Beg, Steal or Borrow – Klingon Reception
by Klingon Ambassador Toran of the House of Moqrhat & Lieutenant T'Pal

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Title   Klingon Reception
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Klingon Ambassador Toran of the House of Moqrhat & Lieutenant T'Pal
Posted   Sun Aug 02, 2009 @ 3:17pm
Timeline   takes place at the same time as Herrre's the Klingons - Part 2

Marok returned to th reception with Ral'nath and K'Vash, the Lord and Mistress of the House of Varal. With them were their grandchildren, Garath and Ariella, son to Commander Da`nal who was commanding the USS Freedom. Marok had handed over the bat'leth at the insistance of Ral'nath and he complied immediately. Besides who was he to argue with the head of a Klingon house.

As the entered the observation lounge, Marok saw the Ambassador in discussions with the Station's senior officers, while the Federation's diplomatic officer was trying to look interested. "If you will excuse me Lord Ral'nath, I must see to me duties. The individual you seek is right there, a Miss Ayren Kelan."

Ral'nath was about to thank the Ambassaor's aide when Garath nad Ariella broke loose and ran for the woman. K'Vash following after then.

Distracted by something in the conversation, Ayren found something interesting at least. Two little somebodies penetrated her consciousness though and she swilred around just in time,not to be knocked over by two Klingin chidren running into her. As she turned, she bent lower and opened her arms, laughing in delight as the twins connected with her. "qaleghqa'neS!" she said as she hugged them. "I am so glad to see you!" she said, ignoring everyone but the children, kissing their faces.

K'vash smiled warmly at the scene before her. She knew better than most how had her son had been hit at Anita's loss, but it seemed the children at least had found someone to fill that void. Hoever, being the typical mother she had to judge for herslef if this woman was good enough for her son. Looking back as he husband approach they looked at each other as the children clung to someone they still only knew from Da`nal's and Ahkil's description.

"Well it seems that the three of you are well aquainted..." Ral'nath said trailing off as he spoke with a grin.

With both children now holding on, she peered up at the deep voice, having sensed the approach of the Klinogn couple. They exuded strength and unity. She was aware that she was being appraised, but acted as she usually would. A child on an arm each she bent her knees slightly and picked bith up, holding them comfortablly. "Only to my honour," she grinned. "qaqItlhneS" she said more formally. "I am Ayren Kelan," she introduced herself to both.

Shaking his head, though impressed with her Klingon pronounciation. "It is we who are Honored. We have been told how you defended the future of our House."

It was no use for her to deny her own involvent, although she didn't see herself as brave. "I did what I could," she said truthfully.

"Nonsense! To risk your life for members of my House....there is no greater Honor you could bestow upon me." Pausing only a moment. "If anyone is more greatful than I it is my son." Uncradling the silk wrapped Bat'leth. "My son wanted to give this to you but, as you know, his duty as called him away. Da`nal believed your actions were above those of a Starfleet officer and more like that of family. You have Honored us beyond our ability to repay, but accept this..." holding the blade out with one hand at the blades center "...forged by my son's own hand."

The moment Ayren heard them speaking about their son, her heart skipped a few beats. ~Dammit~ she thought, but smiled graciously, but she had to stop her mouth from dropping as they carried on. Her mouth dried sligtly when her heart threatened to jump out of her throat. Her hands trembled ever so slightly as she worldlessly accepted the exquisite blade. "He made this for me?" she thumbled out, but at least not loosing her composure altogether. "This is unexpected, but deeply appreciated," she said quietly.

Ral'nath grinned as she unwrapped the tholian silk from the blade. How his son had gotten his hands on such a rare commodity...and why its use now. His smile grew as he thought of the possible reason behind his sons motives. "A warrior needs a proper weapon. What other reason could there be."

Ayren merely smiled, uncertain how to respond. She felt a little overwhelmed and refused to acknowledge the sensing she got to it's possible other meaning to the gift. "That is true... But I will need to prove myself more if I am to be ragarded according to your traditions," she said quietly. "And don't say that to loud, I am supposed to be a diplomat," she said jokingly. Her fingers treasured the tholian silk, clearly appreciating that too.

[Across the room]

Toran caught the presentation of the batleth out of the corner of his eye. Excusing himself from the Commanders he motioned to Na'Shara to join him.

The Klingon woman followed his eyes, and nodded slowly as she excused herself from her company. Not that she talked a lot or drew any attention. Her demenor and attitude clearly conveyed the message that she was not one to mess with and if you needed to chit chat, even a Vulcan would be better company. "I gather this is the person you referred to earlier...?" she asked swiftly as they approached the party.

Toran simply nodded as they drew near. "Ah I see you have recogized the Heroine of Deep Space 5 for her deeds Ral'nath. Very approriate... The Sword of Honor for her Honoring the House of Varal."

Ralnath nodded. "Yes and in true diplomatic fashion she keeps trying to down play her action and her abilities."

Toran eyed the small diplomat. "My dear your action speak for themselve. What better way to judge a persons character than through battle." His comment intended for Na'Shara as well as Ayren.

"Indeed, but there was hardly a battle ... Akhil did the fighting," she said.

Ral'nath shook his head. "Yes but she fell...and you stood your ground in the face of the enemy. My dear it may be in your nature as a diplomat to make light of your deed, but we are here to Honor you. I have heard the account and that is enough for me. Would my son have toiled to forge that weapon for someone that wasn't worthy to carry it? "

Ayren realized that they were not going to budge and of course... they were Klinogn. Her eyes gleamed with a certain amount of pride, but more because there was a reference to Da'nal. "No he would not... " she said quietly. "I will keep this blade in the spirit in which it was made and I hope to bring honour to it's maker."

Na'Shara steeped forward. "I am Na'shara of the House of Torath...I would be happy to let you test that blade," she said with a small smile.

Ayren literally jerked her head up. ~Torath!! X'ae's Klingon House!~ She was shocked senseless, but she quickly recovered as she viewed the tall female warrior. ~Shit!~ she thought as she smiled, not letting any on her thoughts be visible on her features. "I will be honoured," she answered, dipping her head. ~What the hell are you doing??"


Ambassador Toran
Klingon Ambassador

Klingon Diplomaic Aide
Played by Toran

Ral'nath & K'Vash of the House of Varal
Played by Toran