Judgement – A Combined Effort - Part 1
by Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Colonel James Darson & Commander Richard Dunham & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Lieutenant Vincent Tan & Klingon Ambassador Toran of the House of Moqrhat & Lieutenant JG Taleria von Alesk & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian

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Title   A Combined Effort - Part 1
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Colonel James Darson & Commander Richard Dunham & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Lieutenant Vincent Tan & Klingon Ambassador Toran of the House of Moqrhat & Lieutenant JG Taleria von Alesk & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian
Posted   Tue Sep 21, 2010 @ 8:40pm
Location   Ops
Timeline   SD35. 10:15

Rianni and R'Vek had made their way to Ops for their combined meeting with Capt. Tahir, Ambassador Toran, and other DS5 senior staff in regards to Rianni's proposed campaign against pirates in the region where they now stood awaiting Isha. Rianni looked around and giggled softly, "You know, it's funny." She remarked, more to herself than anyone.

"What's that?" R'Vek asked, hoping his daughter wasn't laughing in advance of a victory not yet won.

"When I was still in Starfleet and I was CAG on this station I don't think I ever came here." Rianni replied honestly, she simply could not remember having ever been there before.

R'Vek smiled and chuckled, then looked down at his watch, "Where the devil is your aunt?" He grumbled.

"You know Isha better than I do, daddy." Rianni laughed, "She's probably looking to be fashionably late and make a grand entrance like always."

R'Vek rolled his eyes in bemused understanding, his daughter was probably right, ~Leave it to Isha to delay military action to make her entrance more spectacular.~

"So now what?" Rianni asked, leaning against a bulkhead.

"Now we wait for the diva to make her bloody entrance." R'Vek sighed, "And you quit leaning against the bulkhead, erie'Riov, you're waiting to make recommendations for military action, not for a hot dog at the diner."

"Oh, sorry, da...Admiral." Rianni replied, straightening herself immediately.

"It's all right, just remember who and what you are at all times and act accordingly." R'Vek replied. He didn't like being hard on Rianni, but he knew with her only being half Romulan she was going to have to work twice as hard as any other officer in service of the Empire and he would do her no favors by kid gloving her, "You'll be fine, this will be a great victory to start your career with."

"The diva will pretend she bloody well did not hear that ... for now," Isha said stepping up behind them on silent feet. Her bodyguard remained just inside the restricted area, but here deep within Starfleet territory there was no-one who would do her harm, not with the deal she had struck, so she had left them there and come the rest of the way lone. It was so refreshing that she thought she might have to find excuses to visit in the future.

Isha gave R'Vek a hard and slightly annoyed stare that glittered like the jewels on her fingers. They had no idea what she had done, that she had sold her soul to keep them from harm. "Are you ready, erie'Riov?" she asked Rianni.

"I am, Madam Ambassador." Rianni nodded, replying in the militarily correct form, "The Admiral and I were just getting ourselves, well, getting me ready for this."

"You'll be fine, erie'Riov." R'Vek assured her, nodding to Isha, "Glad you could join us, Madam Ambassador." He resolved to find out what was up her butt later, ~Though getting answers from Isha probably isn't covered by any interrogation technique I've ever learned.~

"Enriov," Isha replied tightly. R'Vek's refusal to stop questioning her was beginning to grate on Isha's nerves but it would take a mind probe for him to get even close to getting any answers out of her. "Shall we go in?" she suggested.

"Of course, Madam Ambassador." R'Vek replied, "After you." ~Damn that woman and her pride. I swear it's easier to break a Klingon than it is to get a straight answer from Isha.~

The others were already assembled. Isha greeted them with the slightest nod and took a seat. "We have asked for this meeting in the interests of co-operation," she said. "So many words are said and often no action is taken to back them up. My words however are not empty and your former colleague Monteros wishes to demonstrate that to you."

Tasha stood as the small entourage entered and she cast a glance across the assembled crew to do the same. "Of course and we welcome the opportunity to co-operate." She replied stoically and gave a slight nod of acknowledgement to Isha.

Rianni nodded to all of her former colleagues, happy to be amongst them again, "Capt. Tahir, Col. Darson, Rick." She smiled, "I'm hoping we can come together and work for our mutual good here, Captain, and I invited Amb. Toran here as well in that hope."

"You all know erie'Riov Monteros t'Khellian, of course," Isha said, "but I think that you are unfamiliar with my cousin, Enriov R'Vek tr'Khellian," gesturing to him with a wave of her hand, "I will leave it in their very capable hands to explain why we are here." That way Isha could quietly sit back and unobtrusively observe the reactions around the table.

R'Vek stood and nodded to the crowd, "It is a pleasure." He said, eying the Klingon with great interest, ~We've met before, my friend. Oh, yes, I do believe we have.~ "Now, to present the business end of this meeting, erie'Riov t'Khellian, commander of the Warbird Dhelan will brief you on this operation. erie'Riov, at your leisure."

"Thank you, En'Riov." She nodded, turning to the crowd, "As you all know there has been substantial pirate activity in the sector of space surrounding DS5, this has affected all of our respective nations by disrupting commercial traffic and causing military vessels to have to divert from their normal duties to deal with the pirates when they arise. Cargoes have been lost, ships damaged, captured, or destroyed, civilians of all our nations taken hostage or killed, and we've made minimal impact in stopping the pirates in spite of maximum effort on the behalf of all parties."

"So, with that in mind, I offer a new proposal, a new idea." Rianni continued, "The problem with our current approach to piracy is we've been chasing our tails trying just to keep pace with the pirates because we've been doing traditional reactive responses. I propose we be proactive. Instead of waiting for a distress call and rushing to the rescue like chickens with our heads cut off, usually to find the pirates gone and whatever civilian vessel sent the SOS destroyed, plundered, or towed away, let's take it to the pirates on their home turf. I'm talking about co-operative patrols and large scale operations against pirate vessels and encampments, a sustained campaign against these pirates until we capture them all or run them out of the sector."

R'Vek nodded his approval as Rianni began to spell out her plan, noticing she hadn't mentioned the possibility, no, the probability that most of the pirates would end up dead, ~Either she hasn't thought of that result or she's been around Isha long enough that she knows not to work the political end of these things and simply didn't mention it.~

Dunham raised his hand a little tentatively to ask a question. He wasn't all that use to speak with brass around Rianni was still his friend (he hoped). So he felt happy to ask the question. "urrrrmmmm which government receives the prisoners when were done?"

"I haven't really given that question too much thought, to be honest." Rianni answered, she hadn't expected that question to come up, especially not from Rick, ~Damn, man, gimme a break, huh?~ She stifled a laugh as she shot a Rick a look that said 'You would be the one wouldn't you?'

"I would suggest that a series of tribunals be held here on Deep Space Five." R'Vek offered, "With a representative of every government sitting on the panel of judges and either whichever government has the most serious charges against the defendants will take custody or we can hold them on neutral territory in a continued combined effort." He decided to speak with Rianni about preparation after this conference, she couldn't expect him to save her bacon every time she proposed an operation.

"Yes, we could do that." Rianni nodded, "Or return them to their home government for imprisonment."

Dunham looked to the Starfleet JAG officer to see if that was a good idea or not.

Lieutenant Evan Carstairs had been considering the question, "That would require forced repatriation," he said, "The first response of anyone finding themselves facing that prospect would be to lodge a claim for asylum with the most lenient regime. I'd predict a whole raft of 'stories' about why they had to leave this oppressive regime or that and survive by a life of piracy," as he said that Carstairs' gaze lingered just a bit too long on the Romulan Ambassador. "They'll argue that they cannot expect a fair trial and we'd be tied in knots until the asylum claims were dealt with." He paused and considered the other option, "... the Admiral's suggestion about an interstellar tribunal is more likely to be successful, and less likely to tie up the legal system," Carstairs concluded, "I'll need to run the idea by Commander Villiers," he added.

"Perhaps you should send for the Commander now, Lieutenant," Isha said somewhat irked at the implication that hers was an 'oppressive regime', "because though you seem to grasp the legalities of the situation, you are clearly no diplomat."

To be continued ...