Judgement – Loose ends
by Lieutenant Mathew Totti & Lieutenant Jana Kasikova & Ambassador Cala Lurn & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Alderman Dorian Gabriel

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Title   Loose ends
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Lieutenant Mathew Totti & Lieutenant Jana Kasikova & Ambassador Cala Lurn & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Alderman Dorian Gabriel
Posted   Tue Jul 05, 2011 @ 11:36pm
Location   Conference Room
Timeline   SD37 14:00

=1200 hours=
Mathew sat at his desk finishing his report on the events that had transpired on Feltor prime, when Elizabeth hit his door chime.
"Come in."

Elizabeth strode in looking quite cheerful. She huffed out and then began "Good afternoon. It's good to have you back Mathew. I trust you've read mine and Cala's reports on the trial? Now... you have a staff debriefing. At 1400 hours in the conference room."

Mathew took a moment to take in all the information while squinting at the ceiling.
He looked back to Elizabeth and smiled "Thank you very much. It's good to be back."

<1300 Hours>

Mathew sat back down at his desk after eating lunch on the promenade.
He activated the computer and it displayed one message from ops asking for him to call there about a docking request.

=^= Totti to Ops. I've just gotten your message. What can I do for you? =^=

=^= Good afternoon sir. A Feltian warship has arrived at the station and is requesting to beam over an ambassador. =^=

Mathew was curious as to why this Feltian warship had arrived. Possibilities ran through his head though he was just about to find out why.

=^= Thank you. Please contact them and transfer the signal to my office. =^=

A moment later his computer flashed and a middle aged Feltian woman occupied its' screen.

Seil'a looked at the Diplomatic officer threw her view screen she studied him for a moment before she came out, "You must be Lt. Totti from DS5 I assume?"

Mathew sensed no hostile intent from this woman, so sat back more casually "Indeed you are correct. And you are?" he questioned.

"I'm Ambassdor Seil'a," she stated bluntly, "I appreciate you having the time to see in such short notice. I hope meeting you in person will just as enjoyable." Then she gave a soft smile towards him.

Mathew returned the smile curtly "Im sure it will and I look forward to hearing what has bought you here on such short notice. If you like I can have you beamed directly here past customs?"

{Conference Room}

Ensign Dell, arriving in place of the actual head of Operations, was first to get to the briefing room, Petty Officer Garan in tow. They double checked that all the data the various ships had brought back was properly loaded into the computer core for the third time, ready for accessing during the debrief. Then the two women settled down to wait.

Lt Ben Kensington arrived at the Briefing Room but he didn't want to be there. He wanted to be in Sickbay, taking care of Jana. For now though, he had to just let Chelsea and the other medics take over for a while. He stretched his shoulders, realising it had been a long while since he had taken a break.

Lieutenant Michael Duquesne made his way into the conference room taking his time to ascend the several stairs that separated the conference room table from the rest of the room. He groaned slightly as he finally made his way to the nearby chair and slowly eased into a sitting position. He kept his discomfort at a minimum as he observed the others within the room. He knew that he should have spent more time in Sickbay recovering, but there was too much for him to take care of.

Totti entered the room accompanied by Feltian Ambassador Se'lia, who requested to join this debriefing. Mathew nodded to everyone then proceeded to get both himself and the ambassador a glass of water.

Se'lia looked over the room and gave a soft smile before she sat down and waited for things to began. When Mathew came back with her drink she thanked him and took a sip of the cool water; and waited for everything to began.

The captain was already looking forward to hearing the debrief on the Feltian situation. Apparently it had taken a turn for the worse, but the result was the important thing and as a Feltian warbird was now in their sector, Tasha was hoping it was for a good reason. Then the call came through to meet with Lieutenant Totti and an ambassadorial guest in the conference room and Tasha had no idea what to expect.

The door eased apart and the calm atmosphere washed towards her and she knew that the visit was not of hostile intent.
"Good afternoon." She said in general as she smiled and looked at the staff and guests in the room and stood behind her seat, placing an unused PADD on the table. "Lieutenant Totti, could you open the debrief?" Tasha enquired as she moved around and took her seat.

Mathew stood up nodding "Yes Captain. Monitor on."
The lights dimmed and the monitor activated on a pre programed video of the shuttle *Thames* moving away from a relay station. " As you should have read, during the mission we destroyed a Feltian relay station disabling the Entire network and enabling the Lawful government to regain control.
"Ambassador Se'lia has been sent among other things to inform us of the current situation."

Tasha had to admit, if only to herself, that she had not found the time to read the the logs. She was hoping to glean all the information she needed from this briefing.

Chelsea had slipped in quietly and sat close to the door, un-noticed so far. She had been called to deputise for the XO and had left her mother and grandmother to do their shopping while Rick was left with her grandpa and she didn't want to *think* how that was going to go. She couldn't do anything about any of that - it was trivia and this was her job - it took priority. Besides they were grown-ups, they would be fine. She pushed the thoughts of all personal matters to the back of her mind and focused on the information padd that lay on the table, one in front of each attendee.

Sitting across the table from her was Chelsea's ACMO. Kengsington was here to represent the medical department and that took a whole load off Adams' shoulders, especially as she was officially here with her other hat on; as Second Officer and currently temporary Acting XO. She smiled across at Ben who nodded acknowledgement back at her. He looked tired to the point of haggard. Chelsea had read the report of the away mission, briefly. She'd also checked him over to make sure he was fit for duty himself but apart from his concern for Jana and the baby, he was all in one piece.

According to Ben's initial summary report, it seemed that none of them would be in one piece if it hadn't been for Duquense. Chelsea took a long look at the Lieutenant who it seemed had been the hero of the moment but who was modestly, and seemingly in some pain, sitting in drawing no attention to himself. The CMO in Chelsea made a note to check that man over after this briefing had finished. He didn't look as if he should be off the ministations of a bio-bed yet. That note having been made, the CMO shut back down and the 2nd Officer stepped back up to the fore.

Se'ila took it as an indications that it was her turn. She turned to look at the Federation officer's and stated, "Because of this station being destroyed it has caused our satellite network to be down. There is a greater chance for rebellious acts to accrue towards my people. It might not sound like much but it has a huge effect to our race as well as several other races if we don't get this fixed."

Ensign Dell looked towards the Captain. "We've analysed the outputs from those satellites, based on the readings obtained by lieutenant Totti, and if that network is restored to operations, it has enough destructive power to pose a threat to both space traffic and any civilian force on the ground." It was a statement of fact. Whether the captain would believe it was safe given the political situation was a decision only the older woman could make.

"Captain, I believe it is safe to say that the situation on Feltor Prime has reached critical levels." Duquesne said in a measured tone. "The rebel faction was able to disable the best equipment we had through the use of a satellite. If it had not been for the quick response by the government, I'm certain the rebel faction would have captured our surviving crew and used us for bargaining chips." he stated. "That's assuming they would have let us live." He added.

"I believe more needs to be done before the situation becomes even worse." he concluded.

Tasha took on board the comments and looked towards Seil'a, then to Mathew and so forth around the table. She had a weighted decision to make and she was not sure it was hers to make.
"Officer," She addressed Harris and avoided the apprehensive look from the Feltian diplomat, "you were on the satellite station. In your opinion, would repairing the station pose an immediate threat?" She asked with an authoritative tone.

Bill had managed to remain silent thus far and had hoped that he would not have to offer up any information. He swallowed as he glanced around as dozens of eyes fell upon him. His mouth was arid and swallowing made no difference to the sudden lack of fluids in his mouth. He reached for the pitcher on the table and poured a third of glass and drank before offering his advice.
"Ma'am, in my opinion, if the station is repaired now, it would give the rebels a chance to usurp what advantage the Feltians currently have. We should concentrate on restoring peace before restoring the station." He did not look around at the others sat at the table, only Tahir.

Tasha nodded and redirected her eyes to Mathew. "Lieutenant, your opinion?" She didn't ask the full question.

Mathew sat forward frowning a little "Well the Satellite network is essential for Feltor Prime's continued presence as a technological civilization. They need it for proper trade and defence. I propose we send a team to set up a permanent Federation embassy there. That way the Federation can assist in; maintaining the peace, help repair infrastructure and go a long way to bringing Feltor Prime into the Federation as a full member."

She studied the faces of the others in the room. "Anyone else?" She questioned, seeing no reason to not allow the transmitter station to be repaired.

"No Captain," Lieutenant Duquesne stated. He knew that the a Federation presence was probably the best thing to maintain any form of peace and stability on the planet. He stood to depart from the meting following the Captain's dismissal of everyone gathered; however, he began to lose his balance as he became lightheaded. He took two steps towards his left, seeking to making to the turbolift, but he collapsed before he could.

Ben and Chelsea both instinctively got up and tried to catch him, coming from opposite sides of the table but neither able to get to him before he hit the floor in a heap.

Chelsea stepped back and allowed Ben to throw his med-kit onto the floor rummaging for a scanner and assessing Duquesne. He looked up at Adams and frowned. She nodded as he got out a hypospray and administered a dose whilst Chelsea tapped her comm badge. =^= Medical Emergency Transport =^= she put in the call.

=^= Lock onto Lieutenants Kensington and Duquensne and transport the two direct to Sickbay. =^= she instructed and within seconds the men disappeared in blue light, Ben still kneeling at the prone Security officer's side.

Chelsea returned to the rest of the delegates and went over to Tasha to discuss the situation further.

To be continued.....

Captain Tasha Tahir


Commander Chelsea Adams
(Acting XO in this Meeting)


Lt. Ben Kensington
ACMO - (NPC'd by Jools)


Ambassador Seil'a
(NPC by Haleigh)

Lieutenant Mathew Totti

Lieutenant Michael Duquesne
Tactical officer

Ensign Dell & Petty Officer Garan
Operations Dept.
(NPC by Notty)