Deception: The lesser part of Valour – Making an Entrance
by Lieutenant JG Petro & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Rakka

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Title   Making an Entrance
Mission   Deception: The lesser part of Valour
Author(s)   Lieutenant JG Petro & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Rakka
Posted   Tue Oct 28, 2008 @ 3:39pm
Location   Promenade
Timeline   SD3 17:00

Petro stepped off the lift and made her way to the nearest place she could find to get a drink. She hadn't noticed the eyes turning towards her as she passed by the patrons. When she ordered her drink, the attendant smiled at her and gave her a wink. Petro took that as his custom and winked back.

Taking her drink, she found herself a table where she could view the events as they unfolded. She wasn't officially on duty, but she couldn't help but think about the needs of the station as she sat. Her eyes went from shop to shop, making a mental note of what they had, what they were short on and what service she might be able to provide for her.

The Ambassador that made such a fuss about the color purple walked with his entourage. All of them wearing purple. Petro felt like pouring her drink on him as he passed under her but thought better of it.

Meanwhile, anxious about the festival, and even more about the rumors of assassins lurking about, Rakka had been traversing the main promenade decks making certain her officers were in place and that everyone was keeping a sharp eye out for suspicious persons.

Her own sharp eye happened into a local bar, attracted by a flash of passionate red. Rakka did a double take, realizing the individual in the red dress was familiar. A J'naii--and not just any J'naii.

Rakka ventured carefully closer, hoping it wasn't the case that J'naii all looked very, very much alike. Bracing herself for embarrassment, she called out, "Petro?"

The petite figure in red who had been staring down at the enterouge below jumped a little when her name was called. She recognized the voice, as there was no mistaking it, and turned to see her friend. "Rakka." Petro stood slowly to greet her friend.

Rakka froze as Petro stood, offering the full effect of the dress. Petro was like a supernova--Rakka found it almost difficult to look straight at her, she was so magnificent. She never would have thought twice about such a dress hanging in a store, but perhaps the reason it looked so incredible on Petro was that Rakka knew exactly how much courage it must have taken for her to get dressed up like this. She also knew how much Petro wanted this for herself--'female things'.

And she wore them beautifully. Rakka felt something drop inside her--now it was her turn to know how it felt to be jealous of a friend. There wasn't a store on this station with a dress that could make her look... well, not grotesque.

"Wow," Rakka whispered, finally overcoming her initial paralysis.

Petro smiled. "Do you like it?" she asked, turning around so Rakka could see the whole of it. "I wasn't sure and I probably wouldn't have gotten it except for, well, someone helped me pick it out. I almost didn't wear it. It's, well, different."

Looking at Rakka's facial expression, she couldn't decide if Rakka liked what she saw or if she was appalled by it. "I understand if you don't like it." She said, unconsciously holding her breath, waiting for a response.

"No, I... I do," Rakka stuttered. "I mean... at least, I wouldn't have thought much of it... hanging on a rack, but.... you...." She paused, trying to figure out exactly what she was trying to say. "You look... stunning. In a good way, that is. Good stunning. Like... pretty." Rakka cringed inwardly. ~I am so bad at this...~ She drew closer and lowered her voice conspiratorially. "What I mean to say is... there is no one more beautiful in the world."

Petro smiled, releasing the breath she hadn't known she was holding. She looked up at her friend, a tear welling in her eye. "Thank you." she whispered. It had been such a long time since she had received a compliment and none of them meant to her as much as this one did.

She gestured to the empty chair. "Do you have time?" she asked.

Rakka glanced at her chronometer. She might not have otherwise given in on a night like this, but knowing that her strongest team was looking after Captain Tahir, and that Lt. Howitzson was around now and looking after the department in her absence, she felt safe taking some time away. Besides, a quick look around the room registered more than a few pairs of male eyes drifting Petro's way, and she felt a surge of protectiveness. If anyone wanted to approach her friend, they would have a Nausicaan to deal with first. "Yes... I can spare a few minutes," she said, sitting close to her.

Tasha was apprehensive as she left her quarters. It was not the threat of a possible attack, but the speech she had prepared that was daunting her. The two security personnel outside her quarters reinforced the danger and Tasha was not about to let them spoil the party atmosphere. She nodded her readiness as they escorted her to the lift. She had been strongly urged to keep the company close and to refrain from using the transporters.

The journey downwards was silent, only their combined breathing giving her something to listen too besides the thump of her heart.

As soon as the doors opened on the promenade deck, the noise hit her. It was a joyous mumbling, that each being made that combined into a glorious hub-bub that made an electric atmosphere. Tasha looked around at the lights, sights and sounds and the vast array of different characters that made up the station. She was happy to stand and watch proceedings, but felt a hand at her shoulder guiding her towards the bar ahead and her pre-arranged meeting with the commander. She moved onwards and through the open door and into the throngs of people towards the solitary figure sitting next to a woman clad in the brightest red dress.
Her figure seemed familiar, but Tasha did not know who it as until she drew closer.

"Petro!" She stated excitedly, the woman before her looked ravishing and Tasha felt plain in her dress uniform in comparison. "You look stunning." She added, nodded at Rakka, whose eyes seemed to be darting from person to person. Tasha suddenly felt a pang of nervousness.

Petro smiled again, feeling a little sheepish. "Thank you Captain." she replied. "I wasn't sure about the dress, but if you and Rakka like it then maybe I made the right choice." she fiddled with the dress as it lay across her legs. It was a different feeling, being noticed this way, and she liked it. "Are you alright?" she asked, noticing the guards behind her.

Tasha glanced over her shoulder, before looking at Rakka and then allowing her gaze to fall back to Petro. The Captain gave a genuine smile with her reply.

"It looks very beautiful upon you." Tasha remarked, somewhat surprised at how it sat on her small frame and flattered her curves. "And Yes thanks, I am fine. They are just an honour guard, looking out for my well being." She added, thumbing at the two officers behind her. "So, what does a person have to do to get a drink?" She asked, feeling the need for a small shot of dutch courage as her eye again fell on Rakka, who sat stock still whilst her eyes danced around, not resting on anything for more than a milli-second.

Petro smiled then waved at a waiter who was more than eager to attend to her. His eyes followed the outline of her dress, taking in as much as the view would allow. "How can I help you?" he asked.

"I would like a large mocha-java latte with a dash of Irish liquor." Petro answered. She turned to Rakka and Tasha in turn before looking at the waiter who had yet to take his gaze from her. "They require drink as well." she said, her voice stern and commanding.

The waiter turned to each of them and smiled. "Of course. What would you like?"

Tasha smacked her lips, now the question had been asked, she was not sure what she fancied. ~ Nothing too strong, got to keep a clear head, for the moment and if the worst comes to the worst....what the hell ~
"Brandy please." She ordered, her voice strong which belied the somersaults her stomach was turning.

"Very well, and for yourself?" the waiter continued, his attention shifting to the Nausicaan.

Rakka looked up, realizing someone was addressing her. "Oh, uh... nothing for me, thanks," she said, preoccupied now with Captain Tahir nearby. The pair of officers accompanying the Captain were diligent, but it was more than just them she was aware of. A third officer drifted through the establishment, taking in every person in the vicinity, watching for anything suspicious. Two more wandered back and forth outside, by all appearances making standard patrol rounds, but they knew what they were looking for. Every officer in the vicinity of Captain Tahir knew to be on extra high alert.

And then there was Petro, who could not help but catch the eye. There were so many things Rakka wished she could say, but not with anyone else present. She felt guilty for thinking of Tahir as an intrusion, especially considering how much Rakka respected her, and how much she had invested right now in keeping Tahir safe. She realized that she was feeling certain things for the first time--things like wishing she didn't have to work all the time, wishing all the hustle and bustle was over with so she could spend some time with people she cared about.

She shook away these thoughts, realizing this was the worst possible time to let herself get distracted from her duty.

The waiter took the Brandy from the tray and handed it to Tasha and then the Irish Coffee which he handed to Petro and Tasha could see he was taken with the J'Naii. She smiled to herself when she saw Rakkas' eyes partially close and would have sworn she heard a growl. She took a hearty swig of the brandy, which took her breath away as the liquid burnt at her tongue and instantly transferred its heat to her throat. By the time it hit her stomach, the warmth had radiated throughout its path and Tasha blew cool air across her tongue.

"Potent!" She remarked, which seemed to amuse Petro. "I think another is in order." She said, trying to attract the waiters attention from Petro.

The J'Naii smiled at the response from Tahir. She turned her attention to the waiter who still seemed to be staring at her. "Are you're ears as enamoured as your eyes?" she asked, gesturing to Tasha.

The waiter stammered something before giving a quick bow of the head to Tahir. "Of course." he said and turned away to retrieve another brandy.

Petro laughed. "Men." she said, though the expression had crossed her ears she never really knew what it implied until now.

"A toast, to men. Can't live with them, can't find the time to date them!" She grinned, emptying the glass as she adjusted to its warmth.

Rakka shifted uncomfortably in her seat. She didn't like how men were looking at Petro. She also didn't like that she was the only one at the table that was technically 'dating' anyone, if a person could call it that.

Petro didn't quite understand what the Captain meant. They lived with men all around them and have been doing so for a long time. As for dating, that was a foreign concept all together. While none of it made sense to her, it seemed that the Captain was in good spirits. She lifted her glass, smiled and drank with her.


Quartermaster: Warrant Officer Petro

CSO: Lt Commander Rakka

CO: Captain Tasha Tahir