We All Fall Down – Schooldaze: Uh-oh, We're in Trouble - Part 2
by Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Lieutenant Commander Steve Wyman & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Citizen Akamu "Ka'er" Makani

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Title   Schooldaze: Uh-oh, We're in Trouble - Part 2
Mission   We All Fall Down
Author(s)   Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Lieutenant Commander Steve Wyman & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Citizen Akamu "Ka'er" Makani
Posted   Sun Aug 24, 2014 @ 4:01pm
Location   Deck 22: General Conference Room
Timeline   WAFD: Day 1. 12:25
It was Argelian who spoke up first. "ri'Nanov, we were waiting where we were told and the An... Cerenne came up and was ribbing us for being boring Vulcans. Eviess wouldn't let me say that we're NOT Vulcans." He just couldn't not hurl that barab at his twin.

"If someone's stupid enough to ..." Eviess changed her line quickly. It was not a battle with her brother. "Its true, Gwen didn't like what Cerenne was saying and was trying to help us."

"Let the others speak, Eviess," Isha said softly, "You too, Argelian."

"They're lieing!" Cerenne burst out. "The human was picking on me, and they were helping her!"

Liar, liar, liar! Argelian and Eviess could have sung it in stereo but after the request of their mother, and still under her gaze they kept their silence.

"Nuh uh! I was with the other kids when Argelian and Eviess came in, and Cerenne started teasing them, and I tried to stop it, and Cerenne picked up Eviess and dropped her on me!

From the back of the knot of adults, Steve looked momentarily impressed. "Strong kid." he remarked, followed by a muffled grunt as his wife elbowed him in the gut.

Cerenne's mother was looking at her daughter with a firm expression on her face. "Well?"

"Its true, she called me a poopy face!" Cerenne protested.

"No, she didn't," Argelian said, "You said we weren't fun and you hadn't even bothered to talk to us. You called us ..." he paused for a moment, the insult was something even his sister had missed, "... killjoy greenbloods."

Isha's eyebrow almost rose. Though he hid it well Argelian appeared to have inherited r'Vaurek's observational skills - the revelation melted her heart for a few seconds, until she deduced that it must have been Eviess who was defending.

"A somewhat offensive term," Isha observed. "Is this true?" she asked the young Andorian.


"Cerenne!" her mother snapped sharply. There was distinct warning in the tone.

Cerenne gave her mother a sulky look, but stuck to her guns, "No."

"I don't want it ruined by a pair of killjoy greenbloods who wouldn't know fun if it nerve pinched them in the gonads," Argelian stated.

Eviess' jaw opened. She'd been there, and now she heard it from Argie's mouth she heard it again, but, but how had he recalled that. Her anger at Cerenne was now diverted at her brother.

"I did call her a freak, but that was all," Eviess said adressing their mother. "You asked us to speak standard, and he didn't want to."

Isha's face remained rigid. She turned her gaze to Cerenne's parent. "Do you wish to talk about this in private?"

The Andorian woman looked as grim as the captain's. "Yes please, sir."

Isha nodded. "We will adjourn to the room next door. Dianna, please remain here. We will be back very shortly."

Dianna nodded. Honestly, she was at a loss as to what to do in this situation. She'd only been teaching for two years, and had never had a fight spiral so far out of control so quickly.

Hearing the entire thing play out, the Wymans now stared at each other - dumbfounded at how the children had been speaking to each other.

"It wasn't poopy face; it was doody head." Gwen remarked, raising a hand slightly as she interjected.

Steve did his utmost not to laugh. Ceridwen closed her eyes and slowly shook her head. "And you wonder where she gets it from..."


Isha and Ensign Miel went to the first available room which, given the clean steel lines and an array of cooking equipment was a prep kitchen for the conference room.

"Ensign Miel," Isha began, "May I use your given name? We're both parents here."

"Sha'tien, sir." The Andorian stood at parade ground ease, with an expression of vexation on her face. "I'm afraid this is not Cerenne's first time. We had trouble on the USS Sabrian and the USS Riix. I thought we were through it but I see I was wrong. I apologise for any harm she may have cuased your children."

"They're unused to company, Sha'tien," Isha replied, "their previous life has been a rarified one. I don't wish them to grow up the way I did, not when they have such an opportunity to study with children older than their years. They need to learn to co-operate with others.

"I'm sorry to hear that you've had trouble with Cerenne before. Is there anything we can do together to counter that?" Isha said.

"I doubt it. The girl is wilful, disrespectful, and lacking in commonsense." Sha'tien' antennae swept back. "I hate to say it, but she needs a short sharp shock."

Isha raised an eyebrow. "What do you propose?" she hadn't expected such a stark response.

"Throw her out an airlock?" Sha'tien shrugged. "A dozen lashes? I doubt any of the traditional andorian punishments would work they haven't so far. How do they do it on Romulus?"

"My mother would have sung in concert with you, but all that taught me was how not to get caught doing wrong," Isha sais with complete honesty. "Do you talk tp Cerenne, about more than Clan values I mean," she continued.

"We try, but i don't think it goes in. Her fathers and Cri'tien have all tried. She just goes her own way."

Isha took a mental step back - she had no understanding of Andorian culture, but there seemed anoter option. "Sha'tien, have you spoken to her?"

Sha'tien coughed a moment, and then cleared her throat. "Oh yes, but it just goes in one ear and out the other. She knows we won't do anything that will do more than inconvenience her, so she just doesn't care. Even at six she just treats it all as an occupational hazard of doing her own thing."

"So she has no respect for any of you?"

"No, sir." Sha'tien shrugged, a woman beyond the end of her rope. "She's our daughter, we all love her, but..." The Andorian, who could probably arm-wrestle breen and not break a sweat looked pretty helpless.

"May I ask her age?" Isha was aware that the class her four year old twins were enrolled in was on the basis of exceptional ability - if Cerenne was envious of that, or even bored because she was no longer challenged, Isha wondered if she could help.

"Six, so..." The andorian's fingers twitched slightly as she did the math in her head. "Four and a half in terran terms."

On pure ability Isha could have enrolled the twins in an ability class three years above their age but because they hadn't had an education so far that let them interact with other children she thought it wrong.

"What is Cerenne interested in," Isha asked, as she began to filter through the problem.

"Causing trouble, breaking things, bullying people. Honestly, She needs a psychiatrist, not a teacher, but I can't persuade her fathers to do it. She's their little princess."

"What is she to you?" Isha countered.

The ensign smiled. "She'll always be my baby. But mothers know when there's something wrong with their babies."

Isha bristled at the concept. "If a baby is all she can be to you, how can she aspire to be anything else?" she said, "what do you think she requires, Ensign?"

It was unfair, but Isha wanted to challenge the woman on another front - the real world.

"She's a bully. A GBH waiting to happen. Maybe we should put her in the brig and then send her to rehab."

Isha bristled. "If you know she's a bully, it is your job to do something about it. Why on Eisn do you think rehab would help? Talk to her, woman!"

The Andorian suddenly slammed both hands down on Isha's desk, protocol forgotton as her temper flared. "As I've said, we've tried! She nods, says all the right things, and just goes her merry way! Talk to her? You might as well piss into the sea! Do you really think we haven't tried everything we can think of thats legal?!"

Isha sighed, the Andorian's frustration was evident, even to Cerenne she guessed. "Sha'tien, there are always options. One just has to find them and channel the energies," she paused for a moment aware how sanctimonious she probably sounded with her own 'perfect' offspring. "Have you considered parisses squares? I understand the game is challenging."

"She doesn't like losing. And those bats are dangerous." Then the andorian hesitated. "Too others I mean. If she loses." Sha'tien put her hand to her face for a moment. "Sir, I'm sorry that Cerenne has caused problems. I think she'd be best with private tutors rather than schooling."

"I'd hoped I could help," Isha said. Her face fell for a moment then she tried another approach. "If you wish for a tutor I'm sure we can find one, but can't we find a way between ourselves to make our children behave? You've already said that Cerenne obeys when you are there. We could have a family dinner and see if that leaves us anything to work with."

The ensign hesitated. Family Dinner with the captain could be advantageous, or an utter diasaster. "When did you have in mind?"

Isha considered the question for a second. "I'll check my schedule. I'll ensure it is within the next week," she said - how were they going to accept this? - "Let's rejoin the others"

Isha fixed a smile on her face as they returned. The faces of the children, and the teachers could not have been more different from hers, and she imagined Sha'tien's who loomed behind her.

NPC by Notty

Gwendolyn Wyman
NPC by Corey

NPC by Charity

Eviess and Argelian T'Vaurek
NPC by Louise

Associated parents by the players themselves.