Unity – Missing In Action
by Commander Richard Dunham & Colonel James Darson

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Title   Missing In Action
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Commander Richard Dunham & Colonel James Darson
Posted   Mon Nov 16, 2009 @ 8:11am
Location   Marine Barracks DS5
Timeline   After the closing of the Anomaly SD15 (backpost)
Kim just kept on running. Tears streaming down her face. The thirteen year old girl lost herself in the maze of corridors in the lower decks of the space station. Nothing made sense in her world anymore. It was all crazy. First she had run away to this spinning metal can to see her uncle after her mum had run off on another of her 'Missions' for Starfleet Intel and now that same uncle could die on her. Just like her old man. Just like her farther that went missing in action during the war on the assault on Betazed by the Dominion. He had promised her he was going to come home that, when the war was over he would leave it all behind him.

Just thinking about it was making Kim both upset and angry at the same time. She couldn't put a noose on these damn emotions. She heard herself scream in rage. but it didn't really seem real to her. Almost like a dream as the thunderous river of emotions poured through.

Her vision had become a wet red haze of anger and she had not been paying any attention to where she was going. It was then that she went head long into a pair of armored legs.

Darson had been going about his business after the closure of the anomaly, and had been headed down to the Marine Barracks to conduct a quick inspection of the facility when he a small blur appeared around the corner and headed straight for his legs.

Reacting quickly, he stepped back and quickly moved his hand inside his cloak just in case he needed to draw his pistol from the holster at his side. His enemies had sent one too many midget assassins after him for him to take any chances.

As the blur tripped and came to a stop though, he could see that it was merely a little girl. An upset little girl. Correction, a very upset little girl. Still somewhat suspicious (assassins came in all forms after all, and one like this would be able to avoid arousing suspicion pretty well), he moved forward and loomed over her staring down at her. After a moment of silence, he said, “….What are you crying about?”

Kim rubbed away the tears from her eyes with the back of her sleeve then gave a little sniff. It was at this point that she looked up at the man she had bumped into to. In front of her was an armored and caped figure, his face hidden by a grim mask. At first she was a little taken back. Then she saw the armor and uniform was that of the marines. She sniffed again. "I'm sorry sir I wasn't paying attention to where I was going."

Taking the sudden addition of the respectful moniker in her sentence in stride, Darson continued undeterred, “That still doesn’t answer my question Miss. What are you crying about?”

"It's my uncle he is very sick."

Darson mask was unreadable, but inside it he had a slight frown on his face. The story was believable, but he still didn’t trust it completely.

She looked around a bit not recognizing were she was. ""Where am I?"

“You’re currently on Deck 73, right outside the Marine Complex. Specifically, the entrance to the Marine enlisted Barracks. Who is your uncle, the sick one?”

"Uncle Rick sir. I mean Lieutenant Richard Dunham" Kim continued to look around the now familiar setting of the marine barracks. She had seen many places like it in her childhood across the Federation. Going from posting to posting with her dad the marine sergeant.

Suddenly she felt a little awkward realising the situation she had put herself in. Hoping to explain herself further to the menacing Colonel she stammered a bit. "Sorry sir. I was just looking for somewhere familiar..... My dad you see he is a marine. Master sergeant Franz"

Darson was silent again. Lt. Dunham? Very, very interesting. Under normal circumstances, he wouldn't have much sympathy, but the fact that she was the daughter of a Marine changed everything. He quickly ran a search on the Marine, Master Sergeant Franz. What came up gave him pause. He had been marked as MIA a long time ago, sometime during the Dominion war.

he looked down at her and said, "Well...I am very sorry about your father. But rest assured that while you're here, you're with family. We Marines always take care of our own. So come on inside, and we'll see if we can't get you something good to eat. There's a celebration going on after the closing of the anomaly...and as you know, nobody parties as well as we do."

Kim smiled, gave another sniff and wiped her runny nose with the back of her sleeve "that would be great!" she said with enthusiasm. As only a child’s logic could, she began to speak her mind. "I always thought that my dad abandoned me when he went MIA at the battle for Betazed. But The marines.....they are family aren’t they? In way my dad never got lossed.” The bitterness of a lonely fatherless childhood was subsiding and for the first time in a long time she was feeling a bit better. “One day I’m going to be a marine like my dad”

As they moved down the corridor towards the sounds of a raucous celebration, Darson nodded and said, “I’m sure you will. But you’re still a little bit to young to join up yet, but I’ll tell you what. You keep your nose clean for the next couple of years, and I’ll make sure that you get fast tracked into Officer Candidacy School. And even if you don’t want that, I’ll help you fill out your enlistment papers myself. How does that sound?”

"That sounds great!" said Kim with a smile on her face. Though her eyes were puffed up and red by crying they sparkled with a new found understanding of her farther and the people he worked with.


Played by
Lt Richard Dunham


Lieutenant Colonel James Darson