Unity – Guarded Secrets, part 2
by Commander Karen Villiers & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant Commander Greo Tovon & Lieutenant Jana Kasikova

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Title   Guarded Secrets, part 2
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Commander Karen Villiers & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant Commander Greo Tovon & Lieutenant Jana Kasikova
Posted   Sun May 02, 2010 @ 11:10am
Location   Science Lab 2
Timeline   SD17 - 14:00

=/= "All hands, civilians and crew. An enemy vessel has just de-cloaked outside Deep Space Five. You are to report to your muster stations. All docking bays are to be sealed." He did not need to order a stationwide lockdown, that was already in progress. "Civilian members are to make their way to their quarters. Do not panic." Commander Davies stated. ==


Gabriel looked to the other inhabitants of the room. "You all stay here, when I get back I want to finish the investigation of that device and find out what other information it has and how useful it will be to Starfleet." He said as he began to head towards the door.

"I'Pho, secure the room and don't allow anybody else to enter." He said over his shoulder.

"Gabriel. Before you go I will route the specs on the data storage device to your office and set up the Tempus Array to scan for it. That device holds all this data as well. If who ever orchestrated the attack gets it from their agent who knows where will be attacked next."

"Ok. I'll co-ordinate with security from here."

Rh'vaurek said nothing, all those precautions and ... well, the results and the moniker were to be learned.


"I always wanted to be under siege with your sort," Rh'vaurek said to no-one in particular, apparently unconcerned by the alert. The Cardassian was going to be far less pleased with himself when the model he had began to disintegrate. "Tell me, I'Pho, how long have you known our friend Gabriel?" he asked leaning his hip against a console.

I'Pho looked from the door towards the Romulan that was addressing him. Relations between Romulans and Andorians had gotten significantly better since their embarrassing defeat at the Battle of Cheron. Nevertheless, he personally did not have a problem with them.

"I have known the Commander for years. I served with him in the war. He was instrumental in me being selected for this position onboard the station." I'Pho responded as he continued to keep an eye on the door.

"How do you know the Commander?" he asked in response.

"Only since we met in this station," Rh'vaurek replied turning a little as he considered his response and his target and placing both hands behind him. He smiled thinly, "Under our present circumstances I can forgive a man his prejudices," he said his brows lifting, "Relations between the Empire and Federation have not always been easy. He is not fond of me but that, perhaps, is a result of my diplomatic capacity," Rh'vaurek said to I'Pho, his tone one of reason. "I may be a diplomat, Lieutenant but I have also been a soldier, if this facility is threatened I am on your side. If you insist I will ask you to find someone to escort me to the consulate, but otherwise inform me how I may assist," he finished, inviting the Andorian to give him orders.

"For the time being, the best thing for all of us would be to remain where we are and wait until we receive further instructions. There is no telling what is happening outside those doors." he replied as he walked to a nearby console.


A deck above Melia Krah was walking at an easy pace, not too fast, not too slow, "I have one more level to clear, Ma'am," Krah said, "Then I'll get you back to your quarters. You have no idea how much I appreciate your help," she added embellishing the lie.

"Don't worry about it." Jana smiled. "It really isn't any trouble at all."

"Almost done," Krah said.

I'Pho heard the conversation between the two officers before he heard a loud noise and suddenly two thuds in succession. He immediately signaled for the Ambassador and Tovon to step back into the room while he went to investigate.

=/ "I'Pho to. . ." = he tried to say, but to no avail, his comm unit ran into interference. No way to communicate with the outside departments. No way of knowing what was the status of the attack. Nothing left to do but to properly greet the incoming visitor.

Kreh held out a hand before Jana, "What are you doing here," she asked, her certainty that this was the location growing.

"State your name and your intentions." I'Pho said as he trained his weapon on the woman. "This is a secured area, leave now. That will be your only warning." He stated.

"I have orders to evacuate and seal all the labs," Krah said before repeating her earlier question. "What are you doing here?"

"What is going on here?" Jana asked.

=+= "Begin now!" =+=

I'Pho was aware of the Ambassador's profile. He knew that he was an accomplished solider within the Romulan military and could probably handle himself in a physical confrontation. In a way, I'Pho somewhat regretted that he wouldn't be able to use this as an opportunity to see how the Romulan would stack up against an Andorian officer.

Before Rh'Vaurek could take another step or action, I'Pho used the Ambassador's attempt at defusing the situation to gain the upper-hand. I'Pho grabbed his left arm and twisted it behind his back while the Andorian brought his own dagger from its sheath and held it to the Romulan's jugular.

"You are quite fast, Ambassador, but at this proximity I doubt you would be faster than the tip of my blade into your blood vessel." He said in a low tone that demonstrated his intent. I'Pho looked in the direction of Krah and nodded for her to take Tovon's weapon before sealing the door.

"Imirrhlhhse," Rh'vaurek swore beneath his breath. Now was not the time for resistance - too many variables and a seventy percent chance of failure. He relaxed his body letting his captor know that he did not plan to resist.

"I was not sure if you were a part of Raymond's team or not. One can never be too certain." he said to her.

"And it never hurts to be certain." Krah nudged her head toward Jana, "My guest, meet his guests," she said moving Jana in front of her and pressing a phaser into her back. "Insurance," though she thought the Andorian's 'guests' might be more trouble than hers.

"The Cardassian officer appears to be the most knowledgeable about the system. No doubt Elliot has the OPS by now and is awaiting us to transmit the signal to connect with the team on the planet once we can get them the proper coordinates of the device." I'Pho stated as he gestured Jana to stand next to Rh'Vaurek.

Not liking the way things were going Tovon did as requested," still suffering from the injuries sustained in the explosion and his exertions since he was in no shape to fight, but maybe there was something he could do.

"You, take off your comm badge and throw it on the ground." I'Pho gestured to the younger female officer. "We wear the same uniform, but I will do whatever is necessary." he said intently.

Rh'vaurek's eyes passed over the group ... a Trill, an Andorian and a Cardassian walked into a lab ... then his aye swiveled to the science officer that the Trill woman had shoved in his direction. He made no move to support her, but raised an eyebrow. "You might as well do as he says, Jana," the big Romulan advised, "I'm Rh'vaurek by the way," he continued, "Acting Romulan Ambassador to this station."

Jana looked at him.

"I will not." She replied to I'Pho, refusing to remove her badge and ignoring Rh'vaurek for the time being.

This resistance was not what I'Pho had anticipated, nor was it what he needed at the moment. "What is your name?" he asked.

"I am Lieutenant Jana Kasikova." She replied, standing up straighter.

"Well, Lieutenant Kasikova, you have stumbled upon an unfortunate situation. However, you can make it much better by following my directions and not doing anything to make things worst." He said as he raised his weapon towards her.

"We have an important mission to carry-out, one which will benefit the lives of the entire quadrant." He added. "Now do as I said and stand over there, NOW!" He said with increased intensity.

Jana moved perhaps not as quickly as he would of liked but she would resist him, even if it killed her.

Is this little idiot trying to get us killed, Rh'vaurek thought. They had no idea who their captors were other than they had people inside the station in uniform and that for now at least, they were content to take hostages. It was the perfect time to observe if this bitch could keep her mouth shut. "If you try anything like that again I'll kill you myself," he hissed to Jana under his breath.

~Go ahead.~ Jana thought to herself even though she pretended not to hear Rh'vaurek , instead she folded her arms across her chest looking more annoyed with the situation than scared. It wasn't the first time that her life had been threatened and she was sure it wasn't going to be the last. She was in fact annoyed, more annoyed with herself for getting herself into this sort of situation. Even with her attitude problem she had been dealt hands like this before. She had hand phasers put to her skull before while on archaeological treks and survived and she sure as hell was going to survive this but she wasn't about to play nice.

I'Pho continued to eye the woman as she moved along to stand near the Romulan Ambassador. He could already tell that she was going to prove to be more difficult than necessary or as advised.

"I'm assuming that you are Krah," he said as he walked over to the Trill and the Cardassian. "How long do you think it will take to retrieve the information and send it to Elliot on OPS?" he inquired.

"I'm Krah," she replied. "And the time it takes will depend on our spoony friend here," she said nudging her head towards the Federation Cardassian. "And him. We should secure them, though, she's trouble."

"Stupid bitch." Jana swore in czech and under her breath. "She was acting innocent and frightened." Jana whispered to Rh'vaurek.

Rh'vurek's eyes remained on their captors, "Can you hold your tongue for three minutes, not one word," he challenged under his breath, nor did his lips move. "Jana, was it? Watch them, you watch the andorian, I'll watch your Trill. You want to blame someone, blame me," the empahasis was with an undertone but still enough to get his point across,

"Why you?" She whispered, keeping her eyes on the andorian like he had told her to do.

"Because they'll believe it. If you need to pick a fhght, make it with me, claim your puppy died the last time the Romulans attacked. And by the blazing piss of Okhala direct your outrage towards me until it is useful!"

"Consider it done. Nothing personal and all." She whispered before slapping him across the face, her hand stinging afterwards. "Say that to me again, Romulan and I will do more than slapping you!"

His own unprintable retort cut through hers as the blow struck.

"Will you keep it down," Krah roared at them, a disruptor drawn level. "Some of us have work to do!"

"She wishes," Rh'vaurek said to the Trill with a shrug, his hands held low. "but she just can't take it!"He waited until the Trill had turned away before raising his hand to his cheek.

"QUIET! ALL OF YOU!" I'Pho yelled to the two. "We do not have time for this pointless bickering!" He continued.

"You!" He said raising his phaser to the female. "Put your hands behind your head and get on your knees." He said while training his weapon onto her.

Jana narrowed her eyes at I'Pho and did as he said, muttering in czech as she fell to her knees. "He deserved it."

He turned his weapon towards the Ambassador. "You will do the same." He ordered.

Rh'vaurek exhaled loudly. They still were not shooting, which was good, but, he reflected as he spread his arms before raising them to link his fingers behind his head more often than not people who found themself in this posiition found themselves shot in the back. Still, he thought as he bent his knees it was a refreshing change to be on this end of the disruptor, somewhere he had not been in decades.

=+= "Elliot to Krah, I have the OPS. I need the information from that device, immediately!" =+=

"Understood," Krah said peering at the core. "The lab is secure, and what appears to be left of the core ... we just need to hurry our new assistant along." She turned to the Cardassian, the only one of their guests who seemed to be managing to keep quiet, "Get on with it, Spoony," she told him with a flick of her weapon toward the Romulan core, "We don't have all day."

Greo had ignored her the first time, and planned to this time if he could get away with it, but as he stretched out his arm a sharp pain tore through the muscles of his chest. Clutching at hismelf Tovon fell to the floor, his hands missing in their attempt to grasp the rail around the core. He had followed Villiers' orders, he had doen right. That he knew as he lapsed into unconsciousness.

I'Pho took his eyes away fromt he two disruptive captives and turned them towards the collapsed Cardassian. Things were beginning to unravel before they could even begin to be set in motion.

"What's wrong with him?" He asked Krah. "We need the information on that device, nothing else matters!" He said excitedly. He turned back to the captives and raised his weapon to the Romulan.

"Do I look like a doctor?" she said with a shake of her head as she glanced at the fallen man before turning back to the others.

"You appear to be the only choice left to gain access to that device. It is my impression that you know something, otherwise you wouldn't have been in this lab. Go over there and access the information we require." He ordered.

"I don't much care for your tone, I'Pho," Rh'vaurek said with cold imperious arrogance. There was nothing he could do for the scientist. He glanced at the damaged core, Tovon had separated it from the main systems hadn't he? Rh'vaurek had surmised that Prendergast, the archaologist who had led the dig was probably part of this. Whoever these people were they were not working on behalf of anyone's government. How the hell had they managed to get so many people in sensitive positions - or had they targetted those who already held them and converted them to their cause. "Why don't you start by telling me who you are and what you are doing here?" he suggested, he was not used to being one of those who lacked information. If I like what I hear I might do as you ask."

"Fine," I'Pho said as he switched his weapon onto the Human female. "Then she will die for your stubborness." He said as he deactivated the safety feature on the device and set it to kill. I'Pho was not a typically violent individual, but he knew how much was at stake and he was not going to let this mission fail on an account of two would-be heroes.

Rh'vaurek shrugged, "I've no interest in being a hero," he said. Rh'vaurek approached the controls, and began very slowly, "Pity the Cardassian dropped dead," he said, "these are Federation protocols, its going to take me a while to break them ... I can do it, of course, I've no reason not to," he wanted to get them talking, fanatics liked to talk and they had that gleam in their eyes. "what do you want out of a piece of Romulan wreckage?"

"That wreckage seems to be the key to our plan. If you all weren't so hell-bent, to borrow the human phrase, on being so disobedient, then this would proceed in a much more efficient manner. Your device contains information that other members of our cause are relying upon in order to save the lives on millions, if not billions." I'Pho said as he set his weapon back to heavy stun. He walked over to the Cardassian and felt his pulse, it was weak, but visable.

"You have no idea what obedience means, I'Pho," Rh'vaurek commented. He allowed himself a smile as he was rather looking forward to seeing Gabriel's face when he found out the Andorian had hoodwinked the security chief. "This is remarkably badly protected," he said to the Trill.

"We will eventually need to move the Cardassian to sickaby, assuming your team has control over there as well." I'Pho responded. "How much longer until you can gain the necessary information from the device and transmit it?" he asked the Trill.

"A few minutes according to big-ears here," Krah said, there was something wrong about an ambassador who appeared calm under a hostage situation, who barely blinked when someone pointed a phaser at him - he should be fuming and making exagerrated statemetns about his importance to both them and his government, not calmly running algorithms.

"What are you up to?" Krah asked stepping closer.

"Doing what your friend asked," Rh'vaurek replied without looking at her, "he is a friend isn't he?" he said.

"Just get on with it. Two more minutes. No more."


erie'Hrein Rh'vaurek Raedheol
'Acting' Romulan Ambassador
& Melia Krah
Both NPC's by Louise

Lt. (JG) Jana Kasikova

Other NPCs by Lieutenant Commander Dorian Gabriel