Cascade – Reporting for duty
by Lieutenant JG Melazar Trogan & Commander Karen Villiers

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Title   Reporting for duty
Mission   Cascade
Author(s)   Lieutenant JG Melazar Trogan & Commander Karen Villiers
Posted   Mon Jun 10, 2013 @ 2:27pm
Location   Ops
Timeline   SD71. 17:00
Melazar made his way onto the station from his transport ship shaking hands and saying goodbye to a rather interesting Tellurian he had met onboard. He made his way along the corridors following his PADDs directions as to where he had been told to report in reaching the ops area and moving to observe...

As she turned from the replicator, a small cup of espresso in hand Karen noticed the newcomer. A new face in the mad-house. The colour of his collar was telling. How long had they been without proper diplomatic representation?

"Lieutenant Trogan," she said, "Let's head into the office," indicating the way with a wave of her free hand.

He nodded and followed along with her "Thank you ma'am. I am glad to be aboard." he said with a smile.

They moved into the office and Melazar moved quietly to the seat in front of the desk allowing the Commander to get comfortable simply placing his PADD with his duty assignment in front of him on her desk.

"How was your journey?" Karen asked. Smalltalk was not her favourite passtime, but it was only polite to give a little breathing space before she briefed him on the various warring factions on the station that wore the cloak of ambassador.

"It went well Commander." he could see her unease with the small talk. Part of his job as a good diplomat was to be observant in people's moods and behaviors.

"Commander we can dispense with the pleasantries if you like. I would like to know how much of a mess I'm walking into," he said as he gently slid his duty assignment to her across the desk.

With one finger Karen hooked up the espresso she had brought through from Ops and drained the puddle of liquid in one. As she placed the small cup down she used the same hand to take the padd. She did not need to read it as the information it contained had already been forwarded to her.

"I take it you haven't had an extensive preliminary briefing," she said. It was almost a question.

Melazar shook his head "My briefing consisted of being handed that PADD and being told to report to this base." he said "I would assume you need a diplomatic officer with a good understanding of linguistics which means you are dealing with groups or races that don't use our universal translator technology or are refusing it." he said "Or I was simply the closest and most experienced diplomat around." he said "If they counted my symbiont's experiences anyway."

"I'm something of a linguist myself, and being a lawyer au fait with diplomatic principles," she pursed her lips, breathed out, in then continued. "Our major Embassies are Cardassian, Klingon, Romulan and Ferengi with a host of consulates representing member worlds and minor non-aligned powers. Not one of them relies on translators. We're for some a springboard into the unknown, others a gateway to the Alpha Quadrant and for the more entrenched a private battlefield - though I'll add a battle conducted largely through words." Karen did not yet know the background on the attempted assassination of the Cardassian Ambassador.

Melazar nodded "So Commander, now that I am here, what would you like me to do, who should I approach first?" he asked "If my words are to be worth anything, they must be spoken to the right people." he said "Or should I light up the open sign in front of my office and let the problems find me?"

"Well, a couple of days back someone set a bomb outside the Cardassian Embassy, the Ambassador is still in a coma. The acting Ambassador of the Romulan Embassy rarely steps foot outside because mixing with Lloann'su is beneath him, though I think he's more worried he'll find out why he's still 'Acting' ambassador even though the real one left four years ago."

He nodded "Who is sitting in for the Cardassian Ambassador while they are being cared for, seems like they will be the place to start." Mel said "We need to attempt to calm things while the investigation goes on or risk retaliation, the Cardassians are not known for quietly sitting on the sidelines."

"Legate Hydel Turvan. A girl has confessed to setting the bomb. We haven't yet had any demand to hand her over, but I'm expecting one. There's only one rule around that, she's a Federation Citizen and under no circumstances will we hand her over to the Cardassians. There is another problem ..." Karen let that hang.

"And what would that be Commander." Melazar asked, something seemed familiar about her to his symbiot but he couldn't place it yet. One of his symbiots former hosts had worked with a Villiers at a more appropriate time he may ask her about it for now it seems like he had his work cut out for him.

"The girl has stated unequivacolly, and provided evidence by way of her records that the Ambassador is a war criminal responsible for the eradication of at least one Federation Colony in the DMZ. She's an eyewitness and claims her intentions were revenge even though on the road she got involved and encouraged by those with more present motivations who encouraged and enabled her."

"So the Cardassians will want her that much more if only to quiet her." he sighed "I would like permission to interview her and then I believe the next course of action will be to sit with the Cardassians themselves." he looked to the Commander "If thats acceptable by you."

"It will be a start, Lieutenant. For the time being Miss Sullivan, our suspect is off limits. As her legal representative I've told you all you need to know for now. You may proceed with the Cardassians, though," Karen said. "You'll be granted an interview in due course."

"Understood Ma'am." Melazar said rising "I shall get to work then." he expected he had a lot of work ahead of him speaking to the Cardassian Legate, he only hoped the Legate was reasonable.

He made his way from her office and back into the Starbase making his way towards the Cardassian Legates Offices.


Commander Karen Villiers


Lieutenant JG Melazar Trogan