Interlude – Welcome to the Family (Part 3)
by Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Colonel James Darson & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Lieutenant JG Taleria von Alesk & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek & Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)

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Title   Welcome to the Family (Part 3)
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Colonel James Darson & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Lieutenant JG Taleria von Alesk & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek & Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Sat Jul 31, 2010 @ 8:59am
Location   Box of Delights
[PARTY TIME - there's an open bar and lots of food so have fun!]

Gregori was the first to the bar, laying a credit stick down in front of the bartender, "Here, let Lady Isha know I split cost of party with her!" He smiled as he jumped onto the bar, "Well, come on, is this a party or what? We come to congratulate my granddaughter, my little lamb, for finally having a complete family to love her, and we sound like a funeral procession!"

Eleni was half tempted to run to the bar and pull her father down, but knew it would do no good, "He'll only go right back up there." She sighed.

"Come on, people!" Gregori sighed, taking a couple of plates and smashing them together, "Opa! Come on, eat, drink, enjoy! The party just got twice as good because the Greek is now paying half the tab!"

R'Vek threw his head back and laughed hard, turning to Eleni, "I like him!"

Yolanthe looked up at Gregori Monteros. "You may regret that offer when the final tab is run." She pocketed the credit stick anyway. "And I can serve many more drinks without a man dancing on my bar top." She nodded pointedly at the stools "Now, what can I get you?"

Llaiir t'Khellian was not surprised that her daughter cornered the Proconsul as soon as she got a chance. She suspected that his visit was something to do with Isha, though for the life of her Llaiir did not know what. Nothing that girl did made sense to Llaiir, it probably never would.

On balance the ceremony had gone more smoothly than the matriarch had expected - one could never tell with aliens. Now it seemed that more alien faces had joined the crowd now that the formalities were over - that was inevitable she supposed as she picked a rather small patty of meat in a miniature bun from a tray. It did not taste bad.

As the Khelliana House joined the celebration, Arrienye increased her level of alertness. As she heard two plates smash together, she looked over at the old man who had done the deed. ~What the hell is he doing?~ she wondered, seeing that not many people, at least the humans, looked surprised. Or alarmed.

Kreallia rested against one of the posts of the Box of Delights. Carefully away from the bulk of the Romulans and more closely associated with the Humans. The ceremony was a lovely thing, why she had been allowed in was beyond her, fellow 'lost sister' perhaps?

"Jolan'tru Kreallia." An elderly Romulan woman said as she approached her.

Kreallia scoffed loudly, the very sight of her grandmother at this type of event was beyond her. "Oh what now, did Isha do something to tick off the Tal'shiar? Or did you forge an invitation? Planning to assassinate someone?" She demanded.

Ahare sighed shallowly and continued on with her conversation. "Dhat e'lev." She said sympathetically. "Qiuu mnekha?" She continued in Rihannsu. Genuinely concerned of course but playing games with her granddaughter in this way was her nature.

Kreallia rolled her eyes at her question and tone. "Yes Grandma everyone is alright." She said in plain perfect Federation standard. She really was annoyed by her grandmother's false concern.

"Khnai'ra." Ahare said quietly. "Ssuaj." Asserting her genuine concern once again in Kreallia's well being. She did have concern for her granddaughter to some degree without some ulterior motive. Though of course Kreallia having only known her by her position and reputation could only think she had one.

Kreallia shot her gaze to her grandmother and clenched her fists. That woman could never understand what she was going through and who she was, her anger was justified and rightly so. She had no contact with the woman for the first 15 years of her life and then she asks Kreallia to join her. "Khoi-udt." Kreallia spat in her native tongue and quickly moved away from the woman towards a group of familiar friends. Leaving her grandmother hovering near the post.

Yolanthe carried a tray of fruit juices over to t'Merek and a knot of her security people. "Feeling better Arrain? No-one's killed anyone, no gate crashers. Every one's having fun. Its all going smoothly."

Arrienye glanced at the Bokkai. She reached up and took one of the fruit juices, one with a very sweet flavor. "Yes, everything seems to be going well so far," she nodded, happy to see that none of the other security officers took the drink offer. But, knowing she was no better then the men around her, she nodded in allowance. Only after that did the take up a small glass each while still keeping an eye out for possible disturbances.

Dunham made his way though the throng of people, who were milling about and enjoying a good time, so as to get to the bar. Upon his arrival he tried to catch the bartender’s attention, then ordered his drink. "Usual please Yolanthe" he said with a smile, then looked around to see if he could spot Chelsea, who he had lost in the crowd.

Chelsea wasn't actually far away, just out of Rick's sight line. She saw him move to the bar and made to follow him but the throng moved like a sea of people and it was necessary to make the appropriate polite remarks with anyone in the path she wanted to take. What she *really* wanted to see was to get a glimpse of Isha's Mother of whom she had heard so much.

Wearing, as always, the family friendship and loyalty ring that Isha had given her in the days when her security staff were just beginning to ramp up but before it became impossible to get within 5 light years of her. Chelsea suddenly wondered if she should have taken it off for this particular occasion and left it in her quarters but it was too late to suddenly think of that now.

She couldn't see Isha's mother and wouldn't have known who she was if she had so she made her way over to Rick and slipped onto a barstool beside him. "I wonder if we should have gone for dress uniforms after all, what with all this brass and braid here" she said at a volume only he was likely to hear.


Jarred was standing at the bar the casual observer would think he was only on his first or second drink, but to those who knew him he looked more like he was on his fifth or more, the clear glass had a heavy dark fluid in it, as he took a drink some of it slowly made its way down the side of the glass slowly like some heavy liquid rather than something alcoholic, Jarred was very buzzed, but did his best to hide it.

Dunham toasted Jarred from across the bar with a polite smile and a nod, he remembered the time they had been on board one of the stations garrison vessels together, and the Intel officer had passed out from Blood wine, whilst still on duty. He wondered to himself why a man would do that.

An old man, laden with medals and ribbons, entered the room. A Romulan General judging by his stance, walk and demeanour. He immediately walked over to the bar with his head held high.

This was obviously going to go on for some time, Llaiir thought. She had decided not to experiment as far as the beverages went and instead secured a half decent kal'ifou. She did not recognise the old man who had recently approached the bar, she realised as she continued to listen with feigned interest to the story one of her group was telling.

Noticing the old General as he walked to the bar, Arrienye smirked, placing the empty fruit juice glass back onto Yolanthe's tray before giving her a nod. With that, the young Romulan woman walked confidently over to the bar. Getting close enough to the man she spoke up.

"Khrein tr'Khaell," she greeted him with a salute and her head bowed down in respect.

Terrh turned to face Arrienye. "Rise my dear!" He said out of joy. "Oh, it has been too long Arrienye!"

Arrienye raised her head to look at him with a small, but heartfelt smile. "It has, General," she nodded in agreement. "I hope you are well. You certainly look it," she complimented courteously.

Terrh returned the smile. "I've never been unwell a day in my life my dear! You certainly do too, been keeping to the training regime I take it?"

"You know me, Khrein, I can't function without three hours in the gym every day," Arrienye told him, resting her hands behind her back. "Been that way since I was ten."

"You've been taught by the best!" He said, as he added in a exaggerated wink.

Her smile widened slightly, making her appear just as she was, young. "Yes, my mother was quite involved in my early training," she jabbed politely.

Terrh laughed to himself. "Come, let us drink, and toast to our elegant hosts!"

"I'll have to pass on any alcohol, General, I'm on duty. Just wearing the dress uniform to fit in," she explained, but motioned for the bartender.


Yolanthe navigated the crowd until she found the star guest, "Something special for the party girl?" She held out a tray. "Some ruinously expensive Romulan Ale, a couple of spectacularly potent shooters, and for that really special way to get drunk, A Klingon Death Howl, Or if you want something more responsible, I have beer,"

"You haven't mentioned anything in that list I didn't like." Rianni smiled, downing both of the shooters like they were nothing, "Nice. What were they? And where have you been all my life?"

"A tribbble and a Culture Shock." The Bokkai nodded at each empty glass in turn. "Ask the Arrain about Culture Shocks some time. As for me?" She made a quick calculation of Rianni's apparent age, not sure if she was older due to her Romulan heritage. "The arse end of the quadrant most likely."

Then she handed Rianni a straw and an old fashioned matchbook. "When you're ready for the Death Howl, put the straw in, get a friend to light it. Down in one with the straw whilst your friend pours the tequila and the kanar into the flaming glass. Then the friend carries you home." She gave the young pilot a broad grin. "I'd enjoy the beer and the Kal`iFhou first if were you."

"Sounds like a plan, most of this is foreign to me. I'm an Ouzo girl, myself, raised in Athens." Rianni smiled, trying hard to look hot, "So why don't you enjoy these drinks with me? We can talk about, what did you call it? Oh, yeah, the arse end of the quadrant, we might have been to some of the same hell holes."

"Its bad form for the barman to hog the guest of honour." Yolanthe set the tray down on the table next to Rianni, "But you're very welcome to prop my bar up another night, and we can compare notes then."

"Is it always this hard for a girl to get anywhere with you?" Rianni asked, revealing her true motives to the lovely Bokkai at last.

"When the girl in question has nearly 500 guests, a rather formidable aunt with a very stern aide, yes." Yolanthe looked around at the crowd of mostly Romulans filling her bar. "Tonight, I'm just the hired help. Nothing more."

"Oh, t'Merek!" Rianni laughed, "Don't let her bother you, she's doesn't want to be here because she hates me, it's not you at all. And Isha, yeah, she can be intimidating, but I promise she won't get mad if we have a couple drinks together. If she is, I'll take the heat."

"I don't think she's fond of me either," the Bokkai confessed, "But I'm going to have to disappoint you, I'm afraid. The Arrain has me working this crowd with half the staff I need. I'm just too busy. But I'm serious about tomorrow. Come by when we first open up, and we can chat whilst its still quiet." She reached out and gave Rianni's shoulder a squeeze. "For now, enjoy your party."


As the Party was getting underway, Darson swaggered past the bar, arm slung low around the waist of a young Romulan woman in a slinky, sensual green dress. As she flirtatiously chatted with him, he returned the sentiment, while all the while keeping an eye on the guests of the room.

Intelligence Personnel were given lists of high-profile targets on opposing governments. Throughout the previous days, he had been keeping close tabs on all the people arriving and comparing them to the list. A very high number had arrived and subsequently checked off…including the chairman of the Continuing Committee. Proconsul Vaebn i-Mnaehe tr’Vainlli.

Darson set his gaze on the S-Ranked target...VIP. He was leaving the main area with Isha. He made a mental note. Meanwhile, the girl he was accompanying was trying to head over to the bar area where others had begun to gather. He quickly slid his arm around her again to stop her, “Now now,” he growled softly, “Where are you off to in such a hurry my dear?”

She looked uncertain for a second, but then smiled back with perfect white teeth, “Just going to get a drink…unless you had something else in mind?”

“Well,” he said thoughtfully as he pulled her closer, “I was thinking we could go somewhere more…private.”

“Where did you have in mind?”

Darson quickly looked around, taking in the security set-up in an instant. After a fast analysis of coverage he leaned forward and whispered sensually, “I think I have an idea. Follow me.”

She ran a hand teasingly over his illusionary medals, “Lead on, Colonel

He grabbed her hand and manoeuvred her away, disappearing into the throng.

To be continued ...