Intermission – Are we settled?
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)

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Title   Are we settled?
Mission   Intermission
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Thu Mar 27, 2014 @ 10:05pm
Location   Ops / Upper Decks / Captains Quarters
Timeline   SD101 22:30 - 23:30
Tasha had parted company with the CEO and had initially began the walk to her quarters, but the mental call of Ops had changed her course.
She took the transporter pad to the Ops deck.

Ops was uncannily quiet with only one crewman manning the central station on half light. It appeared serene but yet eerie as Tasha stepped into the main arena.
The red shirted crewman made no attempt to turn around to acknowledge the captain so she stood silently watching his movements as he flitted from central table to one of three orbiting stations. She assumed that the light on the rostrum was bright enough to shield her in the darker edges of Ops but thought that the sound of her heels clacking against the deck plates would have warned anybody of her approach, but obviously not loud enough to attract this particular crewmans attention.

Five minutes had easily passed before the crewman stopped what he was doing and walked closer to her side of the rostrum.
"Who's there?" Rushtone called as he brought his right hand up as if in salute to shield his eyes against the light.

Tasha took two steps forward.

Roberts hand fell from his head and could be seen to breath a sigh of relief. "Captain, what brings you to Ops this time of night?" He asked already turning back to the centre desk.

"Good to see you too Robert. Just felt the need to visit before I turn in, make sure everything is fine and dandy." She remarked as she began to make her way to the first flight of stairs. "Why?" She questioned but in a manner that was easy.

"Sorry ma'am, just that I did not expect anyone to be here when we have no emergency or pending problem. Taking the time to calibrate the sensor array and AHDA. Been giving some minor issues that needed to be put right. Would have instructed Engineering, but they would have made a meal from such a minor alteration, so opted to do it when it was quiet. I didn't mean any disrespect." He admitted as he looked around to the spot where Tasha had stood to find her gone. He scanned the deck before hearing her on the platform to his upper left.

"Good to hear. Keep up the good work Robert." Tasha smiled to herself out of sight as she entered her office. Her smile immediately dropped.
Her office was not hers any longer.

The desk was now to her right strewn with PADDs and empty cups, the display cabinet replaced with a small bust of Daystrom and the wall art and books were nowhere to be seen.
"Computer, bring lights to full." Tasha stated as she stepped towards the back wall and the Commanders secret passage. She battered her eyes against the brightening lights as they adjusted and her hands went to the wall, searching for the outline of the door. It was not there, or at least not to the touch.
"Computer activate wall hatch for commanders passage." The computer chirped its acknowledgement and just to her left, the door panel clicked open.

Tasha stepped back, eyeing the now revealed edge of the door. The fit was seamless and this at least reassured Tasha that not everything had changed for the worse.
"Computer, reseal door." And as easily as it had sprung open, it reseated itself into the wall leaving no visual identification that it was there. She took two sideways steps to where her desk had sat originally and scoured the floor and looking downwards, the safe was easy to spot to the trained eye. She wondered if anybody had opened the Captains Compartment and knelt down, placing her right palm flat in the centre of the floor tile that was her safe. A pale blue light scanned her hand and the floor dropped away and slid back, revealing the content beneath. On the top of the pile of letters the holophoto of Roman stared up to her and a relieved smile crossed her face. She reached down and softly stroked the smiling face of her departed spouse before gently moving it aside and eased out the envelope that lay immediately below it.

My Darling Tashmalia Huntharist She read the words with a dampness appearing in her eyes before sliding it back beneath the photo and pressed a small button on the side wall that brought the floor sliding back into its place.

Somehow comforted, she rose and slowly rotated herself on her heel, scanning the room and letting out a long sigh.

"Tomorrow." She said softly before ordering the lights back down to a semi darkness before bridging the gap to the desk. She tapped at the desk light illuminating the surface. There were nearly twenty PADDs scattered across the tabletop with no apparent order, but the one that lay closest to her caught her attention. It was sealed for Captains Eyes only.
She placed her index finger on the cold surface but before the scanner that read her DNA had even began, she withdrew her hand and picked up the PADD, sliding it into her inner pocket. She would read this in the privacy of her quarters.

She tapped once more at the light and as it dimmed, she made her way back onto the upper platform looking down at Robert who was still flitting back and fore terminals and the rostrum console.

"Goodnight Robert." She called down announcing her departure.

Robert didn't look up, he was studying the formulas that were revealing themselves by scrolling laterally across the desk and he didn't want to look away for fear of missing a vital digit. "Goodnight Captain, sleep well." He replied and gave a cheery but dismissive wave of his hand.

= Upper Decks =

Tasha exited Ops and ambled along several night lit corridors, taking in the sounds and scents that presented themselves to her on her stroll around the upper decks.
It was strange being back on the station after a few weeks away, but in that time, DS5 had seemed to quieten down and find itself stuck in a monotonous rut of daily life that oddly emulated her own. Little did she know, that was about to drastically change.

= Deck 24 =
As the door to the Captains quarters swooshed apart, the scent of fresh rose and tulip flowers mixed with juniper and strawberry met her. She had programmed this into the computer many months previous and for it meet her now, gave her the most feelings of being welcomed back to her 'Home'.
She peeled of her jacked and placed it on the back of the chair not forgetting she had the PADD in its pocket but it would keep for later.
Time was getting late and although she had drunken very little in the Box, she felt tired. She felt drained but was relaxed as she sat on the edge of the bed, looking out of the large window into space.
Her thoughts were a myriad of hopes, aspirations and plans. She had come back with a renewed vigour and if the station kept its promise, then she would do her best for the station.
She fell backwards onto the bed, now looking at the ceiling as she closed her eyes, not to sleep, but to think, but sleep arrived before her thoughts could take a solid form and slumber took a firm hold.
