Things Past – Family Dinner
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal

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Title   Family Dinner
Mission   Things Past
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal
Posted   Sat Jun 25, 2011 @ 8:11am
Location   Cardassia City. Coranum Sector. Cardassia Prime
"Gul Turvan, we have arrived at our destination." The driver said as the transport came to a stop in front of the home of Fi'ta Gul Enarim Lemarrev. Few Cardassians soldiers could consider themselves lucky enough to be within the presence of such a magnanimous figure, let alone being invited to dine with him in his home.

"Thank you." Hydel said as he the driver opened the vehicle door and allowed the Gul to exit. Hydel looked around and smiled as he continued to walk towards the entrance of the massive residence.

Since his retirement from "active" service, Lemarrev had slowly passed on his more significant responsibilities to Hydel in regards to the activities of the Fifth Order. Everyone within the Order recognized that he was being groomed for to eventually take over the position. Now it was just a matter of time before the decision became official.

What also remained "officially" undecided was the future of his daughter, Professor Imanil Lemarrev. The woman had always maintained cool if not distance relations with Hydel. However, it was only a matter of time before she recognized the greater good for her future as well as that of her father's legacy all resided with Hydel.

It was Gilyna, the housekeeper who approached the door, taking her time as usual. She knew everyone who had been invited, and was quite ready to send away anybody who arrived whose name did not appear on that very short and selective list - this was a very special occaision, and in addition to his immediate family, there were very few outsiders who the Fi'ta Gul esteemed enough to share the occaision with.

Hydel smiled as the door opened and he was ushered into the home.

"The family is gathering in the Blue Room, Gul Turvan," Gilyna said as she showed him the way. He had been to the house before, but she knew it was not a room he had ever seen. "I believe that little Parmaken is already in there with his mother." It made no difference to Gilyna that little Parmekan, the eldest of the Lemarrev children was thirty four years old, six foot two and commanded a battleship; he would be forever to Gilyna a fractious little boy who was going to get a clip round the ear if he got under her feet. "One moment."

Briefly Gilyna entered the room. "Madame is ready to receive you," she said as she emerged. The housekeeper wondered if Turvan had any idea at all what had happened in this house, but she gave no indication of it.

"Why Hydel," Nalana said taking his his hands in welcome. "How good of you to join us. My husband seems to be locked in his study at the moment, but I'm sure that you will wait here with us for everyone to be ready. How long is it since you last visited us?" she asked purely for the sake of making conversation as she poured him a drink. Nalana did not need to ask what, she simply remembered what her husband's friends took and provided it for them.

Hydel smiled as he accepted the drink. "It is always a pleasure to be in the presence of your beauty." He said. "I believe that the last time I was able to enjoy the hospitality of your company was right after my return from the Belotti sector." he said remembering that unfortunate business. "But, thanks to the courageous leadership of your husband we were able to keep our space from the clutches of the Federation illegal annexation." he said as he took another sip from his glass.

"How is everyone doing?" He asked.

Nalana had never really warmed to Hydel Turvan, but this time Nalana actually felt a little sorry for him. Enarim expected him to simply accept the coming change in circumstances without so much as a word of warning - it was one thing to expect that of his sons, but quite another to expect it of his protoge. However it did not bother her so much that she would suggest to her husband that there was a different approach that he might use in breaking this to the family.

"Has it really been so long?" she said with the knowledge of someone who could time their last meeting down to the minute. "You neglect me almost as much as my sons. Do sit, Hydel," Nalana said gesturing to the seat next to Parmekan.

Hydel smiled and he took a seat next to the recent Warship Commander. "I hear congratulations are in order, Dal Parmekan." he said as he extended his hand. "I have heard good things about your recent campaigns." Hydel commented. "Try not to do too good of a job, they might have you taking my spot before I'm ready to move on." he laughed.

"I've found it never hurts to be patient when it comes to building a reputation," he replied, "any idea what this is about? My mother hasn't told me a thing."

"Who knows, your father was always one flair and theatrics. He probably wants to announce a new yacht of his and take all of us out for a celebratory cruise." Hydel said as he continued to enjoy his drink.

Nalana needed to be on her feet anyway, as in addition to Turvan there were two other external guests that she needed to greet. She also wanted to be ready when her husband brought Imanil into the room accompanied by her new husband.

"So where is that breath-taking daughter of yours?" Hydel inquired.

"Imanil will be joining us shortly," Nalana said with a smile, "once we are all gathered. I'm sure she'll be delighted that you were able to come."

Hydel smiled knowingly. Of course she'd be delighted. Although she portrayed a cool exterior, deep down inside, Hydel knew that the young girl was just inexperienced in displaying her desire and affection appropriately. once they were betrayed he would not have a problem helping her with that slight obstacle.

It was another hour before everyone had arrived, everyone apart from Imanil and her father that was. Nalana kept everyone talking though she knew that the question they all really wanted to ask was still unspoken: what the hell is going on?

Nalana, the only person in the room who was in on the secret knew that they did not have long to wait ... and here they were.

Hydel stood as the patriarch entered the room.

"My friends, you have my gratitude for joining us for this occasion," Enarim said, "and my sons, well, you have each been through this on your own way, as your beautiful and attentive wives will attest. I always thought that I would be loathe to see the day that I was forced to part with my only daughter, Imanil. It turns out that by her choice I have not lost her, but instead gained myself a fifth son.

"Last night, my daughter, Imanil and Gul Tharek Getal were, with my blessing enjoined. As well as responsibility for my daughter’s future, he takes on that of supporting my name, in addition to that which he inherited from his own late father. I consider every one of you present to be part of my family, and I trust that you will make him welcome."

Hydel nearly broke the glass in his hand as it involuntarily gripped into a fist. ~ Who was this. . .this. . . peasant. . .this boy who had come and taken what was to be his! ~ Hydel thought.

It was a done deal. They had her father’s blessing, and with it they had been at liberty to spend the night (and most of the day) together in her room. If anything Imanil gravitated even more towards Tharek that she had done previously. If Gilyna had not barged in and reminded her that they, and she in particular had a duty to attend to then they might have stayed there for days.

Imanil had thought that she would be more nervous about being presented in this way, but now that it had happened, she was unconcerned. Their union had physically happened, and with her father’s blessing and assent. She and Tharek were bound to one another for the duration of her lifetime.

"Its just my brothers and their wives, oh, and a handful of father’s friends … and their wives," she whispered in Tharek’s ear, "and they must accept you, or else reject him, because we are now one," she added as she lifted his hands and kissed his fingers.

"Imanil," Getal began for the first time since entering the room and seeing the glares. "Let's go get accepted." He whispered at her, smiling, kissing her back.

Hydel turned to the eldest son. "Did you know about this?" He asked in a whispered tone.

Parmekan had actually had to snap his mouth closed at the announcement as soon as he noticed that his jaw had slackened in astonishment, that was.

"Not a fucking thing," he hissed beneath his breath, his lips barely moving as he answered Hydel's question. "Who is this?" With my sister, he might have added. "I was just told to be here, we all were," he added, referring to his brothers.

"Is this your father's idea of some joke!?!" Hydel said fervently. "To lure us here and spring this on us without any notice!?" he continued adamantly. "Who is this . . .child anyways? He barely looks old enough to have shed his first skin, but now he is to become a part of this family!?" Hydel said in disbelief.

"Your father must be going mad." He continued.

"If you truly think that, state it to the room or shut the fuck up and leave this house," Parmekan replied. The news was a smack in the face to him too, but he was not going to tolerate the implication that his father might me mad.

"Your anger is mis-directed Parmekan." Hydel replied. "It is not I who will contaminate your family's bloodline, it is the pre-pubescent filth who undoubtedly has plans to defile your sister before they've had time to digest dessert." Hydel asserted.

"As the eldest, what do you plan on doing about this situation?" Hydel inquired, knowing that despite his years of service and apprenticeship under Enarim, he was not a family member and thus could not speak on such sensitive matters.

"Whoever he is, he already has. Didn't you hear what my father said?" Parmekan said in the same low tone, "I am not going to stand up and oppose his decisionin this room. Look, I know what your intentions were towards my sister and they were both viable and reasonable, but don't expect me to defy my father when he has just announced that she has chosen a husband. Keep your temper, Hydel."

"You're a very bad man, Tharek," Imanil whispered back to him with a very knowing smile that she would not even have been capable of twenty four hours earlier. "That's my eldest brother, Parmekan who is talking to Hydel ... Gul Turvan, I should probably say. That one is Nalaran, him Enartek, and the furtive looking one is Tanari," she intoduced her brothers very rapidly. The other guests I will introduce you to personally."

"I live to please my dear." Tharek said, returning the sentiment and the cheeky smile. "Your brothers, and that Gul, don't look happy."

Imanil took a moment to check that her father had moved out of earshot before she replied. "Father decided that this would make a good moment to use to guage the intentions and motivations of those closest to him," she whispered, "and as to Gul Turvan, he would have been my Father's choice if my father had not thought me capable of making a better one."

Imanil smiled up at Tharek. It wasn't a simper, or a misplaced sentiment, they simply spoke to one another. "I'd rather be elsewhere," she said, quite aware that they had an entire meal to sit through, "but I will hope that it only makes me yearn for you more," she finished her words inaudible to anyone else, and oh *how* she meant it. Imanil had never really thought that a man could have that much power over her, yet he did, and she yielded and deferred to him with a the degree of grace that she had only ever seen before in her own mother's example.

"Then you should lead me in," Imanil said.

Getal held out the crook of his arm, and waited for Imanil to take it, before descending down into the hornet's nest that was Imanil's family.

Hydel was the first to greet the blushing couple as they entered the main gathering area. "Well I must say that this is a most pleasant surprise." He said dishonestly. "I wish you both nothing but happiness." He continued the charade as he extended his hand towards Garek.

"I do not believe that I have come across you or your file before, are you a recent transfer to someone's command?" Hydel inquired.

Accepting the gesture, Getal took his hand and shook vigorously, keeping eye contact with the man. "Gul Tharek Getal, of the Ninth Order. I'm in command of the Rakara. Beautiful ship. We'll be taking it to Terok Nor soon, won't we dear?" Tharek asked, turning to Imanil. Getal really didn't like the look of this man. He tried anything to break eye contact with him, and catch it again with Imanil.

"I'm rather excited about it. I've never travelled and to do it for the first time with such a wonderful guide is going to be a real adventure for me. I've even taken a sabbatical so that I can concentrate on us," she said as she squeezed Tharek's arm with her fingertips and smiled at him.

"Yes, Terok Nor, is located in a convenient spot for a young, fresh-faced Gul." Hydel laughed in response.

"Whatever do you mean, Hydel?" Imanil said turning back to him.

"Well, it is away from the front line of combat, of course." Hydel responded. "I'm sure you will find a bevy of tactical experience dealing with those pesky Bajoran terrorists and their homemade weaponry." Hydel said to Tharek with a smile.

"Don't be fooled my friend. Underestimating the enemy is the first fatal step to losing to it. The Bajorans don't just use home made weaponry. They use guerilla tactics. Something the Cardassian military hasn't had experience with. And it's not just tactical experience. Bajor will be the source of our resources for at least the next decade, I will be one of the overseers on site making sure the Kendra province facility runs smoothly." Getal stated, returning Hydel's smile.

Hydel shook his head disappointedly. "I can't really blame you, you don't have the necessary experience to understand the political realities of the times." Hydel said in as polite of a tone as he could muster considering the recent announcement.

"Have you a moment, dear?" Imanil's mother appeared. "I need just a few minutes of my daughter's time," she said to the two men.

"Of course," Imanil said. "Excuse me," she said to Hydel before turning to kiss Tharek's cheek, "I'll be back very soon," she told him, before leaving with her mother.

Hydel continued to smile as Imanil left the ear-shot of the two men. "Just what is your angle?" Hydel said, losing his cordial tone. "You barely know this family and you have already managed to distract the daughter of Enarim Lemarrev with your contrived declarations of affection?" Hydel, not willing to even articulate that there could actually be love between the two.

"Maybe it's just the fact that she likes me over you?" Getal said, returning the very impolite tone. "I have secured the heart of Imanil Lemarrev with nothing but the very being I am. It's taken you years just to call yourself a family friend. A friend of what is now, my family."

"Your family!?" Hydel asked incredulously as he took a step forward. "You are nothing but a charlatan that has managed to distract Imanil with mere infatuation and some field trip to that decrepit excuse of a planet called Bajor!" Hydel said in a measured tone so others could not hear him.

"Then why did both the parents of Imanil take me away from her, scrutinize me, and still accept me into their house. Accept it, Hydel, you were beaten at your own game by somebody far superior. Now if you'll excuse me... " Getal said, bowing politely. He turned, a look of sour distaste in his mouth as he made his way to Imanil.

As the younger solider walked away, Hydel continued to grip the glass in his hand until it broke into several pieces. The anger surging within him prevented him from noticing the mess that had formed. He signaled for a servant to address the mess while he made his way to the patriarch of the family.

"Tharek, I didn't expect you to find me so quickly," Imanil said a little surprised that he had come to join her when she wsas surrounded by the women on the family. Still, Imanil dealt with that with her usual efficiency taking his arm the moment she saw him. She began the the introductions. "This is my brother Parmekan's wife. Korinas is a very influential Archon."

"A pleasure." Tharek said, bowing his head respectfully.

And so it went on ...


The Lemarrevs
NPCd by Louise

Gul Tharek Getal
Ninth Order Gul, CUS Rakara

Gul Hydel Turvan
Fifth Order