Things Past – New face among the crowd
by Gunnery Sergeant Luke Wyatt & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin

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Title   New face among the crowd
Mission   Things Past
Author(s)   Gunnery Sergeant Luke Wyatt & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin
Posted   Mon Dec 31, 2012 @ 2:41pm
Timeline   SD70 1500
Luke was still thrilled by Abby's response when she saw her mum he couldn't be much more 'Whole' than he could be at this moment, new job, new life and a new start for them all.

After walking around for an hour or so he stumbled upon the bar above it the sign flashed with 'Box of Delights' Shrugging and smiling to himself he didn't see the harm in going and taking a look around. Walking in it was was noticeably busy, there was a number of floors and each floor seemed to have its own layout of games, music and entertainment he guessed that it was the equivillent of the Tri-Bar back on Aleron just a hell of a lot bigger.

"You can come on up to the bar. I don't bite."

The woman was quite possibly the tallest he'd ever seen. Taller even than him, and he was no short-arse. But she had a good two inches on him. And she was the most exotic shade of violet from head to toe.

Luke wasnt used to being towered over especially by a female, he greeted her comment with a smile as he walked up to the bar. "This your bar?" he asked looking oddly up at her. Luke was about 6ft 2 and she still had the height on him.

"Welcome to the Box of Delights. " she gave a mock little bow, "Yolanthe Ibalin at your service."

"Gunnery Sergeant Luke wyatt, I've just arrived here" he replied with a smile and a slight nod of appreciation to the offer of her services.

"And what can I get you to drink?"

"Can I just get something sweet please, I am not to bothered what though" he asked.

Yolanthe grinned. "That's a dangerous thing to say to me." She pulled a glass from under the bar, and started pouring from a selection of brightly coloured bottles. The drink built itself up into a series of coloured layers, "One Bolian Rainbow." She pushed is over the bar towards him. "First one is on the house. Bottoms Up!" She smiled. She knew what Darson's Jarheads were like. Always wanting something macho to prove they could take their drink better than the typical synthahol swilling fleety. The Bolian Rainbow should have this one suitably sauced in a matter of minutes.

Smiling he cautiously picked up the glass and brought it close to his mouth, sniffing and swirling it slightly he drank the drink coughing slightly and scrunching his face. After the sweetness passed he placed the glass back down, "Very sweet!" he joked.

"I live to please." SHe started on mixing more drinks. "New here, or just haven't felt like escaping the Mess until now?"

"I have just arrived on the station and kind of getting my bearing around this place" he replied as she filled his drink once more.

"There's a lot of place to get a bearing on. I think i can count the different decks i've seen on the fingers of one foot."

He laughed lightly "I look foreward to finding these places, how long have you been on the station?" he asked.

"A couple of months." For a moment the violet of her skin and hair, was replaced entirely by a shade of pale smokey grey. "Not long. People come and go a lot though, and they all want a drink." The violet came back, slightly muted

"And do you enjoy that or.... or are you wanting more?" he asked noticing the color change.

"I'm more than okay with it. Can't run a business if the customers aren't thirsty. What about you? Expecting to be hear long, or do you get sent off at the drop of a hat every few weeks?"

He looked down at the counter "I moved here for my family" he swallowed down the truth before speaking again "I let my work get in the way of that and now I'm hoping to make up for it here... so yeah I hope to be here for a while" he haden't been this honest to anyone for a long time especially about his family, some people back on Aleron we're surprised that Luke even had a daughter.

"Well, I hope you get want what you want. I like having regulars. " She nodded at the drink. "Need another?"

Luke shook his head, "I best really be getting home, Its been a pleasure meeting you" he said standing up and placing the bar stool back in its original place.

"Don't stay away to long." She toook his glass and added to the disposal bin. "Give the Colonel my love."

"I wont and I will" he said with a wink before leaving.


A JP by

Yolanthe Ibalin
Owner, the Box of Delights


Gny Sgt Luke Wyatt
Marine Sgt