Incommunicado – Meeting a Bokkai
by Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin

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Title   Meeting a Bokkai
Mission   Incommunicado
Author(s)   Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin
Posted   Wed Aug 08, 2012 @ 10:14pm
Location   Box of Delights
Timeline   SD60, 2030-2100 hours
David was attempting to "tour" the station as it became overwhelming how enormous it was. He felt that the Promenade would be a good place to start as that was where most of the people were and he might make some friends. He took the turbolift and arrived to a deck full of poeple. Almost too full for his comfort. He proceeded to a place called "Box of Delights".

He had read about this place in some of the information he received on the station and was curious about the place. He walked toward what seemed to be a place of enjoyment, laughter, and much social activity. This place is perfect, David thought. He walked up to the bar and greeted a woman that seemed different as he was unfamiliar with what species she was. "Hi there! My name's Daivd! I'm new on the station. I'm an Ensign Propulsion Specialist. What's your name? Do you run this place?"

For a moment Yolanthe blinked, taken aback by the barrage of eager questions. "Er, yes, I run this place. I'm Yolanthe. What can I get you, sweetie?"

"Um, a Cardassian Sunrise please. A friend of mine had suggested it to me. Is it any good?" David asked.

"That depends if you can take your drink." The towering woman looked him up and down and raised a purple eyebrow. "Can you take your drink?"

"Can't be that strong, can it?" David smiled awkwardly. "I'll take it." David said hesitantly...

She grinned and her skin and hair turned from violet to a powder blue. "You've been warned." She pulled an elegantly swirled bottle from the shelves behind her, filled with bottles, all shapes and colours. "I don't sell synthahol. So you won't be able to shake it off." She poured a measure out into a cocktail shaker and began to add other ingredients.

"I've had real alcohol before. I'm sure I'll be fine." David smiled a bit more confidently. It's only been a couple months since real alcohol, thought David.

The blue of her skin and here became brighter. "Of course you will." She shook the shaker, bounced it off an elbow and then cracked it into a long glass. "You're a big boy."

David took the drink cautiously and took a fairly good swig. At first it tasted okay, but then the drink flowed through his throat. He felt the burn quite nicely. A "wow" under his breath came after the drink was done with its initial effects. "This is possibly one of the more exotically strong drinks I've had in awhile." David smiled at Yolanthe trying to seem like the drink didn't even phase him. Liver don't fail me now, David thought sarcastically. "So..." David continued his conversation with Yolanthe. "What is your species? You seem to change color with certain moods from what I can observe." David tried to stay focused as the tipsiness slightly set in.

"I'm from a little world on the edge of the quadrant. We call ourselves Bokkai." she nodded at the cocktail. "Your thing? Or too fruity?"

David looked down at his drink. "A bit tart but not to the point that it doesn't strike my taste. I like it." David took another sip and asked, "So what brought you all the way here? Family? Money? Friends? Just getting away?"

The smiled stayed, but the blue shade wavered, paling for a moment, before she brushed off his comment with a breezy wave of her hand. "I got bored with my harem of pretty young things like you who saw to my every pleasure whenever I snapped my fingers."

"So you prefer being something to be after as well as someone who wants to pursue another. You want to earn friendship instead of being given "friends". Right?" David asked.

She laughed, and the blue returned to a brilliant azure. "Maybe." She looked him up and down, "What about you, did you ask to be posted here?"

David laughed, "Not exactly. I had been looking for a starbase to station at or even a ship if I could but I got assigned here. I love it so far. It's not as cramped as a ship, that's for sure."

"Oh no, We've lots of space, all sorts of nooks and crannies. Are you coming off duty, or going on?" She nodded at his uniform. "Becuase theres all manner of interesting crawlsapces just on the promenade, but I wouldn't wnat you to get all dirty before your shift."

"Coming off my shift actually. I work the Beta Shift. That's 1400 to 2000 hours." David answered. "Would you like to show me the crawlspaces?"

"Ah, you see, your day is coming to end, mine is just beginning." A waiter handed her a padd of drinks orders and she started mixing up. "But there's an access point just down the promenade if you turn left from here, just after the next place. If you go, watch out for the voles."

David finished his drink. "Maybe another time. I should get back to my quarters."

"After just one?" she smiled an impish smile, "I thought you said you could take your drink."

David smiled shyly. "I'm working on a new project and need to get some work done before I go to bed. Perhaps another time we can talk more."

"Sure thing," She dropped an umbrella into the drink she had just poured. "You run along, and I'd drink plenty of water, or you'll feel it in the morning."

"Sure thing." David said.