Judgement – Its What Isn't Said That Counts
by Commander Isha t'Vaurek & UFP Ambassador Cyi Ainari

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Title   Its What Isn't Said That Counts
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Commander Isha t'Vaurek & UFP Ambassador Cyi Ainari
Posted   Fri Jun 03, 2011 @ 7:38pm
Location   Romulan Consulate, Ambassador's Office
Timeline   SD38. 14:00
The disappearance of Lieutenant Commander Dunham had thrown the day into chaos - there was no wedding, just a lot of despair and a frantic search. Certainly there would be no reception in the Bajoran Gardens that afternoon.

After she had talked with Rh'vaurek and left him to digest the fact that when she said don't interfere, she meant it, Isha had returned to her office. The missive that she had received from the UFP State Department was not unexpected - it meant that things were progressing according to plan. What was unexpected was that Isha found herself with the time to schedule the proposed meeting several days earlier than she would otherwise have done.

Isha still wore the simple dress of soft grey silk that she had chosen for the wedding that morning, to change it she would have had to go back into her suite, and right now she just could not face the shadows that followed her in there.

"Ambassador Ainari has arrived, Madame Ambassador," she was informed through the comm.

"Very well, show him in," Isha replied. As she rose to her feet she felt a brief prickle run down her left thigh. "Get out of my head," she muttered beneath her breath as the sensation faded. By the time the doors opened Isha was the very picture of serenity.

"Welcome to the Stelam Shiar, Ambassador Ainari," she said in Federation Standard.

Cyi entered the Ambassador’s Office taking a mental note of her serene posture. He had no illusions that this was going to be an easy time or working with her simple but then again he was no novice at interstellar diplomacy either. Knowing everything, said and unsaid, carried profound meaning; he choose his outfit carefully and was going to show equally as much care as with his words.

He chose a loose fitting trouser, the exact color of his eyes, that tucked into long black leather boots which rose to halfway between calf and knee all of which were partially obscured by long white robe. A black sash was tied around his and a very formfitting shirt, also the unique green color, was peeking beneath the deep V neck cut of the robe and showed off even the slightest ripple in his athletic chest. The only jewellery he wore was a pendent on his left breast of the Federation symbol.

“It is a pleasure to be here and make your acquaintance, Ambassador Isha t'Khellian.” Cyi replied also in slow and almost quiet voice, laced with the power of damnable certainty behind it. He knew Romulan and pronounced her name as one who did, but remained in Federation Standard to show he was willing to take his meeting on her terms.

"Won't you sit," Isha said gesturing toward the seating area. It was the most comfortable place to hold an informal introductory meeting, but her gesture played a second purpose, by directing her hand to that area it also directed the eye to the stand that bore her ancestral weaponry, symbolic of her position in both her Houses, and of her status within the Empire. "I have taken the liberty of ordering refreshments," she added as she waited for him to sit, "If there is anything else you require I will send back to the kitchen when the tea arrives."

Cyi walked over to the offered chair taking note of the ancient weaponry. They were from two of the Great Houses: Khellian and Illialhlae. The implications of what this meant was not lost to him but he kept his face a example of friendly neutrality as he lowered himself into the chair and assumed a comfortable and seemingly relaxed position.

“Thank you, I very much enjoy teas. I find them very soothing.” Cyi smiled. “I see you are a collector of ancient weaponry. They are relics from two of the Great Houses of the Empire, are they not? I recognize the symbols of your great and honored House of Khellian, but the other…” Cyi smiled. “I am afraid I don’t recognize it.” The diplomat replied feigning ignorance.

Isha raised her left eyebrow very slightly as she sat. Ok, I'll play, she thought. Ainari could not be unaware of recent events that had seen Isha herself called before a Tribunal on ch'Rihan for her alleged part in an attack on Deep Space Five. One in which she established her own innocence, but left her son and brother in law condemned to face execution for their treachery.

Isha was rightly proud of her lineage so had no problem talking about it. "When I am outside the Empire, Ambassador I typically travel under the name t'Khellian, it is no less than a courstesy to my hosts, most of whom will find t'Illialhlae a syllable too much of a mouthful. When one marries the head of another House one leaves one's own behind. "

Isha smiled, the memory of Nveid was often in her mind. "You will see that two of the blades are identical except for the colour of the trimmings, and for their age, of course. The one with the hilt bound in scarlet belongs to the Hru'Hfirh of the Illialhlae, at the time of our marriage that was my husband. The second one with the black bindings is a very fine 'modern' replica. My husband was a very astute man, you see. He presented the replica to me at our wedding. One can never be truly equal with the head of one's House, but by his gesture he bestowed on me the right to use every authority he possessed - I found it rather touching.

"On his death, I discovered that he had gone even further than that and cut his brother from the lineage in favour of me, and our children. Hence I am Ihhei hru'Hfirh Isha e-Khellian i'Ramnau t'Illialhlae, as well as being heir to the House of Khellian. So it is somewhat more than a collection, Ambassador Ainari, more a record of my rank and ancestry," she said.

Cyi nodded as she explained the significance of the swords, making sure to observe her closely as she spoke. He noted her surprise at this feigned ignorance of her heritage. Cyi gambled that, by pretending he did not know of the embarrassing tribunal surrounding the attack on Deep Space 5, he could show some genuine neutrality. He was sure she didn’t believe he didn’t know but it but her relating the histories of the weapons anyway was a promising sign. Cyi sensed her joy and pride in her daughter which was projected so strongly that he joined her in smiling out of reflex. He kept the smile but firmed up his mental walls. He had not expected this level of emotion from the Romulan. The pride of her lineage was quite impressive.

“Well your social rank and ancestry is a very proud one, Ihhei hru'Hfirh Isha e-Khellian i'Ramnau t'Illialhlae, one you should rightly display. Thank you for recounting that to me, Ma’am Ambassador." he replied still smiling. “So, how are you enjoying you stay on Deep Space 5?"

"Oh I am quite comfortable," Isha said, "As you can see the station have been most accomodating over meeting my requirements. It took a donation to the attached scientific research facility to secure the dedicate turbolifts from the promenade, of course. But whilst the policy of my Goverment is one of open door diplomacy, one still prefers a modicum of control over who has access to one's embassy," something that she had now that she had untied t'Merek's hands and given her the freedom to secure her embassy as she thought needed although only long after the damage had been done.

"As I am sure you are aware I have a long history of working with the Federation, not only with Starfleet. You will recall that I was part of the ill-fated Re-Unification delegation that visited Vulcan some years back. Though the incident set the movement back several decades in the public perception, work has continued behind the scenes. Some of us see a new era in the stars," she said, leaving it unclear as to whether or not she was part of 'us'.

Cyi nodded his head. He was aware of the Re-Unification Incident but was not prepared to discuss it. It was still a divisive issue politically. “I believe that we can take this opportunity Deep Space 5 presents us to work together, in full faith, to advance mutually beneficial goals. The donation to the Border Research Institute was greatly appreciated and I am sure that dedicated turbolift does make your commute to the Promenade more enjoyable.” Cyi responded as the tea arrived.

It also makes it secure, Isha thought. This one actually knows how to use his brain, she thought, considering the encounters she had had with some of Starfleet's Diplomatic Corps, most of whom left her with the distinct impression that they would prefer to be negotiating with a phaser rifle.

"On the table, please," Isha said waiting until this was done and the servant had gone before she spoke again. "aye'lyo," white tea, Isha said reaching for the pot and pouring for them both. On the tray beside it were some light pastries, still warm from the oven. "Do help yourself," Isha told the Ambassador. "I don't really hold with replicators, such a needless drain on power. We are however served by a very good kitchen which provides for the staff."

"Thank you." Cyi said reaching for the tea. He was no just being polite earlier, he really did enjoy tea. He was even a connoisseur of rare teas. "This is delicious, Ambassador." He complimented genuinely after having a taste. He found it hard to believe that the costs associated with a kitchen; purchasing, storing, and cooking real food, not to mention staff costs for chefs, kitchen rental space, fuel costs etc, out weighted the energy costs of a replicator. He wasn't going to squabble such an irrelevant issue and shared the Ambassador's dislike of replicated food. It was definitely something he had to get used to. Just not at this moment he thought as he reached for one of the delicious looking pastries. "So, Ambassador, how do you find the diplomatic environment of the Deep Space 5?" Cyi asked casually.

"It has its challenges, Ambassador, but as I would not dream of prejudicing your opinion I will leave you to discover them on your own," but there was really only one challenge in this place, and Isha was not going to name him.

"Tell me, Ambassador Ainari, how long do you expect your tenure on this station to endure?" the real question being, had he been briefed to open formal negotiations with her, or was he just an interim appointment. It mattered, because developing an ally took a great deal of investment, and she had no wish for that effort to be squandered.

And so it begins Cyi thought. "The text of my Presidential appointment states it as indefinitely, I believe." Cyi replied before pausing to take another sip of his tea. "Then again we all know the fickle nature of politics. Surely you have not grown tired of my presence so soon, Ambassador? Especially when there is so much work to be done."

Isha laughed softly, "Of course not, Ambassador. It is my hope that we have the time to develop a working relationship, one that we can use to the benefit of both our governments," she said.

"That is my hope as well, Ambassador." Cyi smiled finishing his pastry. "To foster such a relationship in such a... charged political environment will be a challenge."

"It has long been my observation that where broad interests are aligned the challenge lessens. Of course there will always be points of contention, but it is preferable that those should become negotiations, not confrontations," she replied.

"I agree. Understanding what those interests are stands to be the logical starting point to open and honest negotiations. It has been my experience that confrontations occur when the goals are... misunderstood." Cyi placed his empty tea cup on the table. or misrepresented He added in his head. "Both of our respective Governments have made clear to us certain goals. I suppose that will be the optimum starting point. What would you say would be the primary interests of the Romulan Government in respect to its dealing with Deep Space 5?" Cyi asked moving the conversation into the serious diplomatic arena knowing this will set the stage for their future interactions.

"Merely the stated goal of improving relations and building trust between our two peoples. Since I arrived I have operated an 'open embassy' so to speak. Our doors have been open to those who wished to meet us, I also instigated a minimum security environment - I know how easy it is to jump to conclusions and a hoard of guards rarely project a message of welcome. It is to my regret that I have found it necessary to reverse that position, not due to anything that the Federation have done, I hasten to add," Isha said.

"I see. I am encouraged since we share the same goals and impressed with the open nature of your embassy and the hospitality you have shown to Federation citizens on station and to me personally. I am curious what contributed to that decision reversal, if not a lack of confidence in Starfleet's ability to secure your person on station?"

"A personal matter," Isha said, which it was once all the extraneous details were stripped away. "There will always be those who choose force over dialogue, and they are not welcome here. Anyone who truly wishes to be a friend will hardly object to a few routine security measures, will they."

"Nor does the Federation object. You have every right to feel secure in your person, Madame Ambassador, and I am sure if your personal matter becomes such that you require additional assistance or elevates to the point that Federation citizens could be placed in danger, I have every confidence you will inform the station's security of the situation." Cyi stood. "You have been a most gracious host and I hope you will allow me to return the hospitality. I will be holding a dinner in two days and it would be a great honor if you and your diplomatic team could be in attendance."

"I would be both delighted and honoured to attend your function, Ambassador Ainari," Isha said rising to her feet in one fluid motion. "I am sure it will not be too long before we speak again, and perhaps in a little more depth," she added, though for anyone who understood, a lot had already been said.

Cyi leaned forward slightly and inclined his head respectful bow. "I am sure my office will be sending an official invitation soon. I look forward to working with you, Ambassador, and continuing the work of improving relations and trust between the Empire and the Federation."

"Indeed," Isha agreed. "Then bedah, Ambassador Ainari. I look forward to our continuing discussion."

Ambassador Cyi Ainari
UFPDS Special Envoy


Ambassador Isha t'Khellian