Incommunicado – The Language of Flowers
by Commander Chelsea Dunham & Commander Richard Dunham

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Title   The Language of Flowers
Mission   Incommunicado
Author(s)   Commander Chelsea Dunham & Commander Richard Dunham
Posted   Tue Jul 03, 2012 @ 9:56pm
Location   Sickbay and Hangar Bay
Timeline   SD58 - 10am
:: ON ::

Chelsea went back to her office, padd in hand, thinking over the contents of the previous two meetings and the reaction she got from Rick.

She was doing her best not to dwell on the latter and she stopped to update herself with Ben on the general Sickbay happenings of his shift. Ed had covered the 'graveyard shift' as Rick called it, Ben had taken over at 06.00 and between them they had done their usual brilliant job of keeping thing shipshape... or was that Starbase-shape? she wondered.

Walking into her office Chelsea was startled to see a HUGE bouquet of flowers standing on the desk. At first she just stood and stared at them quizically but then she grinned, as a warm fuzzy feeling crept over her from head to toe.

She went to the horticultural monument and read the card. She didn't need to but she did anyway.

"Awww" she murmoured. "He's such a star. Irresistible!"

She sniffed the scent of the flowers, still grinning sentimentally and then suddenly put down the padd, left the office and Sickbay with a quick "be right back" comment to a surprised looking Ben and once in the corridor she began to run.

She jogged all the way to the Hanger Bay until she found who she was looking for and stopped, standing looking across at the fighter pilots in their flight suits and the huge, sleek, impressive, sexy looking craft that towered over everyone like basking Eagles and Hawks. ~Aptly named, those early versions!~ she thought briefly as she gazed around the pilots.

She spotted one she knew. Delta Squad Leader Ericson stood talking to one of the maintenance crew. She walked towards him.

"Hey" she greeted him. "Doctor!" he replied with a wide grin "Looking for the boss?".

"Yours or mine?" she quipped. "Oh wait... he's the same one!" her smirk lit up her eyes with mischief.

Ericson laughed but before he could reply, there was a commotion further into the Hanger Bay and a loud clatter, a curse and some sparking.

They both looked round, startled.

Rick, sonic spanner in one hand, sleeves rolled up and uniform covered in oil, his Razor Interceptor which was suspended above him in a miniature tractor beam. The Blue haze rippled a little when the ship moved slightly from the impact "Blasted luvetric injectors are shot I need to re-calibrate the axionic converters or the encephalographic actuators could cause a subcarrier wave through the trellium-D sensor net" he then turned around. "Oh hey Honey" spotting her for the first time.

The technobabble just about finished Chelsea off, what with the romance of the flowers. It was all she could do to pretend not to be completely besotted with him (which of course, she WAS but it was a universally acknowledged female law that letting her man know this was a dangerous thing).

"Hi" she said, as nonchalantly as possible. "I was just passing. What did you break this time?" It was an imflammatory remark for a reason. She knew how to get him to come over and look annoyed just long enough for her to hug him to bits.

Rick headed over to Chelsea complaining as he did and pointing his sonic spanner at her accusingly "I did not break anything. The luvetric injectors are shot because we had to re-route around them to divert more power to the comms to try and boost signal in the first place."

Chelsea smirked at him as he advanced on her, testosterone exuding from him almost palpably. "Diddums!" she muttered low enough for only him to hear as she grabbed the end of his sonic spanner and pointed it back at him. "Don't wave that at me in a threatening manner, Commander Dunham! I would remind you of the penalty for assaulting a senior officer!" Her smirk opened out into a wide grin. "Not to mention the penalties for accosting your wife when she has only come to thank you for the most amazing, brilliant, thoughtful, caring, wonderful, incredible gesture of flowers."

As she reached up, she hopped up the few extra inches that she needed to get her arms fully around his neck and hug him so tightly that her feet were off the floor, dangling. Then she covered his face and neck in kisses, much to his embarassment and to a an outbreak of Cheshire Cat grins, cat calls, whistling and a general roar of approval from the whole hanger bay.

Chelsea laughed, curling up her legs around his hips to stop herself from falling back out of his arms and leaned back slightly to look at him. "Thank you babe. How did you know? Is it alright then? It must be? I know it's a bit soon....." she began to discuss the pregnancy without realising he hadn't already guessed that was why she'd told him she'd been sick. She looked quizzically into his beautiful grey eyes searching for reassurance.

The look he returned was one of bemused puzzlement "The flowers were a gift sweetie to make up for our argument earlier today....." his curiosity got the better of him "What's too soon?"

Chelsea dropped like a stone, slithering down him and looking very worried. "The baby?" she whispered, a lump in her throat as she realised he didn't know.

"YOU'RE PREGNANT!" he exclaimed. Suddenly all the Cheshire cat grins around the hanger bay dropped and people seemed very occupied in looking at anything else but the Dunhams. Rick took Chelsea's hand and marched her into his office were they could talk more privately. "You're pregnant?" he asked again this time more composed.

"Yes" his wife replied sheepishly. "I thought from the clue about being sick this morning, I'd made that obvious. I guess not?"

"I'm a man" said Rick with a smile "I don't pick up on these subtle nuances." He paused and took a deep breath then suddenly wrapped her in his arms lifted her off the floor in a big hug and spun her around the room with a big grin on his face "This is amazing!"

"Subtle nuances? It was a big medical revelation, you.... you..... PILOT!" she laughed, spinning in the air and almost getting dizzy.

He put her down and nestled against her putting one hand softly on her belly "You and me are going to make one great kid."

"We already did, all we have to do now is raise it right. Nothing difficult about that eh?" she joked.

He smiled but shook his head gently from side to side "It will be difficult sweetie, but we'll have each other and together with each other's support we'll raise this kid right"

"Hell yeah!" she laughed. "And if it's a boy he will have eyes like yours and I won't stand a chance when he looks at me and says please. He'll get spoilt to bits!"

"Hmmmm" said Rick through another smile "Sounds like were going to have to sit down and decide ourselves a few parenting ground rules."

Chelsea grinned. "Yeah, cos if it's a girl there's not going to be any of all that *daddy's princess* stuff either! Ganging up on Mummy!?"

"Hell No" said Rick, then he rolled his eyes "Bad enough my sister got all that with our Dad"

"Famous last words, Mister. The man who's mother nearly took me apart to check me out before he was allowed to date a Bajoran." she teased.

"Oh god, my mother" said Rick massaging his forehead and looking up at the ceiling in mock despair "Are we going to tell her?"

"Not yet. She'll have it taken into care soon enough, to make sure it's brought up as a *proper* Dunham. Let's tell her when it's about 5.... or 10.... or 21??" Chelsea grinned, teasing.

Rick chuckled "Agreed.....what about your folks when do we tell them?"

"I'd like to hold off with the announcements for a little bit. Don't want to jinx anything." she said more thoughtfully now. She had been desperate to tell Rick but in her excitement she hadn't thought about what the announcement would mean to everyone they knew. It was as much of a life-changer as getting married. Perhaps more so.


Chief Medical Officer/Second Officer
Commander Chelsea Dunham


CAG Squadron Leader
Lieutenant Commander Richard Dunham