Beg, Steal or Borrow – Under Way
by Arrival Kaia & Arrival Alexandria Marshall

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Title   Under Way
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Arrival Kaia & Arrival Alexandria Marshall
Posted   Thu Mar 12, 2009 @ 1:59am
Location   Kaia's ship
Timeline   SD8 12:00 hrs
Tag   Gabriel, Darson
"Systems diagnostic finalizing... All systems are go. Contacting flight control...Channel open."

=/=Deep Space five flight control this is the civilian vessel K'Zhixrian G'Jeniva seeking departure clearance.=/=

=/=Kazix..Kazh.. Civilian vessel, this is flight control. Clearance granted, please follow the departure course with this transmission.=/=

=/=Roger that, flight control. Please forward the following message to Lieutenant Dorian Gabriel. We know he's preoccupied with...other things... at the moment, But we're leaving early to minimize the degredation of the ion trail left by the pirate vessel. Once he and Darson have taken care of their little problems here, We'll either meet them or leave a probe at the site where the pirates attacked the USS Legacy. K'Zhixrian G'Jeniva out.=/=

"Formal transmission closed. Docking clamps released; maneuvering thrusters engaged."

The ship pulled away from the station and maneuvered in the direction from which it had come after the rendezvous with the USS Legacy. As the impulse engines engaged, the ship was quickly carried away.

"Engaging waveguide shunt, activating transporters. The Ghost and the Darkness are now back aboard and waiting in the darkroom." Kaia said as she leaned back in her chair a moment before standing and heading for the exit. "Think I'll spend the trip re-securing that room for the next time we get hit by a surprise inspection."

Natrina grinned, "Ah yes, one can never really be too trustful, can they?"

Kaia stopped before she exited the bridge. "Did I ever mention how much I like your paranoia?" She turned around and sat back down at her station. "We'll be out of sensor range of the station soon, once we are, let's set up a series of graviton particle bursts to make sure we aren't being followed by one of those cloaked vessels."

"Perhaps it would be of some assistance to us to scan for cloaked ships anyway. Starfleet dose have ships capable of cloak." Natrina noted

Once they were outside the sensor range of the station, they began the graviton bursts. Sensor data began feeding across the terminal screens.

"See? told you Ms. Kaia. And I am never Paranoid. I always expect the best, experience however has taught me to be prepared for the worse."

"You're right." Kaia replied. "There's definitely something out there, but it's too small to be a ship...Might be a probe. The question is, is it Romulan, or are our Fed friends trying to keep an eye on us?"

Natrina laughed, "No doubt Mr. Gabriel is trying to keep tabs on us. This could work to our advantage."

"It's tempting to try an isolate it and bring it aboard." Kaia said, scratching her chin. "We might get our hands on some decent security protocols that way. But, if it's transmitting, then whoever owns it will know it's being tampered with. Maybe we could lose it somehow. We've got a few probes of our own down in science, think you can cook up some sensor ghosts while I go to the darkroom and re-install the transwarp coil and the cloaking device you retrieved from Mr. Amblitsio?"

Natrina giggled, "Starfleet Intelligence will never measure up to a former operative of the Obsidian Order. Mr. Gabriel is about to learn a valuable lesson; never trust a machine with a vital task when you must do it yourself."

Kaia stood up and followed Natrina out of the bridge. "Sounds like a plan..."