Unity – Unity (conclussion - III)
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Colonel James Darson & Commander Chelsea Dunham

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Title   Unity (conclussion - III)
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Colonel James Darson & Commander Chelsea Dunham
Posted   Fri Nov 12, 2010 @ 8:52am
Location   Main Engineering/Secondary OPS
Timeline   BACKPOST - SD16

OLD: So'Ren saw the doors to the outer corridor for Engineering beginning to open. "What the hell!?!" He said in a surprised manner.

"OPEN FIRE! TAKE OUT THOSE BASTARDS BEFORE THEY CAN GET INSIDE!" He shouted as he aimed his weapon at the first figure he saw to enter the corridor. He watched as the body immediately dropped to the ground as he aimed his weapon at the second target as he sought cover behind a pole.

Tan'Rek looked up just in time to see So'Ren dive for cover. The big Klingon was powerful but not as agile as the smaller man, he dropped but not quickly enough and took a shot to his shoulder which paralyzed his arm. Roaring with pain he hit the floor, his remote spinning from his frozen hand and sliding across the floor towards the hostages.

He tried to scramble after it but his huge paralyzed fingers could only crush it further against the boot that was outstretched by one of the Starfleet officers who saw his moment and lept forward. The button disappeared beneath the regulation Federation boot and was detonated. Tan'Rek's horrified face crumbled as the realization dawned on him that the seige was over. He slumped to the floor, the pain in his shoulder overcoming him.

There were explosions all over the base, some doing more damage than others as the behemoth was rocked, shuddering as she took damage but the Anomaly and the Universe wasn't ready for Elliot's revenge.

So'Ren watched as the Federation forces flooded into the Engineering Bay. He turned behind him and saw as Tan'Rek crumpled to the ground under the barrage of phaser fire. The large Klingon attempted to grab the detonation device to begin the sequence. Unfortunately the device was destroyed before the plan could be executed.


Everything around them was falling apart. So'Ren slowly began to realize that he would never see the face of his family again. If that was the case, he was going to ensure that those Starfleet bastards never saw their's again either.

He immediately jumped to his feet and charged towards the nearest officer. He slammed the butt of his phaser rifle into the side of the face of Marine with a satisfying yell.

"DIE YOU SONOVABITCH!!!!!" he shouted as he slammed his foot into the Marine's side.

The Marine crumpled like a can left in a gravity chamber, but he needn’t have worried. The dozens flowing into the room let loose with a volley of wide beam bursts, coating the flickering hall of Main Engineering in orange colored fans. Rebels dropped, and two heavily armed Marines tackled So’Ren and rode him to the ground. A third straddled him and smashed the butt of his rifle across his face, throwing him into unconsciousness.

Meanwhile, Ryouske was covering behind a panel in a small alcove was cursing the heavens that had given him the opportunity to make a difference, and snatched victory away at the last second, casting them into the jaws of defeat.

His grip tightened on the heavy shotgun. How could things have gone so wrong, especially at their moment of triumph? Rage filled him and he cocked a round. He was dead anyway, might as well take as many as he could with him.

The shotgun he had was outfitted with custom parts, lovingly manufactured for the sole reason of taking down that armored Marine bastard Darson. To pay him back for massacring his squad all those years ago, and blowing off his hand with a sniper rifle. Drum magazine and incendiary armor piercing slugs were just the beginnings.

With a roar of rage he rose from his hiding place and unleashed a rain of fire. The first slug caught the Marine straddling So’Ren and blew him apart. The next few ones sprayed the two others and sent the rest running for cover.

On full auto the drum ran out in a matter of seconds, leaving the Marine forces in disarray. With an angry yell, Ryouske threw the smoking shotgun to the ground and leapt out of the alcove, drawing a grenade from his belt. He didn’t have anything to live for now anyway. So he’d go out with a bang, a literal blaze of glory.

He charged at the scattered Marines, who began to return phaser fire. But Ryouske ignored it all, focusing on getting far enough to catch them in the blast radius. But suddenly, movement at the hatch caught his eye. It was a Marine, but in armor different from the rest. SpecOps. Not Darson, but close enough that in his haze-filled mind he made the connection. With another roar, he changed direction and headed straight for him.

The Marine quickly raised a silenced TR-116 and opened fire. The tiny physical rounds peppered Ryouske, but did little to stop his adrenaline fueled kamikaze attack thanks to his body armor mitigating the damage. Until that is, his legs got shot up beneath him, a bullet sneaking in around the joints of the older armor. He went down like a moose getting hit by a shuttle, the grenade bouncing harmlessly off to the side.

As Marines hurried up and secured him, he thrashed and wailed, staring with eyes full of intense hatred at the man who looked like his most hated enemy, “I’LL KILL YOU!” He shouted, “JUST YOU WAIT! I’LL GET OUT, AND THEN I’M COMING FOR YOU! YOU HEAR ME? DO YOU HEAR ME?”

The helmeted Marine stared at him for a moment, before ignoring him as a threat already eliminated and headed back outside, the howls of a man denied his revenge filling the air behind him, until a phaser blast went off, stunning him into blissful oblivion.


Gabriel had slammed his foot into the solarplex of Elliot and knocked the man across a rail as he tried to regain his balance.

"Former Commander Elliot Hartsfield, you are under arrest. . ." Gabriel said as he wiped the blood from his mouth and slowly climbed to his feet.

"Your mission is over and it has been deemed a failure." He added as he took several deep breaths and slowly made his way towards the fallen would-be terrorist. "Your co-conspirators have been incapacitated and/or captured. Your ship has been destroyed, and the station is back under Starfleet control." Gabriel said with rising anger as he approached the traitor.

"You've betrayed your oath and your uniform, all for some petty plan of revenge. Nothing you planned for was ever accomplished." Gabriel said as he spat blood onto the man and grabbed his collar.

Elliot reached underneath him and grasped the broken glass that had accumulated. As Gabriel continued to talk he clasped the shard and slowly rose to his feet as Gabriel picked him up.

"Oh, trust me, not all of my plans have fallen through!" Elliot shouted as thrusted upward towards the abdomen of his former crewmate.

Gabriel saw the glimmer of light reflecting off the broken glass just as Elliot tried to thrust upward. Gabriel used his free hand to grab the moving wrist, he twisted it inward while simultaneously driving his head directly into the bridge of Elliot's nose.

The sudden blow momentarily left the man in a daze, but he tried one last time to drive the shard into Gabriel; however, Gabriel managed to twist his wrist away from his body while driving his elbow into the terrorist's already damaged nose with a resounding cracking noise.

As the weapon fell to the ground, Gabriel flipped the man over his shoulder and flatly onto the ground. As Elliot groaned on the ground and struggled to remain conscious, but eventually succumbed to the pain.

Gabriel slumped back against the rail and tapped his comm badge and struggled to speak coherently through the pain throbbing through him.

=/= "Gabriel to Flynn, hostile has been secured. . ." == he groaned.

[Marine HQ]

=/= “Good to hear Commander,” =/= Flynn said with relief. Things hadn’t gone perfectly, and there was still a lot to do…but it seemed as if the majority of the threat had passed, =/= “We’ve secured Main Engineering and my Marines are moving to Main Operations. Explosives have detonated at various locations of the station, but structural integrity seems to be holding. Casualty and damage reports are coming in now. So get back here Commander…that’s an order.” =/=

A JP between:

Lieutenant Commander
Dorian Gabriel/So'Ren/Elliot Hartsfield


Marines / Ryouske NPC'd by Colonel Darson


Tan'Rek, Rebel Quartermaster
NPC'd by Chelsea Adams