Incommunicado – Speak Again, Bright Angel
by Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal

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Title   Speak Again, Bright Angel
Mission   Incommunicado
Author(s)   Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal
Posted   Tue Jan 31, 2012 @ 7:17pm
Location   Cardassian Embassy, just about
Timeline   SD40 - very late indeed
"You are certifiably insane!"

Takahiro looked around the darkened arboretum, convinced every shadow held a securty officer. This new plan of his friend was crazy. And he was crazier still, to help him. Olan himself was carefully attached to the top of a tree whose upper branches brushed the ceiling, pockets stuffed with bits of equipment. He was working hard with a couple of tools, focused on the panel right above him, carefully loosening it.

"Stop fussing. No one can see us. there's no one else down here!" Olan muttered

Taki sighed "You're trying to break into the Cardassian Embassy! And there's plenty of people up there! With phasers!"

"But if i've got the calculations right, they'll never know i'm - " there was a click and a hiss. Below Olan, Taki winced. But the young trill let the plating out and passed it down "here."

He hauled himself into the space between decks and reached into his bag for the little listening device he had brought with him. Fitting the ear peice, he was delighted to hear Lemat's voice coming from directly above.

"No, no. I'll have them finished by tomorrow Vi'kar Gul." Lemat's voice was soft and low as she spoke to the Cardassian dirt-bag on the receiving end of the commlink. As soon as the comm clicked to a halt, she muttered lightly under her breath. "Pompous, arrogant, good for nothing... "

Beneath her feet, Olan shook his head. The ambassador was scum and treated her like a slave. He only wanted to get to know her better, but from the Vi'kar Gul's reaction, you would have thought he was trying to use her to steal Cardassian secrets. And it sounded like he was dtopping her from putting a foot outside the embassy by working her into the ground. He scowled. SHe was far too pretty to be skivving to an animal like Getal.

He leaned upwards, trying to get abetter signal on the earpiece. which is when the plating tool he'd dtuck in his pocket fell out and clanged on the bottom of the ceiling void

"What the-" Lemat stood and looked to the source of the noise with surprise. Seeing nothing, she gazed on in awe. Finally moving forward, she lent her ear down to the source of the noise, forgetting that she was in an embassy full of her fellow co-workers, and forgetting how silly she looked with her ear to the floor.

The young trill swore under his breath, and grabbed for the spanner. Do or die time. possibly literally. These were cardassians. He scrambled all the way into the ceiling void and worked at the panel he believed would bring him up in Lemat's quarters as fast as he could, hoping no one but Lemat would hear. He popped the deck plate, bringing it down into the void with him, checked there was nothing ontop of the carpet above, and quickly poked a hole in it with the cutting laser he had brought. Light spilled into the gap between the decks

Lemat heard the tiny sound of the laser cutter, and made her way to the source of the sound. Surprisingly, Olan's head was in the middle of her floor. "Um... Hello Olan?"

Olan blinked and looked around. "Um. This is not your bedroom."

"Last time I checked... Wait... Why were looking for my bedroom?" She asked, crossing her arms and giving Olan a worried look.

"Um, cos it would be private and I wouldn't have to worry about armed cardassians trying to shoot at me like i was a gopher!" AS if on queue, heavy footsteps approached them, and Olan ducked back down.

Lemat turned to face a small pack of Shri'vara walking toward her, armed with phasers and all sorts. "On your way, men." Lemat said, trying to sound as polite as possible whilst ushering them on. "Olan, coast is clear." She whispered to the floor once everyone had left.

He scrambled up on conduits and cable bundles and shouldered his way through the carpet until it was tucked around his waist, half in and half out of the floor. He gave Lemat a cheeky grin and a cough. "With love's light wings did I o'erperch these walls," he declaimed. "For evil ambassadors cannot hold love out, And what love can do, that dares love attempt:
Therefore his pompousness is no stop to me!"

"Are you drunk?" She asked, half serious. "That's an Earth poets words is it not? I'm never sure... Either way, it was cute." She said, visibly blushing. The contrast of red and grey on her face made for a pleasing sight.

"You know, I never really got what the Klingons saw in some human writer, but now I do." Olan laughed, staying crouched down in case of prying eyes. "And no, I'm not drunk. Unless its on Adrenalin. I'm a long way up here!"

Lemat peered just below Olan. "Oh my! Get up here before you break a bone!" She contained her voice, and offered the Trill a slender wrist.

He took it gratefully, swung out of the cool gap between the decks and scuttled under her desk so no one could see him. "So, fancy sneaking down with me and getting a drink? Afterall, can you really have left the embassy if no one sees you walk out the front door?"

"I... Um, I really shouldn't... But... " She looked around at the confines of the Embassy, then back to Olan's beaming face. "Oh, just a few then!" She lent down to Olan, and offered him an arm to raise him from under her desk. She was stopped mid-track though, by the foul voice of the Dark Ambassador.

"Ms. Berok." Getal's sinister call froze Lemat dead. If he found Olan, this would surely be the end of the Trill. She mouthed an apology to him, before raising to meet the glare of the Vi'kar Gul. "Yes Vi'kar Gul?" She said, doing the best at hiding the nervousness in her voice.

Under Lemat's desk, Olan froze. Even if he wasn't a foul and beligerant bully, Getal was well within his rights to have him shot. He wondered if it would be seen as an act of war. Please go away, go away, go away he begged the universe for a small mercy. Instead, he felt his nose start to itch. Crawling under the desk and shifting the carpet had obviously dislodged some old dust, he could feel it, crawling up his nostrils. The urge to sneeze was building. He clamped his hands over his mouth, and hoped that lemat was able to ditch the bastard quickly.

Lemat could feel the anxiety clouding her mind swamp her body, and small beads of sweat appeared on her forehead. Then, after what felt like millenia, Getal spoke.

"I heard a commotion outside." He began. Lemat drew a breath, probably her last too, but she was abruptly cut off before she could say anything. "But, I see it was just you. It's clear your unwell." He said, almost with a tone that sounded all so close to accusation at first. "Your sweating. Go see the Federation sickbay. See if they can actually heal one of us without racism." Getal spoke, and then turned on his heel and marched out of the room. Lemat stood, completely shell-shocked.

Under the desk, Olan breathed out, and his pulse began to wind down. He gave it an extra minutee to be sure. Then he popped his head out. "Too close!"

"Close, he would've gutted us both!" She exclaimed, wiping her forehead, then smiling like an excited schoolgirl at Olan.

"But now we're free and easy, I don't have to spirit you out the embassy." he gave her a goofy grin. "I'll meet you in the Box of Delights in twenty minutes?"

"Delightful sweety!" She clapped her hands together and bounced on the spot, then lent in and threw her arms around the Trill. "I'll see you there!" She almost screached as she tried her best to run to her quarters, but only managed a small waddle, the cause of which being a skirt and high heels.


Taki & OLan
Phd Research Students, Daystrom Institute

Lemat Berok
Cardassian Ambassador's Aide and Receptionist