Beg, Steal or Borrow – "Fallout - 1"
by Commander Chelsea Dunham & Commander Richard Dunham & Commander Isha t'Vaurek

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Title   "Fallout - 1"
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Commander Chelsea Dunham & Commander Richard Dunham & Commander Isha t'Vaurek
Posted   Mon Aug 17, 2009 @ 2:15am
Location   CMO's Quarters
Timeline   SD10 22:10 hrs

“Chelsea, sit here,” Rh’vaurek said indicating the nearest of the many, many empty chairs. “Lieutenant Dunham, a word,” he said somewhat tightly.

"Yeah sure. Please call me Rick......Pardon me but I have not got a clue who you are dude."

* * * * *

Whilst Richard and Rh'vaurek were talking, Chelsea had time and opportunity to reflect on what had just happened.


~What did he *mean* he didn't know *how* I became an ACMO?~ she thought to herself, her blood beginning to rise now that she didn't have to make excuses for Ryan in front of 'the-world-and-his-wife' nor frantically try to keep the situation calm and dignified.

She thought about the way Ryan had been beside himself with concern for Nora but without a thought for herself and although she justified this with the fact that Nora *was* the one who was injured, somehow it didn't seem in proportion to be quite so brutal with her - she *was* meant to be his 'significant-other' not to mention his 'respected' second in command in the Department.

~... he called me a little fool! That's rich for someone who missed the promotion exams for a dance-show!~ she thought, getting more angry as she relived the whole thing over in her mind.

~So, according to him, I'm 'patronising' when I'm trying to console him and help his *friend* but perhaps it's *him* who 'ought to know better' than to lay into me in public like that. It's not only completely out of order from a mutual professional respect point of view, but it's totally sh*t from a personal one.

I mean, who stood by him when he fell apart because he didn't like who he found out his father was? And who put him back together when he couldn't save Matakan? And who worked into the night and beyond, right beside him to find a cure for that illness and then let him take all the credit?

And who covered ALL his shifts since the attack on the station and doubled her own as well, just so he could do all the rehearsing for this bloody pathetic 'show'?~ she was working up a head-of-steam now.

~You're a bastard, Milarno! But you're SOO right! I did *OUGHT* to know better!

It was as if a fog had lifted from her world. Suddenly Chelsea Adams was a giant angry Lamullan Log-Targ. She hadn't felt this much anger since..... she tried to think when? ~the day I first arrived here and Ryan ignored me.... he was horrible.... and even Ed said I didn't deserve that....Duh! Wake up call, Adams! ....from the moment we met! Ed had to pick up the pieces of me when he'd finished with me that day....You know, you're SO right, Ryan! I *am* a *little fool* aren't I?~

She stood up, steady on her feet again now and with eyes blazing blacker than a betazoid, she was about to set off to Sickbay with the intention of removing parts of her soon to be EX-lover with a laser-scalpel!

~On second thoughts, I'll do that *after*..... ~ she changed direction for his quarters instead. Coming out of the turbolift she marched resolutely towards the quarters she and Ryan had shared until recently. ~Rehearsals!~ her anger snorted inside her head.

"Pah-Wraith!" She muttered out loud, putting up her hand and unfortunately for Ryan, he hadn't taken her authorisation off the door panel. It recognised her print and let her in. Marching straight to the bathroom she found Nora's make up bag there. That was the end of all her control.

She took all of Nora's things from all around the quarters and recycled every single item. Then she recycled all the clothes from Ryan's wardrobe too.

Realising that wouldn't really hurt either of them much, as all they'd have to do was just choose each other new ones, Chelsea then went to the living quarters and trashed the glyglaze cabinet that held Ryan's sports trophies which all scattered over the floor.

Looking around, her head full of trashed memories, Chelsea came across the holo-image of herself, Ryan and Rachel his sister, all arm-in-arm together, laughing and joking. Dissolving into a heap on the floor Chelsea began to sob, her heart shattered.

~What do I do that makes this keep happening to me?~ she wondered, remembering her ex-fiancé and his 'affair'. ~Do I just keep picking bastards or is it me?~ was all she could think, over and over.

Eventually, all cried out, Chelsea got up, wiped her face and went back into the bathroom. She cleaned herself up, collected up all the things she'd left around the quarters back when she thought she would move back in as soon as the show rehearsing was over.

Returning to the living area, she piled her stuff on the sofa and looked at the mess she'd made.

Relenting now that she was calm again, she picked up the trophies and stood them on the table. They were mostly none the worse for their tumble and although the cabinet was all over the place in shards, the trophies weren't permanently damaged.

Leaving the rooms with her belongings in her arms, Chelsea shuffled back to her own allocated quarters, dropping the odd item here and there and having to try to pick them up without losing the rest made it a long trip even though it wasn't actually very far. She was almost there when a shoe slipped and skidded across the floor to land at someone's feet. She couldn't see over the pile of clothes and 'stuff' in her arms to see who it was, but the shoes were familiar.


He didn't speak. But with one hand simply pressed the entrance button to the door for her quarters and with his other hand took a load of Chelsea's stuff and placed it under his arm. He then walked them both in through into her room. "I think" He said thoughtfully "I should sleep on your sofa tonight. I don't think you should be alone."

* * * * *

a jp between:

Lt. Cmdr. Chelsea Adams


Lt. Richard Dunham
Squadron Leader