Deception: The lesser part of Valour – Debrief (Pt 2)
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Arrival Alexandria Marshall & Commander Rakka & Lieutenant Commander Talitha McCallum & Colonel James Darson & Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant JG Jayfe Devero

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Title   Debrief (Pt 2)
Mission   Deception: The lesser part of Valour
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Arrival Alexandria Marshall & Commander Rakka & Lieutenant Commander Talitha McCallum & Colonel James Darson & Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant JG Jayfe Devero
Posted   Wed Dec 24, 2008 @ 1:44pm
Location   Commanders Office - Ops
Timeline   SD6 08:10

With a humorous smirk Gabriel swivelled in his chair to await the response from the station's Second fiddle.

Talitha had entered in the middle of his story, and taken a seat. She was amused at his terminity, and rather amazed. She couldn't recall hearing him string that many sentences together yet. She opted to stay quiet, making eye contact with those that she knew.

T'Lan sighed, restraining the urge to snap at the Marine. "Major, you will refrain from such outbursts in the future, or I will have you relieved of duty. I am your immediate superior officer, and I do not accept insubordination or this mode of behaviour from those under my command. And one more thing Major. You are out of uniform."

Darson turned the full force of his frosty glare on the dispassionate Vulcan and said coldly, “Commander, your objections are noted. May I politely remind you are in fact not my immediate superior, nor are you anywhere in my Chain of Command. I am a Regimental MCO, and currently a member of this station’s senior staff. My direct superior is Colonel Manheim. As such, regulations clearly state that you have no authority over me, to relieve me of duty or anything else. While I am on this station, the only Starfleet personnel who can deign to give me an order is the CO, Captain Tahir. And as for my uniform…frankly my dear Commander, I don’t give a damn."

T'Lan stood up, "Major Darson, you are now relieved of duty. Security will escort you to your quarters where you will be confined until disciplinary procedure can be undertaken. You may not be under my direct command, but as Executive Officer, discipline will be maintained on this base." =^= T'Lan to Security. Major Darson has been relieved of duty, I'll need a detachment to escort him to his quarters. =^= The tenuous strains on the Commander's emotions were being strained.

Darson gave a sigh of displeasure as T’Lan contacted security. He casually reached up and undid the snap on his cloak, ready to throw it off in case he needed the mobility, because he had no intention of going quietly, “Really Commander please calm yourself and rethink your decision. I don’t think this is the time or place for a petty squabble like this. With all the side tracking going on, I have not yet had time to share the information that I went through such lengths to get.”

He turned to face Tahir and said in a reverential tone, “Captain, if you may interject with order here for a moment? I can promise you that this information is of the highest calibre…have I lied to you yet?”

Rakka, having walked in in the middle of this, already with a headache and not in the mood for either Gabriel's or Darson's particular antics, brushed by everyone and slumped into a seat, silently waiting for the Captain to begin the meeting.

Gabriel smirked contently as he watched the spectacle commence. It were moments like these that made him get up in the morning. Either Darson was going to kill the Vulcan and everyone beneath her would get a promotion. Or Security would summarily execute Darson for violating the Fashion Prime Directive. And finally behind door #3, Rakka would give in to her base emotions and bite off the heads of both offenders in a ritual sacrifice to whatever deity her kind worshipped. Either way, his day had just gotten better.

Tasha leant on her arm, her finger playing with her upper lip as she watched without emotion the ruffling of feathers in the nest, a play for power. She was observing the senior staff reactions to the spectacle and was wondering why Gabriel had not said anything, this would have been right up his street usually, any argument was a good argument as far as Tasha knew. Then Rakka came in, slumped into the chair and without saying a word, casually watching and waiting for Tasha own reaction.

Her hand fell from her lip and she lay both hands palm down on the desk and studied her nails for a moment, before taking a deep breath, exhaling and standing.

"Thank you for that wonderful display, but if we have quite finished, I would like to proceed with the days events and with what we must do today, I would have expected a modicum of respect from my department heads."

She glanced around the table. "Now, yes, there are Romulan cloaked craft, they are not on alert, they do not have weapons powered and they are not a threat. As I stated, Ayren, our chief diplomatic officer has been in contact with them and though one ship is of the Military faction, the 2 others are missionary craft. Commander T'Lan, the major is correct, he does have autonomy on the station, only answering to his own superior officer, Manheim and as a matter of peaceful accord, the Colonel has granted me the same rights as he. Now, if I am incapacitated, that accolade will only fall back to the Colonel, who will delegate the right to another senior officer. I am afraid that has come from Starfleet, not the marine corp."

She didn't face T'Lan, instead keeping her sights firmly locked on Darson. "Major, if a senior officer makes a request, I ask that you accommodate that officer as if it were I, following the chain of command in my office." She looked at her Executive officer, then to the major with a cold resolve of her own.

"Now, Major, whilst your entry may not have been in the normal circumstance, but you offered to share some information. Please, let us begin our morning meeting." Her order was given dispassionately as she leant back in her seat.

"The Captain is getting old" Dorian thought to himself. There was no way that such an outburst shouldn't have ended in a phaser being drawn or blood being shed. The offenders were merely given slaps on the wrists and Security simply sat by and passively observed the situation unfold. "The terrorists had truly won" he continued to muse as he leaned further back in his chair and awaited the glorious news that Darson brought from up high upon the mountain-top.

Rakka glanced up as the Security detail hailed by T'Lan stepped in, uncertain. She silently motioned them away, signalling that they would not be needed after all. She glared across at Gabriel's expression, obviously one of childish disappointment. The hunger for a fight in his eyes was clear, and she wondered how in god's name he had ever made it out of the school yard and into a uniform.

T'Lan made a mental note to ask the Captain later on how she was supposed to function on a base where the Marines had Autonomy from the Chain of Command. She then noticed Lt. Gabriel's statement. "Lt. Gabriel, I believe I have made myself clear when I said that your opinions belong in private? You will maintain discipline in front of the crew."

Dorian flashed a devious smile in the Commander's direction as he heard her comment. Obviously she was able to read his facial reaction and felt compelled to admonish him. Very interesting. Her entire reaction seemed to pique his interest. He made a mental note to look into that.

She gave the assembled heads a chance to settle after the starting events and when she was ready, she leant forward again, casting an eye around each of them.

"Right, people, as you all know, we have the funeral today for Lieutenant Riley. I do not require dress uniform, but expect full uniform. Inform all your own staff that I.." Her eyes fell upon Rakka, "we expect all members of the various crew to attend. For those who missed out earlier, we are one shuttle bay down and Lieutenant Freeman has that in hand. Lieutenant Gabriel, I have received notice that your department is to receive a new member of staff, a " Tasha glanced at the PADD, " Jerrod Wallace, a Betazoid." Tasha slid the PADD over to the intelligence officer.

She cleared her throat. "I have received orders, to return to Earth within the next month. For those of you who knew Commander O'Dwyer, his court martial date has been released and I have been called as a character witness. The temporary station commander is already en route, but with a 3 week journey to the station, I will pass the mantle of command to Commander T'Lan." She turned to face Darson.
"I hope you will afford the commander the same level of compliance you have shown me Major." She voiced, emphasising 'compliance'

"Any one else?" She opened the floor to her crew.

Darson doubted that the Captain had even known who Colonel Manheim was five minutes ago, but decided to let it slide because she was technically correct. In so far as what he had said before about the chain of command, she really did have all the rights of his commanding officer, given implicitly if not explicitly, for the duration of his stay here. He nodded his head in a gracious manner, “Yes Captain. I will extend the good Commander the same level of compliance that I have given then, I would like to share the information I have obtained"

He rummaged silently in his cloak, and withdrew a PADD containing his notes. He perused them for a second or two, “Taking into account the relative… short handedness ” he said delicately, “of our intelligence department, I decided to pursue some of my own leads. I reached out to my contacts on Romulus, and asked them a few questions about the convoy. Their answers were most interesting.”

He leaned forward in his chair, and lowered his voice as if he was about to impart a great secret, “And the shocking thing that was revealed was…nothing!” He leaned back again, “They all touted the same party line that you just gave us Captain, that their ships are no threat, and that they are simply here on an escort mission…the mere fact that they all gave me the same answer was enough to give me pause, but in itself, that was not cause for alarm.”

He turned to his notes on the information he had gotten from the defected Tal Shiar agent, Verelan Iawaiin, “However, that being said, I think that Lt. Gabriel is more right then it appears. After getting the same answer multiple times from my contacts in the Romulan government, I turned to a contact from the Tal Shiar. Most of what she said to me I can’t reveal at this time due to the sensitive nature of ongoing operations, but I can honestly say that she indicated that there is more then meets the eye here…it is my professional recommendation that certain precautions be taken…I’ll coordinate with Intelligence and Security, and submit them in writing to you later Captain."

"Very well." Came Tasha's reply. "Lieutenant Devero can be included as well, as he was the first to raise the subject. Any other matters that we need to discuss?" The Captain enquired as she interlocked her fingers and placed a clasped hand on the desk.

Jayfe's eyes bulged briefly at the thought of working with the marine. Most days Jayfe's grip on sanity wasn't all that secure, but working with the cloak-wearing, gun-toting basket case might just push him over the edge. He decided not to protest just yet, given the climate of the room.

The crew looked at each other, but nobody added anything, though T'Lan held Tasha's eye and she knew that she had to say something to her.

"The ceremony for Lieutenant Riley will be held on Platform 1 at 11:00 sharp. Lieutenant Freeman, "She looked at the CEO, "I expect the area to be ready. Thank you people. Commander T'Lan, we shall retire to your office. Dismissed." Her voice raised a little as she stood from her seat.


CO: Tasha Tahir
XO: T'Lan
MCO: James Darson
CEO: Bruce Freeman
CIO: Dorian Gabriel
CSec: Lt. Cdr. Rakka
CSO: Jayfe Devero
ACSO/ Swing Shift Talitha McCallum