Cascade – So what are you? Part 1
by Commander Karen Villiers & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Commander Chelsea Dunham

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Title   So what are you? Part 1
Mission   Cascade
Author(s)   Commander Karen Villiers & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Commander Chelsea Dunham
Posted   Wed Dec 19, 2012 @ 8:38pm
Location   Quarantined Hanger Bay
Timeline   SD70, 15:00

It wasn’t enough just to analyse the pattern, even superimposing the tracks on a scan of the vessel gave her no insight as to why they walked that way. Ensign DeRoot needed to trace the paths that the away team. She hadn’t been on the ship herself, but she had seen and smelt the team when they returned to the Tyne so wasn’t exactly looking forward to it. The hangar bay, bereft of any clutter was cool, grey and silent. The ship itself was almost lost in the center of the vast space, a model compared to the behemoths that could be accommodated in there. The silver grey hull of the ovoid ship was pitted and down one side bore deep jagged scars that ran from the prow to one of the engines as though it had come into contact with a giant raptor.

The ramp to the vessel was down and a lone security officer stood sentry at its foot. DeRoot approached, “Is it safe to go aboard?” she asked showing him the Padd bearing her authorization.

He adjusted his stance slightly as he glanced at the device and nodded, “The Engineers are just getting the final cooling unit operational, it was hotter than a Klingon’s piss in there and smelt worse before,” he told her.

DeRoot’s lips twitched slightly as she resisted the temptation to smile at his remark, “I’ll wait until they’re finished then, no point in being in the way,” besides, it was special to her, to be the first on board the ship now that it was in a full atmosphere and in a controlled environment.

She did not have long to wait. A few minutes later a pair of Engineers emerged and hefted their bags and spare equipment down the ramp.

As well as the portable cooling units the engineers had installed lighting – no need then to power the ship itself. Her eyes darted around the corridor, the walls were painted a wintery blue and lacked the useful sort of panels that could be found on Starfleet ships to help the user keep his bearing. DeRoot returned her gaze to her Padd as she slowly walked down the corridor, following the path to where the away team had beamed aboard.

"Ensign DeRoot?" The voice from the craft's hatchway seemed to be absorbed instantly rather than echoing. "Ensign DeRoot? This is Doctor Werbner from the Dystrom Institute. You sent for an anthropologist?!"

She had always thought it was just an expression, but as the doctor's voice cut through the marshmallow atmosphere Corri-Anne almost jumped out of her skin, so absorbed she was in the pattern on her padd.

She turned back sucking down a deep breath as she did, "Doctor Werbner, good to have you along," she said, her taut nerves adding tension to her normally calm voice. "We haven't been able to identify where this ship is from, the design might give some clues. There must be markings or something as well ... if you avoid the squishy bits - someone from forensics should be coming too so we don't want to disturb too much."

"Quite right!" a voice from behind them added itself in before the person it emanated from became apparent. "Martin Harrison, M.E." the man in the old-fashioned white coat, carrying a medical bag marched rather than walked up to them. "You have some remains for me?" he asked almost rhetorically as he peered past them expectantly.

"If the report from the boarding party is anything to go by, you won't have much trouble finding them," DeRoot said wryly. "The docs took some samples for analysis to check for anything harmful, but most of its in situ ... I wouldn't normally say this, but does anyone else feel like they're being watched?"

Werbner looked around, and ran a hand through her dark hair. "It is a little close. Dimensions and layout are typical for bipedal species, most likely humanoids. So its likely that whatever launched this ship had eyes, so its theoretically possible."

DeRoot smiled thinly at the observation, not sure if it was a statement of fact or an attempt at a joke. She looked at her padd again. "The away team came on board through here," she said stepping towards the open doorway, "the location is quite central - I think its the bridge."

Though the oppressive heat and poor light that had met the away team were mitigated by the portable coolers and lights nothing could take away the smell, "bug eyed aliens with messy eating habits, by the looks of things," she said wrinkling her nose.

TBC ...

Ensign Cori-Anne DeRoot
Strategice Ops played by Louise

Dr Werbner
Anthropologist, Daystrom Institute
NPC by Notty

Martin Harrison, M.E.
NPC by Jools