Judgement – He who holds the gold makes the rules
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Chief Executive Officer Wayne Bradshaw

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Title   He who holds the gold makes the rules
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Chief Executive Officer Wayne Bradshaw
Posted   Sat Feb 12, 2011 @ 1:58am
Location   SS Hawks
Timeline   SD 36 - 03:00hrs
"Captain, we have just received a hail from the SS Bradshaw." The communications officer reported from her make-shift station.

Captain Dante Hanks groaned inwardly as he listened to the officer report. He adjusted his seat to try to alleviate the pressure on his bruised ribs. Any other time he would have appreciated the luxury of having Corthalian IV leather upholstery for his Captain's Chair. However, it had recently become a liability. Maybe it wasn't the chair, maybe it was his injuries and the inability to have them treated properly.

He was surrounded by trained soldiers and merchants, not doctors. When he was in the S-Fleet he never truly appreciated the amount of medical training that all officers had to undergo despite not being a Doctor. Now he sorely missed it. The ship's medical bay had been extensively damaged since the attack, and unfortunately, their medical kits had run out of pain killers.

"Great. . .just great. I have my teeth kicked in and now the old man wants to come for a sit-rep." He said as he sat up against the chair for more lumbar support. "Hail the Starstreak and confirm the instructions. Tell them that we'll be in a holding pattern while we dock with the old man's vessel." Hanks said as he slowly pushed himself out of the chair and slowly made his way to his feet.

"Put him on the main viewer." He said as he straightened his uniform and stood against the railing before him. He placed his hands on the rail and leaned against it casually. "On screen"

Wayne had not been expecting a comm call from the Hawks and as a result was not on the bridge when it came in rather he was on his way to the turbo lift that would take him to the transporter room for his short trip over to the other ship.

=^= Sir a call is coming in from the Hawks. =^= said the communications officer over the comm link

"reply to the hail and inform whoever is calling that I will be on the hawks in about 5 minutes time to meet with them face to face." Said Wayne as they exited the turbo lift and headed for the transporter bay.

=^= Aye sir they have been informed and will stand by to meet you in person sir.=^= said the officer before she closed the link.

~God give me the strength not to just kill that man when I see him but to hear him out at the very least.~ Thought Wayne as he and his escort entered the bay. it would be a little crowded with the nine of them all in at once but the extra security was their not so much for his own protection as to carry out orders if they were given.

Hanks rubbed the bridge of his nose as the officer onboard the Bradshaw reported to him that Bradshaw was on his way over.

"Ok, Hawks out." he said dismissively as he stood from the rail and turned towards his comm officer. "Tam, contact Geoff down in Security and let him know that the Old Man is coming on the ship. Tell him to get the ribbons and balloons ready for the pomp and circumstance." He said with slight ire as he began to walk down from the Captain's deck and towards the turbolift doors on the far side of the Bridge.

It wasn't that he didn't appreciate the Senior Bradshaw's advice and input. It was that now was not the time for Hanks to entertain guests, let alone a man of Bradshaw's heavy-handed proclivities. The most recent mission had simply been a cluster of missteps and misinformation. From the location of the pirate base, to the nature of the opposition they were going to face.

The doors closed behind him as he selected the destination and took several deep breathes. He was hoping that he wouldn't have to deal with any of this until he had a chance to return to the nearest starbase, have a staff meeting and go through the sensor reports and even. . .the casualty report.

The doors parted before him and he was greeted by his head of ship security. "Ready for a day of fun and excitement?" Hanks asked rhetorically as the former-MACO handed him a padd with his usual dour expression on his face.

"Turns out the Mr. Bradshaw isn't going to be alone." Geoff responded as he turned on his heel and followed skipper down the hall towards the transporter room. "He's brought with him a security detachment of nine. Additionally, he asked to speak with *you* personally." he added.

Hanks' eyebrow furrowed as he read the padd with the information on it. ~ So much for a sitrep ~ Hanks thought to himself as he continued to walk until he stood before the doors. He handed the padd back to the officer and nodded as the doors opened before him. "To're, prepare to beam over the man that signs our checks" Hanks said as he buttoned his uniform tunic and straightened his sleeves.

"I've also made sure that the safety protocols remained in place during the transport." Geoff added. "I figured that you wouldn't mind if we kept the number of phasers walking around here at a minimum." he said.

"Of course not, Geoff. Only person around here who needs to carry a powerful weapon is me, and that's only if yer a pretty girl." Hanks said with a raucous laugh as he slapped the security officer on the shoulder.

Wayne watched as the first members of his security team beamed over to the hawks he knew that the reception might not be all that he expected but one thing was for damn sure it would be interesting to see what hanks had to say for himself before this was over

"Sir the first group reports that they have arrived safely and are waiting for you to to arrive." Said the transporter chief calmly

"Thanks chief well let's not keep them waiting any longer then they need to I want to get back to DS5 in time for dinner tomorrow night with or without hanks in shackles." Said Wayne as he and the last of his escort stepped onto the pad to beam over to the Hawks and to what he was almost certain would be a not to friendly reception.

Hanks watched as the last set of figures dematerialized on the transporter padd. As the process completed he noticed that the lights flickered slightly as the ship handled the considerable amount of energy necessary to safely deconstruct and then reconstruct a person's entire existence. He made a mental note to speak to Rachel down in Engineering about that. No doubt it was the Engineering department's way of rationing power after the considerable amount that was spent in the last mission.

"Wayne!" Hanks said boisterously as he walked towards the older man with his hand outstretched. "Welcome aboard this ol' bucket of bolts. Sorry I couldn't afford a better welcome, but you know how far we are from Risa." He said jokingly.

"I know Dante I just wish that this could have been a meeting under better circumstances." said Wayne as he accepted the other mans hand with a firm grip. "I think though that at least at the moment we should get the business that brought me out here taken care of preferable in private." He added as calmly as possible he did not want to disrespect a Captain on his own ship especially in front of his own crew it was just bad form and led to problems if the crew thought that the owner had lost faith in the ships commander.

"Very well," Hanks said as he turned towards his Security Chief. "Geoff, escort the rest of our visitors to the main reception lounge while me and the 'Old Man' here go talk shop." He said as he pressed the comm unit on the wall.

"Hey Sheryl! I'm going to need the Conference room on deck 6, make sure it's ready by the time we get up there." He said louder than usual into the unit. As much as he appreciated the ship, he missed the sensitivity and accuracy that came with having a starfleet comm badge sitting on his chest. However, such devices were a pain in the ass to repair and maintain mechanically and financially.

"After you, sir" Hanks said as the doors slid open and he stepped to the side to allow Bradshaw to proceed in the opposite direction of his escort.

"Thank you captain." Said Wayne as he led the way out the door he knew the ship well enough to know his way around and so had no problem navigating the corridors to the conference room that had been setup for them.

"So what brings you to my humble abode?" He asked, trying to ascertain what the hell the Corporate officer wanted and why he needed to make such a grand show of it.

"Honestly Dante what brought me out here in the first place was to come after your head but about half way here well I had a chance to mellow out a bit and to think things over better. I realized that I was going about things wrong. I want to know your side of what happened. I mean the information I got back in sensor reports from starstreak painted a very bad picture as far as you were concerned. You might not have known it but I hand picked you for command of that convoy of ships and well let's just say I was pissed as hell when I learned that four ships had been lost with all hands plus their cargo. It was a major slap in the face to have to wake up to first thing in the morning." Said Wayne bluntly as he sat down on the right side of the conference table leaving the head slot for Dante.

"Well Wayne, I gotta tell ya. In all my days serving both in the S-Fleet and private, I have never seen a mission turn into such a clusterfuck as that last one." Hanks said as he slid into the leather chair and reclined slightly.

"Whoever was in charge of Intel didn't couldn't tell a starmap from their asshole!" He said.

" I am afraid I do not understand what your talking about. Your mission was a simple convoy run from here to KB 15 on the klingon boarder. I should know I cut those orders myself. There was no secondary mission and I definitely would not have ordered merchant ships to go after pirates that is a job for the combat wing." Said Wayne flatly he did not like what was getting hinted at and was going to get to the bottom of this just as fast as he could cause somewhere there was definitely a head or two that would role.

"Well, I'd hate to say it, but your son handed me a grade-A shit-show." Hanks shot back. "We were expecting a raggedy bunch of underfunded pirates. We ran into a damn Nausicaan supply depot!" he replied. "Before we knew what was happening, we had a Cruiser kicking our teeth down our throats. The I'Shar was blasted to pieces before they had a chance to even bring shields online." he added.

"Whoa there Dante knock it back down to impulse for a minute. You're telling me that one of my kids overrode my orders and sent you on a pirate hunt." Said Wayne he was now more then a little concerned about what might have happened or be about to happen.

Hanks was beginning to get frustrated with the circular direction this conversation was taking. "Look Wayne, all I know is that after we made the run to KB 15, WAC picked up a contact which we later found out was the pirate base. I had the Phoenix radio to home base for whatever intel was available on the area. Whoever was on the radio that day sent us the info and we decided to do the quadrant a favor and take out a pirate base." Hanks said.

"That intel was bush-league at best, and downright shitty at worst." Hanks said as he reclined in the chair. "We probably would've had a fighting chance if we knew what we were up against." he added. "You need to have a talk with whichever one of your kids handles intell dispatchment about the difference between a Cutter and a damn Cruiser!" He said ruefully.

Wayne had been ready to work things out with the man but that last remark set him off in a big way. "Look you sawed off bastard no one talks about my family that way. My kids might have made a mistake they are human afterall but you would do well to remember just who the hell your talking to." Snapped Wayne coldly as he rose from his seat and in one swift motion had his hand on the front collar of the man gave it a twist and dragged him to his feet. "Now do you want to continue this in a civil tone or do I finish this very quickly." Growled Wayne, his face mere inches from the other man as he did not release his grip

"So this is what you came down here for, huh? To show everybody onboard my ship just who is the Big Swinging Dick around here, huh?" Hanks replied bitterly. "Well excuse me for not jumping up to kiss your kids' collective asses. I didn't have the luxury of having a rich daddy to give me a job fresh outta the Academy." He replied boldly.

"I had to earn my keep in the galaxy. Or maybe you've forgotten that sittin in your nice, big, comfy corporate office out on that space station of yours, while the rest of us are out here doing real work!" He said still keeping eye-contact with the older man.

"Now, are you gonna let go of me and stop wrinkling my uniform, or do I have to get angry." He said daringly.

"Bub I was working for a living before you were even a gleam in your mothers eye. I know all to well what starfleet taught you and do not think for a moment that you have the upper hand around here. Maybe under different circumstances we could have been friends but given this situation I will do what I came out here to do. Unless you can give me a reason not to slap you in irons." said Wayne as he forcefully pushed the other man back into his seat and let him go.

Hanks was thrown back into the chair so forcefully that it rolled back on its wheels. He grasped the sides of the chair and shot out of it with enough force to propel it backwards against the far wall. He continued to lock eyes with the older individual as he slowly walked back towards the table.

"Put me in irons? Have you lost your min- -" he began to say as a sudden realization came to him.

"Oh I get it." Hanks said as he walked from the head of the table to the side at which Wayne occupied. "Your shareholders are upset about losing a piece of their 'investment', so now they need someone to take the blame for it. Is that it!?" He said as he pointed an accusatory finger in Wayne's direction.

"So here you are, Mr. Corporate Officer, the shareholders' little bitch, you've come all the way over here to make me the fall-guy so that you can protect the stock price of your company." He said as he inched closer towards the man.

"Well how about you take your monkey-ass off my damn ship and go back to your precious shareholders and tell them they can stick their respective shares up each other's asses, because NOBODY is going to tell me how to Captain my ship!" He said as he jabbed his finger into the taller man's chest to punctuate each word.

"I had hoped not to have to do this." said Wayne coldly he tapped his comm badge Major Waynwright please bring your security detachment to conference room 6 triple step." Said Wayne as he turned a glaring eye to the other man "Now since you have seen fit to make a total ass of yourself you have left me with no choice. I am placing you under arrest in accordance with the bylaws of the company. You will likely never see the inside of a ship again so I would suggest that you take your last long look" Said Wayne as the door opened up with the arrival of the security detachment.

Hanks couldn't believe the audacity of the man. He had come onboard his ship and shown nothing be downright contempt for everything he had strived to accomplish. His years of hard-work and sacrifice were washed away with a simple tap of a comm badge.

"YOU SONOVABITCH! YOU CAN'T DO THIS TO ME!" He shouted as he lunged at the man with his hands out-stretched towards Wayne's throat. He had just managed to wrap one hand around the older man's jugular when he was roughly pulled back by one of the security officers that had began to flood the room.

"MY PEOPLE WILL EAT THIS SHIP BEFORE THEY EVER SELL-OUT TO YOU!" he shouted, his voice beginning to become hoarse from the vocal strain. He continued to fight the officers in a vain struggle to grasp Wayne's neck one more time.

"I will be looking over your files myself to see who among your crew would make a good captain and they will be given your seat." said Wayne bluntly as he walked out the door.


"That is what you think dante. I own this ship and I pay your wages as well as those of your crew this is over you just do not know it yet." Said Wayne as he followed the security team out and to the transporter room to take them back to his ship. He would talk to the XO in a couple hours time and explain what happened to her former CO.

Dante Hanks
Formerly CO of the SS Hawks

Wayne Bradshaw
CEO Bradshaw Intergalactic Incorporated