Beg, Steal or Borrow – Dinners, dates, dances - how devious.
by Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Commander Richard Dunham

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Title   Dinners, dates, dances - how devious.
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Commander Richard Dunham
Posted   Sun Jun 14, 2009 @ 1:56pm
Location   Sickbay
Timeline   SD9 - 14:30hrs
You are the reason your species has such a bad name in the galaxy, Isha the Ambassador thought to herself as she progressed along the promenade. She had not ever visited Chelsea’s place of work, but aside from being likely to agree with her current sentiment, Gabriel, or at least hurling an object at him had given Isha an excuse to impose herself on her friend during working hours.

Isha stepped quietly into the infirmary, “Doctor Adams, please,” she said, barely looking at the nurse on duty.

Nurse Barrett looked oddly at the new visitor but simply replied. "She's in the office, I'll show you where that is" and walked towards it with Isha at her side. Knocking on the door but opening it at the same time as if it were merely a formality of a knock rather than an asking permission to enter, she put her head into the office.

"A visitor asking for you, Ma'am" she said properly and then retreated leaving Isha in the doorway and Chelsea looking up to see who it might be.

"ISHA!" she squeaked in delight and jumped up. "Welcome to my parlour!"

Ushering her friend inside, Chelsea closed the door and gesticulated towards a chair. "Can I get you something to drink? or eat?" she offered, moving towards the replicator, a huge grin on her face showing how pleased she was to see the Ambassador.

"A very cold water," Isha said as she glanced around the room, "So this is where you spend your time ... I'm terribly sorry for coming down here, I didn't really think I ought to call you back to my quarters yet again."

"I would always come to you if you felt it were necessary. You have your unique reasons and I do understand that at a time like this, it can't be easy to just walk around the station as freely as you used to." Chelsea replied. "Anyway, now that you're here, what can I do for you?"

"I think you might be a little angry with me - I tore my ribs again last night - you know how my temper flares! I've been trying to ignore it since then but as I'm trying to pack I can't really not move, so here I am. The station's worst patient."

Chelsea's brows knitted slightly as she shook her head. "Well I don't think you're the *worst* because to be honest we do get the full range in here but you don't do yourself many favours, do you?" she tutted, reaching immediately for a med-scan to assess the damage and then a regenerator to repair it.

"I also wanted to congratulate you. I'm so proud of you, I'm sure your promotion means nothing to you personally, but such things count for those around you - you deserve to be recognised."

"Thank you" Chelsea flushed a little. "Actually, it *does* mean something special to me because it will make my family proud and for myself, it's a very satisfying feeling to be recognised. However, I *do* understand what you mean. Medically, it's *far* more satisfying to save a life and see that person walking about again than it is to achieve a pip on the collar or a different assignation," she conceded.

"Tell me more about that lovely star you were awarded today?" Chelsea went on as she moved around Isha's ribcage slowly with the regenerator.

“The Ranam Valassa is usually awarded to decorated heroes, not ambassadors who are careless enough to allow themselves to be abducted,” Isha said. She was making light of it because she still had not yet worked out what to make of it, “I think that someone at the High Command has a sense of humour.” She paused as she moved her arm aside to allow the doctor better access. “Chelsea, I have just found out that the USS Freedom will be leaving for Romulus late tomorrow; I’ll be going with her,” Isha said.

"Sense of humour and Romulan High Command? In the same sentence? Are you serious?" Chelsea teased, smiling at Isha as she adjusted the brace-field around her.

"You can take this contraption with you, it may help, but try not to go swiping at unpleasant people for a day or two, ok? And you can't even go hugging whoever has made their support for you so public as to send the Ranam Valassa" she did her best to imitate Isha's pronunciation of the award. "Whoever awarded that could have kept it until you got home. Sending it out for the Federation and all who are here to see you receive was a public gesture that was meant to bring a message."

”I thought the same thing,” Isha agreed taking the medical device from her, “It was an unusual thing to do … still, there might not be an appropriate moment to give it when I get back, and of course half of the message would have been lost. I think it got up one or two people’s noses, naming no names. “

Chelsea smiled again. "Yes, but that was a *good* thing, bearing in mind who those anonymous people were and their agendas!" she replied putting her regenerator away. "There, I think that should do it."

"Isha, I wish you didn't have to go at all, let alone so soon." she lamented, genuinely.

”So do I, Chelsea, this journey is going to be very … interesting. Still, you’ll not get rid of me that easily – are you sure I can’t throw this?” she asked wryly weighing the device in her hand. “If you have the time I’d like you to join me for dinner, a sort of ‘goodbye for now’ and Benito will probably cut me up with a cleaver and make pasta sauce from me if I don’t drop in at least once before I leave.”

Chelsea laughed at the image. "Benito will have to get through me if he wants to put you on the menu! Don't forget I'll have to answer to Raedheol if anything *else* happens to you, and I'm in enough trouble with him already. I think I ought to be on a trip of some sort when he gets back as it is, or it'll be *ME* in that pasta sauce!"

"He wouldn't dare," Isha laughed, "and don't let him bully you."

"Don't *let* him? How do you suggest I stop him? He's not exactly the sort to ask politely if he may, before he tells me that I've failed miserably in my appointed task as guardian, is he?" Chelsea laughed too, packing up her med-kit. "Actually though, won't he join you at home? I can't see him having business here without your presence?" she added more seriously.

Isha slipped down to the floor, "You make him sound like such a monster, Chelsea," she pressed her hand to her side, "thank you, that's much better.I'll see him if he wants to be seen - one never really knows with Rh'vaurek, and we don't really share the same social circle."

Chelsea looked quizzically at Isha. She really didn't understand how she and Rh'vaurek worked but she did feel that, away from the nuances of Romulan customs, there was as an obvious and passionate link between two people who cared deeply about each other. In any other case she'd have called it love but somehow, she had never seen real evidence of that, she had only her instinct and assumptions to rely on for the conclusion she'd come to. Perhaps she might be wrong? She looked at Isha but it didn't help enlighten her. She slid down to the floor beside her friend.

"One might think you two were strangers sometimes" she sighed, confused. "But, no, I don't think he's a monster, actually, I like him. I was teasing but I *do* know he can be tough and I wouldn't want to be on the wrong side of him in a serious conflict." she stated honestly.

"He's on our side, Chelsea," Isha said with a wry smile. "Tell, me, what time would you be available this evening? I have some packing to do and I'm sure you have far more serious cases than me to attend to."

"I'm reassured by that, Isha. It's a nice thought." she smiled fondly.
~I wish I was still *that* sure of Ryan~ she thought sadly but went on with her answer without voicing that doubt.

"Actually, I didn't start my shift until 14:00 so I'm not due to finish until 22:00 technically, but if I ask Ed nicely, and explain that it's a special occasion because you won't be here for us to do it tomorrow, I might get him to swap me the last couple of hours. If he'll come in at 20:00 I'll cover the first two hours of his shift tomorrow. I'm sure he'd be okay with that but if he can't i'll ask Ryan or let you know. If you hear nothing before 16:00 then I'll be here at 18:00 ok?"

Isha nodded, "I'll return then," she said, "Meanwhile I have a heap of packing that will not do itself."

As soon as she had gone Isha sent a message to Dunham, "I'll be meeting Doctor Adams at eight. Give us half an hour, then walk by Benito's on the promenade."

[Much earlier...]

Dunham had been on alert fighter stag for two hours. In that time he had been sitting in his cockpit with his co-pilot. Sitting there doing nothing was dull, both men had been chatting away trying to pass the time. His Co-pilot Terry had been sharing with him photos of his new baby boy and was now snoring in the pit behind Dunham's head, after spending may a sleepless night with his son. Dunham had decided to let that one go as his superior he knew the penalty for sleeping while on duty, but the man had a newly born kid to look after and Dunham had remembered with a fondness the sleepless nights he had had looking after his screaming nephew. To pass the time he had been reading a book by H P Lovecraft but had found himself distracted on a number of occasions drifting off to thoughts of a certain Dr Adams.

When his stint was done he went to get changed and showered peeling off his smelly flight suit and scrubbing off all dirt in the Sonic Unit. He then changed into his Duty uniform which he had ironed creased and cleaned especially. He then headed off to the promenade with a bounce in his step and a smile on his face.


A joint post between:

Lt. Cmdr. Chelsea Adams

Ambassador Isha t'Khellian

Lt Richard Dunham
Squadron leader