

"And there was me thinking we might make some progress this afternoon, Lieutenant Commander Tovon," Rh'varek said in fluent Cardassian. His tone was almost playful, and his choice of speaking to the Cardassian in Cardassian designed to get up Gabriel's nose, "but I see we will be hindered. Are you not aware that Gabriel distrusts all aliens?"

"Welcome Rh'vaurek. I hope we can begin this meeting as we mean to go on. Brief." Greo stood near the control panel for the analysis chamber, blocking the romulan's view with his battered body. "Now please, give me the specifications of the backup positronic data storage device that complements warbird computer core memory systems and we can proceed."

Gabriel could not understand what either man was saying considering he never took the time during the war to learn Cardassian. He knew that the Romulan was doing it just to spite him. Apparently he had forgotten that he was no longer in that den of mendacity of an embassy.

"Lieutenant, watch the Romulan. If he moves the wrong way, shoot him. If he looks at me the wrong way, shoot him, hell, if he breathes the wrong way, shoot him." Gabriel said to I'Pho in Federation standard.

"Let's get to the point of this meeting, Tovon. That device has sensitive information on it and your equipment can retrieve it. So let's dispense with the pleasantries and move on." He said without any form of patience.

"Shouldn't you be plodding around the station trying to find out who likes setting off explosions rather than interfering where you are not needed," Rh'vaurek said, "Ah, but you need to keep an eye on your lieutenant too, don't you ... not human enough to have your trust. That's Ambassador Romulan, by the way," he added for the benefit of Gabriel's flunky.

"What do you have for me, Tovon?" he asked as though Gabriel had not spoken. "Tell me what you have retrieved so far and from which layer of the core? Additionally, have you identified which vessel it came from? My government is co-operating with this investigation in our common interest, but I will remind you that that co-operation is dependent on full disclosure."

Gabriel and the Andorian Lieutenant briefly shared a glance before Gabriel turned his attention back to the Romulan. Gabriel had served with I'Pho and therefore wasn't worried about his loyalty to the Federation. At the moment he was more concerned about the two individuals in front of him. Individuals whose respective races had already demonstrated a talent in duplicity and a willingness to take Federation lives.

"Your government isn't here, and therefore what they think is irrelevant to whatever we find in that core." Gabriel spoke up. "For both of your sakes, there better be something in that core that justifies this apparent obstruction of an investigation." he added.

"You of all people should be concerned about what my government thinks," Rh'vaurek said darkly, "Lieutenant Commander Tovon, there is no assistance I can offer; my government, nor its representitives will assist anyone who is found to be harbouring a wanted criminal."

"Quiet!" Greo almost shouted at the two men. "Both of you, please. How pathetic watching the two of you sparring here and now. Why don't you just have a fist fight and roll around like primates. The station has been bombed, we are all at risk. We need to work together!"

Greo looked to the romulan. "The storage device stolen had a list of star systems within 2 days travel of here at high warp that would be prime targets. They are stored on the device from the warbird Rhiandhaell captained by Taibek ir-Elahu. It was part of a faction that planned various attacks in an attempt to seize control of the romulan star empire. These attacks have not happened yet, but we have the location of many planets that were on this list. Several are close enough to DS5 to be potential targets for those who bombed the station."

He then turned to Gabriel. "We need to have a united front. Security will be key in finding the device once I have calibrated sensors to detect its signature. Science and Tactical have to work with our expert on this. We can't be threatening each other. Lieutenant I'Pho, please don't shoot anyone."

Greo turned back to the romulan. "Now please, give me the specifications of the backup positronic data storage device that complements warbird computer core memory systems and we can proceed in stopping the device from leaving the station. I think we can all agree that the repercussions for romulus and starfleet would be dire."

Gabriel's fist remained strongly clenched. the Romulan was enjoying the ability to hold the past over Gabriel's head. ~The second this current crisis is over, I'm going to have a long 'talk' with that Romulan and his contrived theories.~ Gabriel thought to himself.

I'Pho looked back and forth from Rh'vaurek to Gabriel, confused. What crime had Gabriel committed against the Romulan government?

"Sir, what is he referring to. . ." I'Pho began to speak, but he was interrupted by Gabriel. "Not now." Gabriel said as he shifted his attention back to the Romulan. "Hurry up and provide whatever is necessary so we can stop the planned attacks before they occur." He said in a demanding tone.

If Rh'vaurek had been paying more attention to them he might have answered the Andorian's question himself but he was standing with his arms folded, contemplating what the Cardassian had told him as his fingers rubbing through his sleeve the throbbing, spreading bruise that surrounded the wound inflicted by the Trillish bitch who had smashed a glass into his arm the previous night.

He had read the reports, both official and unredacted of Isha's recent trip to Romulus, of the trial, of the deal with the government, her own narrow escape from becoming their scapegoat and finally of the executions – central among them the very people who had masterminded the earlier attacks on DS5

It was an impressive list; Senator Rhiu ir-Ainleth, her brother H’daen ir-Ainleth and his wife the great lady Arrhae i-Nn'Verih t’Rehu, Fveirrolh tr’Illialhlae - Isha’s son. Though the tribunal had met behind closed doors the traitors had been executed publicly, each given first the opportunity to state his regret before being offered a sword. But and each had remained resolutely silent, accepting no wrongdoing and each refused to take his own life, forcing waiting members of the praetorian guard to do it.

Taibek ir- Elahu was nobody, probably loyal to those traitors but too lowly to be an active member of their conspiracy, an officer following orders. Rh’vaurek’s own analysis suggested that the Rhiandhaell had been needlessly sacrificed and now he was beginning to understand why.

Saliva catching in his throat Rh’vaurek swallowed - star systems within 2 days travel of here at high warp that would be prime targets – the archaeologist Prendergast was missing, his Vulcan assistant Sulek had gone into hiding after a device had failed to explode in Prendergast’s shop leaving behind a body that in a traumatized state might have been mistaken for Sulek … someone outside the narrow circle who officially knew of the dig at Greiirh had learned of the artifact, someone who was delighted that the Senate had chosen to make an example out of those high ranking citizens, leaving him free to continue operating in the background and above suspicion.

Only a few seconds had passed, though he said nothing of his own suspicions but the Rh’vaurek’s demeanor had changed, this was business and if information about that artifact fell into the wrong hands they were all under threat.

He plucked a data rod from a pocket and approached the Cardassian, “this should do it,” he said placing the rod on the console, “This is a general key, I will need to adjust the code slightly to match the specific requirements once the initial protocol is running – if that is not done we will trigger a program that will erase everything in the back up memory,” Rh’vaurek added for Gabriel’s benefit, in case the fool thought he could make him leave after giving Tovon the key.

Greo took the rod from the romulan, light catching off the slim device. He turned to the station beside him.

"Computer, isolate this terminal from all vital systems and exterior connections for ten minutes. Perform diagnostics on the station hardware and sub-routines every thirty seconds." Greo needed the information from the romulan, but he was no fool. He wouldn't give anyone the opportunity to infiltrate the stations secure systems. Once he was sure the computer had performed the desired function he inserted the rod. Immediately data rolled across the screen, the schematics for the data storage device slowly forming on screen. He turned to the romulan.

"Please enter the correct code."

"Why would I enter the incorrect code," Rh'vaurek muttered at the redundant statement. "Your paranoia does you credit Lieutenant, but there is a time and a place for everything and this is not it; you'll burn yourself out suspecting malice where none is intended - you could ask our friend Gabriel about that, he always suspects a plot and that blinds him to what is really going on," Rh'vaurek suggested to Tovon as his fingers slipped over the controls.

"I am simply taking precautions, I believe it is the least you would do in my place." Greo responded.

First level: Standard crew compliment. Standard specifications. Mission orders direct from the Galae - in a location several light years from Deep Space Five, Rh'vaurek noted as information scrolled before his eyes but that was the only anomoly.

Second level: not so standard after all. Orders overridden by Nniol tr'Illialhlae, ostensibly to track a 'rogue faction' believed to be operating in the vicinity of Deep Space Five - that much tied in with the story the now deceased scion of Isha's husband's House had told the tribunal.

Rh'vaurek pursed his lips - the Cardassian had made a lot of progress in getting so far - got into the next level of encryption a little too easily. He amended the code again, stripping away the protective skin a layers at a time ...

Third level: this was where the information began to get interesting and the restrictions began to become stricter - in addition to the general data stored in the first two levels junior officers had access only to that data that was relevant to them - orders and information were often contradictory depending on where in the hierarchy and in which department one served.

Fourth level: the same applied for those more senior but it was the fifth that interested him the most - the layer containing information pertinent to the commanders ... it was through these last three levels that the information about the various planets was distributed detailed and amended as required for each.

"Here is your list of planets, co-ordinates and so on," Rh'vaurek said drawing attention to the fact that he had reached Tovon's data rather than implying that there might be a higher level of encryption.

"It's about damn time," Gabriel said impatiently. "I'Pho, begin recording the information on that conso---" he began to say as the station's Red Alert Klaxons began to signal.

"What the hell is happening now!?" Gabriel asked rhetorically.

=/= "All hands, civilians and crew. An enemy vessel has just de-cloaked outside Deep Space Five. You are to report to your muster stations. All docking bays are to be sealed." He did not need to order a stationwide lockdown, that was already in progress. "Civilian members are to make their way to their quarters. Do not panic." Commander Davies stated. ==

Greo stared around the room as the klaxons went off. He had already accessed the planetary data on the original core and this seemed to be the same information. He already had a version of this he was going to hand over. It seemed the squabbling had blocked the ears of those around him. He searched the data quickly as the others began to move toward the door.There! he thought as he came across the specifications he desired. He had not been interested in the data, but the device it had originally been stored on. Finally the romulan had been useful. He had his information and Gabriel felt he'd had a victory.

=*= "Commander Gabriel, get a team to secondary operations." =*= Davies reported over the comm.

"Thank you." He said above the clamor.

Gabriel looked to the other inhabitants of the room. "You all stay here, when I get back I want to finish the investigation of that device and find out what other information it has and how useful it will be to Starfleet." He said as he began to head towards the door.

"I'Pho, secure the room and don't allow anybody else to enter." He said over his shoulder.

"Gabriel. Before you go I will route the specs on the data storage device to your office and set up the Tempus Array to scan for it. That device holds all this data as well. If who ever orchestrated the attack gets it from their agent who knows where will be attacked next."

"Ok. I'll co-ordinate with security from here."

Rh'vaurek siad nothing, all those precautions and ... well, the results and the moniker were to be learned.

Lt Cmdr Greo Tovon
Chief Science Officer

Lieutenant Commander
Dorian Gabriel
Chief Security Officer

erie'Khrein Rh'vaurek Raedheol
Romulan Ambassador