Things Past – Dead Or Alive?
by Lieutenant JG Saria Rex

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Title   Dead Or Alive?
Mission   Things Past
Author(s)   Lieutenant JG Saria Rex
Posted   Fri Mar 15, 2013 @ 5:27am
Location   U.S.S. Constellation/Shuttlecraft Harvest
Timeline   January 3rd, 2356

The holding cell was quite small compared to the other ones aboard the ship. Something Anaia couldn't stand at all. She was merely terrified by small spaces, as she imagined the wall closing onto her. However, she had no means of escape this time. Her hand were cuffed on her back, and a forcefield was as usual in place. She wore a brand new undershirt, as well as fresh pair of pants, something she hadn't worn for a while either. Her sleek blonde hair was tied up in a ponytail on the back of her head. She stared to the ground, wondering what might happen to her.

"Well, this is it. The end of the line, Captain. You're going to spend the rest of your days in an isolated cell." She thought, looking toward her feet. Anaia had thought of any possibility to escape from the cell, but they seemed worthless in there. The wall was robust, and no control panel could be found troughout the cell. The forcefield was too strong as well.

She looked at the guard, standing in the right corner of the room, near the door. He just looked toward the wall on the opposite side of the room, like he was some kind of statue. Anaia wouldn't bother talking, as the guard probably wouldn't respond at all.

It was just then, that the doors of the room opened, and a Command officer approached. The guard re-affirmed his stance when the Commander came in, as Anaia could see from the rank pips. The young man seemed familiar to her, like she saw him earlier, somewhere. He stopped in front of the holding cell, looking at Anaia.

"Captain..." He spoke. "How could you?" He paused again, waiting for Anaia's response.
She finally realized who the man was. Steve DeRose, Anaia's Chief Tactical officer aboard the Freebird.
"You not only betrayed me, but your whole crew!" DeRose continued, angrily.

"I'm well aware of that, DeRose." She replied calmly.

"That's Commander DeRose for you!" He snarled. "Why did you violate the Prime Directive? Why murder all those people? Why did they earn that for?"

Anaia sighed. "You just don't understand..."

"Damn right I don't!" DeRose said. "That's why I'm asking you!"

Anaia looked up, into the man's eyes. His bearded face used to be shaved, last time she saw him. "Tell me, Commander..." She began. "What would you do if you were trapped on a hostile planet?"

"Not killing innocent people for sure!" He responded.

"You don't know who those people are! Who THEY are!" Anaia shouted, losing her temper. "Damnit, Steve! You stick to those Prime Directive like it's your own life! They're nothing more but guidelines!"

"You bet I do! I don't want to violate those rules because I don't want to bring any species in danger!" His tone began to fall, trying to relax a bit more. "All I'm asking you, Captain... is why you did such a horrible thing? Why can't you just co-exist with other ideals and values?"

Anaia nearly saw the tears in his eyes, frankly. After being her Chief Tactical for more than 5 years, she and DeRose had developed a mutual trust. But now, she suspected that nothing of that trust was still there.
"Because I saved honest people with it." She said, stoic. "I murdered all those others because they didn't like honest people like the ones I saved. I abandoned the Prime Directive because they interfered with my... goal."

DeRose was silent for a moment, and shook his head. "That's not how it's done, Captain. You cannot blame a whole group for one's fault, let alone killing them." He replied. "That's not even humane."

Anaia sighed, looking at her feet again. "Believe whatever you want, DeRose. I consider my deed to be a justified one."

Shuttlecraft Harvest

Vibrations went trough the whole shuttle, which shook a bit. Anaia hugged the wall in her small holding cell to stabilize. After a while, the shaking stopped, and the sound of the warp engines took over. She placed herself on the cot, leaning against the wall. She always found the humming of a spacecraft quite serene. Whenever she couldn't sleep, she tended to listen to the Freebird's ambient. She missed the ship, though. The Himalaya-class heavy cruiser she used to captain for roughly six years before she crashed on Tau Volantis. If she'd have just one last request before her trial, it would be standing on the bridge of her trustworthy vessel.

And in a sudden, she realized that even if she wouldn't be given a last request, she still could make herself. She looked around her to familiarize with the shape of the room her holding cell was located in. "Definately a Type-5." She thought. Even without Rex now, she hadn't lost her knowledge on shuttles. This would be her only chance of freedom, if she could find the right controls. A grin appeared on her face, while she looked to her left. There was a clear panel in the wall, but it seemed impossible to force open... to anyone without knowledge of these shuttles. Anaia knew that she could remove it by pressing on specific points of the panel, to unlock the release mechanism.

She bent over to the wall, and put both her thumbs on the corners of the panel. She then proceeded with her index finger near the center, while her middle finger pressed near the right side of the panel. With some little force, the panel opened, and Anaia laid it aside. In front of her was a small computer, meant for controlling the holding cell. However, she could reroute it to the main computer. That would be her best way of survival. She didn't wait any longer, and began rerouting the isolinear chips.

It didn't take so long for Anaia to put the chips into the right places, and right now, she had also locked the crew out of the main computer.
"Computer" She spoke. "Initiate auto-destruction. Authorisation code One Six One Gamma Blue." The shuttle went on red alert, and the claxons began to wail. The forcefield of Anaia's holding cell weakened, and eventually dropped, allowing her to escape. She didn't hesitate any longer, and stepped out of it. She quickly walked toward the door of the hold, and was about to open it, when a Starfleet officer opened it, armed with a hand phaser. He was about to aim at Anaia, but she managed to kick him in the face, dropping to the ground and losing his phaser in the process.

Anaia quickly grabbed the dropped phaser, and switched it to the highest level. The officer tried to recover, but saw Anaia aiming his phaser at himself.
"NO, PLEA..." He tried to say, but he got struck by phaser beam fired by Anaia. He fell to the ground, with a hole burned in his chest from the beam.
Anaia quickly stepped over his body, and proceeded to the emergency pods. She only activated number 2, so the rest of the crew would be unable to escape.

While she overheard the crew in the cockpit, she opened one of the hatches that led to them, and slid into it. She quickly sealed the hatch above her, and strapped herself to the "bed" inside the pod.

"Auto-destruct in 20 seconds." The computer said. Anaia accessed the panel in front of her, and not much later, the pod deployed itself from the shuttle. She navigated the pod to a greater distance from the shuttle, to avoid any damage from the warp core. Anaia turned the pod, so her window would be facing the shuttlecraft itself. Normally, the shuttle should be nearly destroyed when a warp core was about to collapse, but nothing was visible on the outside of the shuttle that would indicate a failure.

It seemed to take a while, but the shuttlecraft eventually exploded, forcing Anaia to look away from the blinding light the explosion produced.


Captain Anaia Rex
Former Captain of the U.S.S. Freebird